Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Customer Bravery Award goes to........

The other day, I reported that the elevator got stuck, the Police, Firedepartment..were all summoned, and a woman, who got stuck in my elevator...was released, unharmed, unscathed, and NOT unerved. She was cool, calm and collective (what ever collective means....in this situation, I am not sure.. She left in a hurry once freed...and scurried out, past all the men and woman who came to rescue her....past the yong men with Axes and other gadgets..still in their rubber coats and protective hats....almost seeming disappointed they wrent able to use their tools to chop up my furniture, and smash thru doors.....and hose down everything in site. But these brave souls, on other days, risk their lives to protect our property and we must all thank the Volunteer firemen, all over the country who do what they do.
Well, although, I still didnt get her name, she returned today... at first I didnt recognize her as"THE WOMAN WHO GOT STICK", but I recognized her as one of my customers......She returned....bravely....and I asked her to pose infront of the MONSTER that entrapped her.....and kidnapped her until the Boys from COmpany One released her...so you will see her....get ready...

pLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL....Sentimentality

I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO PUT A COUNTER ON THIS BLOG.. so I have no idea when someone reads it....


LAST NIGHT, I WENT ON A HOUSECALL.. A family in Maywood is moving to North Carolina...and called me to buy things...I wntered the house, and something was compforting.. It wasnt the incredible organized clutter...I thought maybe it was the man and womans warm smiles, but this instant feeling, made way for browsing.
The first thing I noticed, when I was able to focus my eye...one one thing....(as the rooms visible was filled..every available inch of tables top,shelf, wall space, floor space with STUFF. Lots of things that were RED...Red lamps, flowers, vases, glasses, .....everything...pillows on white sofas....I felt that I had entered a living Valentines day cards...and said to her, I see you hate the color red and she laughed..."HOney" she said, you aint see nuthing yet"
Back to the statement the first thing I focus on was a Victorian loveseat..with some kind of lion...stylized with a ball in its mouth.. I asked how much she wasnted..and she replied..."I bought that 25 or 30 years ago in CLIFTON.....its great" and I said I know, MARY....you bought that from me!!! Was in in a corner chair..and the man had a loving black dog named Snoopy/" HMM it was in Clifton on the corner...then she looked at me...stared for a few seconds,, laughed and said..YEP...that is you....you got older>>> "YEs, we all did!"
I got a tour of the entire house...There were collections of everything everywhere,, cups and saucers and tea pots, Red and blue depression glass, and a few more RED ROOMS... The red was a symbol of love, and passion and warmth...and this is so this woman....
I made a second trip thru the house and ended up in the kitchen.. Somethere was holding me , and it wasnt antiques...It was a pleasant haunting... THEN I GOT IT. and my eyes started to water., It was the aroma! SOmething was cooking and I asked her if it was beans with bacon or smoked neck bones, "How'd you know that? she asked with A southern intonation. Well Mary, this kitchen has the smell of one of my most favorite people in the entiure world, who is now in HEAVEN... ANd I told her about my first black friend that I met when I was in COllege... James Richard Campbell...We met at a fast food restaurant in LExington KY, I was about 18 or 19, Jim was alread 42.... a warm, charming and hysterical and brilliant man. We became instant friends....until only a few years ago, when I called....his phone was disconnected..and the story of decades of friendship disappeared... I learned so much from this man I learned about human nature. I learned how to be SILLY, and there is an art to it....I learned how to make people laugh, I tried to learn how to drink Bourbon but really failed on that one.... I learned how to prepare SOUL food..and I learned how to trust people and really get burned. I learned as much from JIM about human nature...and life....than I learned about Book "learning" in school. Mylife wold have been so much emptier..had I not gone out for a burger that cold nite....in 1962....
When I woke up one night from a terrible dream....I called Jim up and told him that something terrible was going to happen to our country...and it has to do with Washington DC.... I was in a panic....almost an anxiety attact....He said.."Do you know what time it is..its in the middle of the night??" GO BACk to sleep!!!!!! By the way, the date was Nove 21, 1963!!!!
BAck to MARY's Kitchen...The aroma was the same in that room as in Jims. His kitchen alwasy smelled like that. The bacon fat and smoked neck bones...must have impreganted the walls..maybe of the entire home.....and that subconsciously affected my emotions.....I told her that story...and more...She saw tears trickle down my eyes over my cheeks....: She just said, "look at you?" almost in a Whoopie Goldberg voice" I think the term" bitter sweet " came into play here.

Monday, March 30, 2009

An email I sent to a potential seller....

