Monday, August 16, 2010

Being Bashed on Craigslist, WOnderful art show SAT NIGHT,ETC

Tonight I am being bashed on craigslist by an unhappy person who couldnt rip us off on SAT. She wnated an Emprie or MISSION dresser for 2 or 300 dollars. I told her that SO DO I......but they are not available in these parts for that price...she bitched and she can get them upstate or at the NYC FLEA MARKET...I asked her then if they are available in those places, why she didnt go there instead......and I reminded her that SALVATION ARMY, would gete more than that these days. She was a nasty, mean spirited person..with an attitude.
TOday, she just had to comment on Craigs list how terrible we are...OVer priced,and that she thinks that we look at the people and just make up a price...since many of the items are not priced..which they are not. Some, the prices have been pulled off my other miserable customers...hoping IO might forget the price and charge them less.
I replied to this person.....that we are not upstate in a barn where they dont pay rent...and the mold makes everything stinky..I pointed out the incredible ..and that we dont find this stuff. we buy it....Flea market dealers do not have stores, employees, and do not pay 15,000dollars a month rent....and some of them garbage pick. Comparing our merchandise and our operation to those other people is like apples and oranges...... This person picked out a very high end dresser and priced it. I told her it would run about 1100. Now a new one of this quality would cost about 4000 made in AMERICAN....The price made her angry..and now she started a pogrom to punish me for having a nice store, with great stuff that she cannot afford, or is too cheap to open up her wallet, lest the moths fly out.
After I replied that this woman was just an unhappy yenta who like to kvetch, I got another bashing on Craigs list..that I am a NAZI and an AntiSemite for using the words YENTA and Kvetch. SO I had to reply again. that a yenta, doenst have to be JEWISH...just a busy body...and no element of antisemitism is involved...and to say she was kvetching..means she was complaining.....neither of the words have any horrible anti anything significance. I reminded her that the NANNY (fran dresher) was a wild enta on tv and i just adored her....and Howard Stern on the radio, called everyone a yenta, and no one called him antisemetic....that this person was ignorant of the words, and just plain mean spirited...and I am sure....the author of that post on Craigslist was the very same unhappy yenta....that I refered to
The bashing and harassment contineued.. The another post said that it is a state law that everything msut be priced... a STATE LAW.....THAT THIS PERSON INVENTED ON THE SPOT.There is no state law of any kind that antique dealers have to have everything priced....they made it up..and you know, some people will beleve anything they of the reasons we do not price everything is that we get in so much stuff...sometime an apartment or house will have 500 indiividual items....a few weeks ago, we got in three houses in three days. maybe a total of 1500 items...small and in hell are we expected to price every item..IMPOSSIBLE>
The next bashing is that we are not only rediculusly ovepriced, but our merchindise is so "hideous" that they dont understand how we ever sell anything....that was almost too funy to bear..i laughed out loud......and responded. that we have so many different tastes in the store.....people love something....and if she didnt like anything in a 30,000ft store..she really has a problem.......
ANd so it continued into the night....finding straws to grasp to knock us......and it most likely only one crazy person...who couldnt rip us off and was pissed....

Will have to contineu this tomorrow I am getting to tired now....but have to tell you about the great artist PHIL SMALLWOOD and his art show last sat night...

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