Sunday in HUngary.....went to the ancient town of VAC........had increidble PASTRIES THAT LOOKED LIKE WORKS OF ART.....HATE THE MOST CHOCOLATY CHOCOLATEICE CREAM IN THE WORLD...AND TOOK A WALK DOWN THE THE DANUBE RIVE TO WATCH THE SUN SET, THE DICKS FLOCK, AND THE FERRIES....CROSS WITH PASSENGERS AND CARS.....WILL POST PHOTOS LATER.....saw a great movie from ENGLAND...Sherlock Holmes....not the new one with ROBERT DOWNEY JR...but an all ENglish violence..cloak and dagger and cleverness..rather than all the HOLLYWOOD glamour..with no thought into it.
Never heard of any of the actors...and its part of three already made serials...for TV.....
From here on in we know..that Sherlock Holmes...was better knowsn as MISS the waiter asked him if DR WATSON WS HIS DATE, and he would put out candles to make it more romantic.. His sexual proclivities had no part in the movie at all. although almost in the openeing scene, he is beating a corpse in the morgue...under the guidance of a lady.....who worked their......with his riding crop. There was some kindof quick explanation...but it was so wierd, i paid no attention to the happened to fast.
This movie however...was a SHERLOCK HOLMES mystery, but took place last year.....they bring the characters up to 2009..and all the modern gadgets like cell phones, GPS and other things entered the plot...but his thinking ability is what solves the crimes...
It was about the first two days that Watson and HOlmes hook we do not yet know if they were an item...but they took to each other quite well...even though their personalities are very....ferbisseneh , bitter and wierd.....(that word is Yiddish for bitter)
AFter seeing this movie.I am sure the wroters of the MENTALIST got their ideas from HOl
MES way of thinking, and deductions...
Last night i saw two other is called KICK ASS...about a nerd who wants to become a super hero.....and almost gets killed immediatley.....then gets involved with something he couldnt handle...and gets saved by an 11 year old girl who wears a purple wig...and a silly costume..and she is a hit man(woman)(KID) he knows karated, how to shoot, throw knives, and ropes and all types of other things...and tricks....Her fater dresses like BAT MAN..and is an ex cop who was sent to jail by a drug dealer freind of the chief of POLICE...who is dirty....he comes outof jail and seeks revenge for his wifes suicide while incarcerated....He teaches his little girl to become a very clever vicious sill and far fetched.....The Big MAFIA criminal....wants this super hero...the KID DEAD(he thinks he is intgerfering with his frug business.and is not)...THe final few minutes are awesome...He and the BAt man character get captured, after the MAFFICA son, posing as another superhero leads them to the NERD called KISS ASS.....wll everythine almost gets beaten and burned to death....but is saved by the 11 year old..who shuts the lights and kills all the bad guys with a infrared scope...kills 50 guys.......some with guns, some knives, japanese throwing stars, ropes...etc......Then she avows to revenge her fathers death.....(he burned in the fire) Kick ass escapes with the girl.....She takes on the mafic single handed on the top floor of their skyscrpaer in NYC....she kills the door men,....then takes on everyone on the penthouse floors...kills almost all of them. The bodygaurd has a bazooka.....well, he aims at the little girl, when at the last moment..KICK ASS flies in a jet powered suit over the top of the building and comes in blasting two built in machines guns to his jet powered seats......PROABBLY the most far fetches movie ever....that almost seems real.
The good parts were when he finally gets public, when the girl find s out he isnt gay....(he looked so gay in that suit...all skin tight, and and had a hood that went over his head...and he showed "everything"front and back.....
The little girl kills the big fat black bodygaurd, and after the mafia chieftan beats her up with a combination of karate kicks and punches...she jumps up and grabs the bazooka and blows him..thru the penthouse glass flames and he explode over the nyc skyline......
The Mafia chiefs son,,was a real flaming queen, in a red costume and red hair.......Kick ass and the Ex cop just about broke up the drug business and burnt down all of the guys businesses....inlcuind the lumber yard where they had a huge microwave to dry wood, and kill enemies..they show them microwaving on guy and his head exploded......gushing blood and flesh and goo all over the door...yummmmmmm
But at the very end.....the son...dressed in an ORANGE SUPER HERO UNIFORM.....he lets you know there will be a sequel to this movie....It was so very bad.....I LOVED IT!!!!
a movie is entertainment...The acting doenst have to win awards, nor does the plot..It was so bad it was great...funny...and ther ewere some parts that you had to figure really KICKED ASS
Anotoher terrible movie that i LIKED...was Bruce WILLIS in COP OUT.....another good guys bad guys, cops with a good buddy partner..who gets suspended for screwing up...but continues on the case and solves it.....Lots of violence...drugs, jokes, poor acting....but it was fun
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