Thursday, February 12, 2009


Years ago, Glen and JOhn said that in the future, we would have a depression....and it seems that it might be on its way...But even in a depression, some people can survive....and luckily, I never tried to live beyond my means....My yacht is still on the drawing board in my brain.....and my experience on the water is one of sea sickness. I once went on a cruise to the Bahamas for three days...and I was very happy when I got back on land...although, The food was good and plentyful.....I was smart enough to get the "patch behind the ear" which emits an anti-sea--sickenss medicine directly thru the skin.. So I was able to eat on that Yachts are Us is not me.
The dream of having a ROlls Royce was another one that never existed. That is pure showing off.....I do not need such an ego booster. I would be embarassed to drive one of those. MY 2000 Caddy is obnoxious enough.... And my 40 bedroom Mansion on 200 acres..with an indoor pool, and indoor garden and waterfall, indoor movie theater....Tennis Courts....etcet is also on hold, but think of those who do have such homes and have monthly mortgages that look like the budget of a small country. I have no mortgage, and very low taxes...
My car and house is paid off....taxes low, and I only hav eto worry about paying for utilities, insurance and food. Most of my friends are similar to modestly.....what we cherish most, is living fullfilled...which comes from good vibes from people around us... Also luckily, I do not smoke, drink or have any addictions other than being a shopperholic for my store, and eating good food.
I do not live in fear of loosing my porfolio....of stocks and bondsm, because I dont have any....I was smart enough not to buy any.....or invest in MADOFF

The other night, when a woman at the Town Hall Meeting with OBAMA, asked him for help and he came over and hugged her and kissed her....tears came into my eyes. I found out that it was not planned or rehearsed....or scripted. It really happened spontaneously...and Obama himself was moved by her plea.....TEARS came into my eyes immediatley....but again tonight, the tears returned. She was given a house to live in for as long as she wanted......she now doesnt have to live in her car....which no American should have to suffer..........
As bad as we humans are, the majority of us really are good.....A handfull of horrible people can cause a war....which is supported by their lies...but, the good people can joing and creat GOOD. In Austraila, the fire that wiped out many towns, and hundreds of miles of many people are homeless.....some towns were complete wipes out........well Russel Crowe, Nicole Kidman....and others are having telethons to raise money for those poor people....and Nicole and Husband personally gave half a million dollars.....

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