What a schlepp....8 hours one way driving....I did stop once for gas and to pee....maybe twice...who remmbers...I got jet lag from driving...there was construction every where, on every road, from here to Canada....in Hacketstown it was bumper to bumper, not moving for 20 mins...that started teh frustration of the trip.
The ride was more or less uneventful, except once I thought the new used car would stall out..while driving..but it perked up again. I passed thru customs, after asking a few questions like: are you bringing fire arms, drugs, or huge sums of money. I of course said, no and didnt make jokes either....although I thought of saying...that I wished I had a large sum of money..but kept my mouth shut.
I was amazed how wide the Niagra River was and how green the water appeared...when driving a bit into Canada, I thought I saw the OCEAN on my right...but it was one of the great lakes.,....which is so large you cant really see the other side...due to the curvature of the Earth. Canada greeted me with signs that made me feel at home:
MC DONALDS< WENDYS< BURGER KING,Staples, TOYS ARE US....etcetcetc....Ontario didnt look like anything more than an extention of the USA. I wast there long enough to get any impression, although I asked two ladies for directions and they were very obliging and sweet..One very curious thing...I met about 6 different women and they all looked the same...genetically....It was like in a movie, eveyone look the same. Sort of like one of the ROYAL FAMILY IN DRAG!
My phone broke, so when i got lost looking for the furniture warehouse and to meet Charlie..it took an extra ten min of driving...he took me to Kentucky Fried Chicken....and then we went on to go shopping. By the WAY, the KFC really wasnt crisp and didnt taste anything like the birds we eat down here....After browsing we went to another higher CLass chicken restuarant.....for supper...The food was extrememly mediocre....but I will not judge the COUNTRY on two fast food restaurants....and one was American ANyway.
I purchases some really amzing items...but dont have the energy to describe them now...except one 6foot tall painting ...if the pix came out I will post it here.
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