Tonight Glen and I went to eat , at the invitation of one of our customers.....They own the NEW SAVANNAHS....a huge place, with a restuarant, bar with live music, and a NITECLUB for the younger set that opens at 10.
It is the 50 year old JORGENSENS County INN, famous in NJ for their fine food at reasonable, with a name change, the good reputation f great the old JOrgensons with great prime Owner and CHEF...SUSAN, ia a trained gourmet chef....with not only training, but a creative imagination for new an impressionist painter, changes his perception of the good old styles.
Tongiht I had the CINQO DI MAYO SPecial..... a huge platter with corn on the cob, with ciilantro tecquila butter, chili with melted cheese, home made corn bread, Fabulous Quacamole and home made nacho chips, and a marinated steak on a bed of Mexican RICE.....home made bread and a gread salad all for 22.95 What a bargain....GLEN had a fabulous vegetarian dish of Butternut Sqaush ravioli...smothered in a sauce made up of more squash, butter, parsely,onions, spices and other little secretive things....Glen said it was beyond delicisous and more than he expected...... The desserts were obscene....and the prices are great..
The building dates back to was a country INN, Stage Coach Stop, and many other things.......with 14 additions built over 160 years......At the moment the hotel or inn part need complete renovations...and it maight come soon, as a group of stores..that will be facing a new railroad station that is being built on their property....A GREAT PLACE TO GO AND EAT, PARTY AND HAVE A GOOD TIME AND NOT SPEND A FORTUNE.....
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