Monday, January 5, 2009


Happy New Year..Happy Obama SAD Bill Richardson ...Bad Gov of Illinois (can spell that weasels name) Bye Bye BUSH.....Bye Bye Cheney and the only Brown Rice I want to see is brown rice in Thai or Chinese restuarants.
THe last day of tghe NEW YEAR and the first few days showed a marked increase in business.....well, at least people ocming out to browse...Maybe becuase of the vacation...they had the time, or peole are getting into a more comfortable mind set, with a new Adminisgtration looming in the very near future...I think we are all a bit optimisitic...Anyone could do better than BUSH and company.....I would have excdhanged BUSH for Nixon, even Putin....and I never ever thought those words would come out of my fingers(well I am typing not talking).
I think Obama is a smart man, with good intentions, and is trying to pick good peole to work with.
We are looking forward to starting a new project for Granny's. We are going to creae an art gallery, to specialize in Native American and African American art..of all types. Paintings, mixed media, sculpture, photography,and even installations. I am presently search for, and interviewing people.

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