I was just thinking, that some of you might wonder why I blog, and why and how I choose my subject matter. Well, part of my personality can be analyzed as a hightened sense of sharing.. Wheter it be going to a movie (never alone) cooking and having people to share (victims???) my concoctions, sharing and discussing the daily news, some TV PROGRAMS, a new song...or even sharing my favorite old music.....Sharing the names of fabulous restaurants, a book, or just about anything that I see that I think is interesting.........important, comical, or worthy of sharing with others....
Last night I went shopping....and although I dont feed my BUDDY dog food, I still had to browse the dog food aisle..why? WHo knows. I was shocked to come upon this one brand that I had not seen before.. HOLISTIC brand....Pheasant and Sweet Potatoe DInner... I had to buy it...not because I thought that BUDDY would like,it, or it woul dbe good for him, I was just curious if the brand came out..so idiots like me, would buy it...because it looks so Gourmet and made for HUMANS not dogs.
I figured it would be mostly sweet potaote or filler....you can imagine my shock when on the can the main ingrediant was pheasant....pheasant broth, sweet potoatoe then chiecken liver. and then brown rice...... Which means there is more pheasant in there than anything else.....if it really means that the first ingrediant is the most plentyful.
First before opening it, I photogrpahed it.....when opened I tasted it,...It didnt taste bad at all. I have eaten game birds and sweet potatoes...but it tasted like neither.. It would have almost tasted good, but the bird bones were a bit to large...the pieces are not for human consumption..and I am not sure if its good for dogs either..
Here is a very dangerous ad...from a 1954 MAGAZINE..that Tried to make it sound that smoking is a wonderful habit...and that Chesterfields us 21 great tobaccos (how in hell can any carcinagen be "great" how glamourous that make it sound...." vintage tobaccos grown mild(how do you grow MILD tobaccos)? aged mild...how do they age them mild..(these are just words without meaning) blened mild(again meaningless words) and made to taste even milder through longer lenght) all meaningingless bullshit...pure bullshit that makes no sense.....
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