Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I took off a day from saving the world......

after a day of rest from saving the world.....i am back to the next step i the list of items how we can all save the world....for a least a little time, until an asteroid turns the planet to bellybotton dust.

solar energy....we reall must fight for it... Heat our homes and businesses with it, produce enrgy from it...and eventually they will figure out how to run transportation on it..ENergy....to run trains and cards. Air planes might take another technoligy that hasnt been found yet.... They are still working on fusion...which is not radioactive...but...they havent found out how to build a fusion electropower plant yet.....well, if they did, they didnt tel me!!!

Water from the waves...the waves in all the ocens of the world are in constant motion...and if they can figure out how to harness it economically.... the waves will beable to turn turbines to produce electricity with no FUEL AT ALL>.....No gas, no coal....nothing but pure salt water.....in motion.

wind mills....think of what the Dutch accomplished with wind mills for hundres and hundres of years..they reclaimed half their country from the SEA......and now with sophisticated eqipment,, we should be able to produce a tremendous amount of electricy using modern technology..and it is being done...but just not enough....it needs to be mandated by a Federal Policy..but with EXXON MOBIL in control of the Governmnet....it wil be a very hard thing to do...

the core of this plant is still molten rock..with temperatures that need more than a rectal thermometer to read....In theory, we might catch some of its heat to turn water into steam, to sturn turbines to produce electricy.....and directly heat our homes..

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