Tuesday, November 18, 2008


wHY ISNT EVERYON EUP IN ARMS? 50 Percent More US Kids Hungry in 2007
posted: 17 HOURS 52 MINUTES AGOcomments: 638
filed under: Health News, National News
The Agriculture Department reports that 691,000 children went hungry in this country last year -- a rise of more than 50 percent from 2006. Overall, almost one in eight Americans say they struggled to feed themselves

HOW CAN THE PEOPLE ALLOW THE aMERICAN GOVERNMENT TO SPEND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON A WAR, SENDING OUR TAX MONEY TO IRAQ AND AFGANISTAN...REBUILING THEIR ROADS, BUILDINGS, HOSPITALS, SENDING FOOD TO THEM AND OTHER NATIONS, and spending and wasting money on bombs, 200dollar hammers.....while our own people are going hungry?HOW CAN THIS BE?? What happen to the Hutzpah of the youth of the 1960.s NO MORE HIPPIES> NO ONE CARES ANYMORE? GUESS NOT..we let BUSh and CHENEY thorougly rape our country......
bush and cheney shoul dbe impeached, but not even the DEMOCRATS in CONGRESS had the balls to do anything. DOES the BUSH thugs. have something on all of the DEMOS..threateneing them by black mail? or worse...personal violence? I wouldnt put anything past them.
They need to be put on trial...and imprisioned......They should be sent to the gallows, as the entire nation watch the hanging on TV..but it would be too easy of a way out...They should be put in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives.....no visitors..and let hunger pangs hit them, as 600,000 kids felt it last year...
I am always angry and always sad. When I dont have fire breathing out of my nose, I have tears coming out ofmy eyes....I was watery for the poor tiger that died...the little cub that was beaten close to death..when straving and abandoned.....Vets tried to save them, but couldntnt. The villagers...I gues were afriad they would grow up into man eaters...well, I think we need more tigers and less cobra kissing villagers...
Many dog shelters across the country are going out of business..they cannot pay there bills. People are not adopting the animals, they need more food and cant buyit...nor aer the donatiosn coming in....to pay for rent and expenses..so the economy will cuase the death of hundreds of thousands of cats and dogs...and this makes me crazy........Indirectly, the BUSH administration, not only is causing hungry children, people loosing their homes, but the eventual murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent animals that people cannot afford to feed.

No one was listening...all the solders coming back from the FIRST BUSH WAR in 1991 complained about various ailments...they were sick...Thousands and thousands of them...but the government, who didnt want to take care of its own people...ITS OWN CHILDREN, its own citizens.....tried to make it seem they were all hypochondriacs.
BUSH and company, and sorry to say, the military under CLINTON, didnt do enough to help them. They would rather spend more money on develping better weapons to kill people. Faster and more efficient killing machines, like tanks and planes....took precident over the health of our soldiers. Finally with all the scandles that have been coming out about the Veterans Administrations.....they finally acknowleged....the syndrome is real.
HOw long did it take for AGENT ORANGE disease to be accepted......undortunately, soldiers are still dying today from their sacrifice in VIET NAM. We can spend to kill and not to heal...not to feed our hungry, not to house our homeless, and give those in mental need, calm. THERE IS SOMETHING RADICALLY WRONG WITH OUR GOVERNMENT...OR IS IT, SOMETHING RADICALLY WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE, WHO DO NOT DEMAND THEIR GOVERNMENT ACT IN A PROPER AND RESPECTFUL MANNER TO ITS PEOPLE. PEOPLE WOULD RATHER SIT IN THE EASY CHAIR, READ THE PAPER, OPEN UP A CAN OF BEER ,THEN TURN ON THE SPORTING EVEN OF THE SEASON.... than go and march in the street with placards, demanding change, demanding decency....but that takes enegy and committment.....and that energy seemed to die with the flower children of the Viet NAm Era. Now we are grow, retiring, and relaxing....and somehow, we didnt pass that "gene" on to our children and grandchildren. Instead of leaving them with ideology, we left them with computers, IPODS, Cell Phone with Texting capabilities and vaccuums that clean the house robotically.

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