Saturday, September 18, 2010

NAture:Hurricanes, and there..

Here, only miles away in Brooklyn and QUeens, two tornadoes touched down, wreaking havoc that we usually associate with Dorothy,TOTO and Kansas. YOur not in Kansas anymore....your in NYC. The Storm ripped the shit our of Brooklyn and QUeens, and some other places,including a small tornado in South Jersey...but the damage was mild compared to the BIG APPLE. Luckily, only one poor woman was killed when she pulled over to wait out the storm. She probably couldnt drive...and although she did the right thing, the POWERS ABOVE had something else instore for her...when a huge tree fell on her car, and escorted her directly to heaven..Now you expect me to belive in higher powers, when such an innocent young woman had to die...but I dont want to get into a religous conversation at this time.
Those of you who follow my ranting and raving aboput anything and everything.....from food to religion to insanity.....will remember that this past February, Iwent to visit EDIIE and his family in MEXICO....Veracruz...well Hurrican KARL....smacked into Veracruz 24 hours ago....and the house where in which I stayed, Eddies mother, his grndmothers house down the block....and his cousins house across town, are now underwater!! There is no lights, elctric,m telephone, cell phone, no street nothing>>>>>the family is living in emergency shelters...schools. Since there is no electric, no one can buy anything on a credit card....and Eddie cannot reach anyone by phone. There are two rivers in the town,both which had overflowed....and the town was attacked by the waters from two sides....
Today is YOM KIPPUR....the holy holy days of the JEWISH people...A good Jew is supposed to be in temple, asking GOD for forgiveness for all the sins committed during the year, and then fast all day....well fast since sundown last night until dundown tonight. My sins have been minimal.....maybe i hurt a few peopls feelings, and usually if so, they deserved it...but one is supposed to be kind at all times..and maybe I went thru a few stop signs or yellow lights, but I dont think there is anything in the bible forbidding they do not qualify as a sin. I am sure I told a hand full....or a few handfulls of white lies.....but who one earth doenst.....But one the whole, I think that if there is a diety up there...or whereever gods are supposed to hang out........he,or she or it....wouldnt be too displeased with me.
I do not fast...I do not pray, and I do not ask for forgiveness in the intense manner that relgious JEWS do. I have my own beliefs..that are not necessarily JEWS...but Spiritual. When I think I did something not 100% right, I mentally have a discussion with the GREAT SPIRIT...acknowledge what I did...and say that I will try to imporove. I do not think any power, grand enough to create the UNIVERSE cares if I dont eat for 24 hours, or if i eat meat and milk, or a nice juicy lobster.....or a portion of bacon and eggs and cheese. The rules of KASRUTH,(kosher) are man made....and mean nothing to me....and I am sure, if there is a god up there, he doesnt think of diet, working, fasting.....and i am not sure what this god wants...when innocent people can be killed by the an instant...or by the millions suffering...while calling out his name for help!!!!
I am in my store today.......and there is always a slight twinge of guilt....that I am not following....the rules, but I do not really belive in any of this stuff..but I do suffer from the JEWISH plague, laid down by a JEWISH mother....Guilt.....and MOM, was a travel agent for guilt trips...

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