Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt=New PAssover Happening, Hungarian recipe,Snow&boredom

while there is no old man with a long beard....and a staff, the Egyptian People are witnessing the begining of a new PASSOVER..This time, its the Egyptians own people, who are asking their pressdient to resign...in effect, telling him let my people go and be free of YOU...MR Mubarack...
There have been no plagues yet, but the PHAROHS CHARIOTS are in the streets,but claim they will not fired upon the people. The people want him out, but tonight, he said he wouldnt leave,until September....If we can fast forward....we can only make a few guesses what might happen? Mubarack might agree to leave...or the crowds might get violet and start rioting....usually, bad people then take over......then the police and army, just might start firing into the crowd. If deaths start piling up, a revolution could proceed. Mubarack might get assasinated...even by one of his own people......as he probably is the one that had SADAT killed...29 years ago.
Why the people would try to loot their own museum.....is a mystery..unless those who did it were just stupid thugs. Egypt has the most exotic and oldest history in the world and are proud of it...Ripping the heads of a few mummies...doesnt prove anything but stupidity.

I love to eat...and I really do not have a particular ethic favorites....I love them all.....my least favorite is Eskimo....and second lest favorite is JAPANESE....and that doenst mean that I do not like Japanese food....I just like other foods better. Now I must admit, there are cusines that i have never sampled....I have never eaten South Sea ISlands foods.....like fermented ground cassava and taro roots made into their version of knishes.....and I really never had Eskimo food..nor attended an Eskimo BAr MItzvah... I have never eaten tribal African food..which is also lots of ground up roots made into poridges, or pancakes..and I know they eat bugs, worms, drink blood of cows, and some other things I can live without. But, from all not tribal countries....I love all the food....my three real dislikes: anchovies, buttermilk, and too fishy fish.. I am very fortunate that I like all fuits and veggies, without exception, all meats, including liver,brains, kidney and all other parts and pieces.
I am particularly close to HUngarian food. I grew up with it.Gandma brought her recipes from a town in HUngary, in the middle of nowhere...about 30 miles from the Ukraine, and what is now Romania..... She didnt teach me to cook any of here recipes...but I just absorbed them by accidently watching enough times as I grew up. Here is one that I just made....simple, inexpensive, peasant food, delicious and easy.... In Hungarian it is called KARPUSTA GULISHKA (Cabbagecasserole) It is basicaly..It is a saute of noodles with cabbage and onions...... how to: cook broad noodles, al dente, put aside, and put in some butter to keep them from sticking. chop cabbage and noodles.... a two cups cabbage to one of onions. Saute in butter until onions start to brown and cabbage is soft and wilted. Add veggies to the noodles and add some more butter, salt, pepper and a hint of red paprika(for color) and continue to saute..until some onions and noodle start turning brown. Serve in a soup bowl, with a tablespoon or two of sour cream.

The snow is getting annoying....since XMAS, we have had is it 7 or 8 storms...and another in a few days? The LAndlady from my Westwood store, send us an eviction notice....we are a about a total of a month behind.......is it any surprise..NO FRIGGING PARKING IN A MONTH...NO BUSINESS. WE WIL TELL HER TO KEEP HER STORE, WHICH WAS EMPTY FOR 9 MONTHS..AND ALTHOUGH ITS GORGEOUS STORE...WE ARENT MAKING ANY MONEY...SO LET HER HAVE HER STORE BACK, LET HER PAY THE HEATING BILL FOR THE REST OF THE WINTER. SHE DOENST APPRECIATE THAT WE ARE IN THERE.....GAY COCKEN AFEN YAM.

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