Larry.. I like the ..set of silver in the box..and I would be interested in personally coming to see the carriage house full of stuff...if I can come in an evening??????I like the birdcage....I think I might have sold that to them..I had that one once or twice....Bought it from a friend who was an importer...from China......how much do they want for it...I can raise chickens and make soup..(OK Iam silly...delirious sitting here on the computer at one in the morning... WHo can sleep. Business sucks.....I should have stayed in Medical School (and listened to my moethr) I could have been a proctologist....(I deal with so many assholes anyway) We did have a good day today(thank god) best day in a month...but the rest of the MONTH was horrible. People come in...(when they finally do) but dont want anything....tire kickers.....they ask prices, and questions, and say"I have to come back when I have time" or I have to measure" or I have to bring my husband or wife" ......then we have the nasty ones....from Certain ethnic groups......the ones with Red Dots....they are nasty and insulting (not all) and the Asians..if not nasty they giggle....and if you have two or three Japanese women together...giggling, its enough to want to choke them with sushi......(only being silly) Tonight one of my customers who is Jewish came in with his "Katuba" official JEwish MArriage Certificate" He married Soshi Ming Chung (now try to write that in HEBREW)...no joke.... and he was looking for a frame....He and his ORI_YENTA wife are customers of mine..and really super people.
My store is a melting pot...but some times I Boil over....Today I sold a bookcase to GREEKS, then an American and his Israeli partner were my second customer and I am helping them design and furnish a Country Delicatessen in MONEY, and the last "almost" customers were Syrian....
Usually, Sunday is HASSID and Orthodox DAY......we are in a straight line from MONSEY area....12 min away...and they come in droves....sometimes you think a MINION might break out..with some furious and serious prayer....(but if it did, I am fresh out of pickled herring and a riot might break out) I can hear them now, banging on a table, demanding food, "we want a KIDDUSH, We want a kiddush" while the women look on sheepishly, adjusting their "shaytels"(wigs).... I am explaining some of the words, just because your name is Weinstein, doent mean you automatically understand all the mystical words in YIDDISH. I knew very little Yiddish, until after my parents were gone..I picked it up out of sentimentality.....
I GET A PHONE CALL THIS MORNING,, from a woman with A Monsey NY accent..which isw a combination of Yiddish, Brookly, Eastern European...and And the Catskills. This lady said she was coming down to buy (not look for but BUY....an executive desk. She arrived before the store was open, as I was on my way up the driveway to buy coffee at THE UPPER CRUST... She tells me she is in a HURRY, and on the way to BROOKLYN. I recognized the voice,as the womean coming to BUY...an Executive desk. I opened the store, put on the lights,...she had a wonderful smile....I asked her if she was a lawyer..."I look like a lawyer,?" ahe asked..and then followed with.... I am not a lawyer, I am a YENTA from MONSEY.... I laughed out loud...but she laughed along with me.....She bought a desk, and said..."you deliver it free, and you can come uo to our place and watch us make MAtzoes for PASSover" I said that I appreciate the offer (but would rather watch paint dry or watch golf on TV)..but declined... She then said she would send her son to pick it up.....he arrived in two hours...with the Grandson..who had the longest "payas" religous inspired curls...hanging down I have ever seen. The son was wearing a white shirt...well it was once white....with stains...so wonderful, it looked like modern art. I am sure you culd use this shirt as a boullion cube and make a flavorful soup......FEH...UGH and YUK..
When the son walked in...I said to him, in front of many customer...AH, The representatives from the VAtican are here......they laughed,m I laughed, the dog barked and scared the grandson with the long curls...and the other customers were duly amused....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ying and yang

Sunday....started with an immediate sale...Hooray....and then, a very large sale...I was so happy, after a very emotional and bad week....and then, I was told there was smoke smells on the second floor....I ran up to find out what was wrong..I smelled smoke....of some kind, first I thought it was the aroma of the chicken we were cooking in the kitchen for BUDDY.....the fumes might have been trapped on floor two. But it wasnt chicken...it didnt smell like the ballasts in the flrescent lighting, or paper burning.....it was strange. THe boys then opened up the aisels..that have little acess...the never used aisles..that are only used for storage.....after about 30 minutes of feverishly searching for its source, we found nothing. We felt the light fixtures for heat...sniffed each one, looked for smoke..but nothing was to be found. I was panicing. I didnt want to call the fire department.....because they would send all cutomers home...kill the day..and come in ready to do battle..with their axes, hoses,,, and testosteron level on high....
We called EDDIE..who came down and soon found the problem.... I had left the heater on in the office....and even though it has a gaurd...buddy, must have kicked the pillow from hisbed...to close to it, and it was smoldering.....luckily it was fireretardent fabric.... We still cannot figure why we couldnt smell it down on the first floor, right in the office. GLEN check the office...and nothingwas smelled. So my Ying and YANG.....was back in order...I was happy again, and my panic state disipated,,,

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I am not a supersalesman...

Time marches on...and i get more irritable with people as it flies. I ask other people in business if people are getting more difficult, or is it just old age crfeeping up on me that makes my blood boil with seemingly little fire. But the consenses of other business people agree, that people are more difficult lately. The bitch and moan more about imperfections...make sounds of annoyhance, or look up at the ceiling when I give them a prices, as if I asked a milliondollars for a pair of socks. Yesterday, four women entered the store. Their body language told me they just came from "doing lunch", rather than four ladies going shopping. 4 ladies entering at the same time never buy anything..They are usually what I call THE INSPECTORS. The touch and examine and dicuss the entire store...ask prices....and react with vacant stares. One of these four ladies doing lunch asked me if we have anyh butter moulds.. We found two. They are very rare wooden gadgets from about 1850, with designs carved into them which gives ordinary butter, an artistic flair when pressed into them. One was for a cup of butter.....and the other for individual pieces. The first stupid question was abot the one with a flower carved into it...ISNT this a very COMMON ONE? I said, politely (while wanting to hit her in the head with a baseball bat) no, butter moulds are not common....any of them they arealmost 150 years old...and rarely find them anymore... Then I forgot my own pricing and told her they were 45 a pice...which the right price cold have been 75 to 150 each... She made one of those "you are ripping me off looks" and said that is high...." Really, said I....and where did you price the last one...and when" She couldnt answer it..but said..."Oh, I dont know, its not for me, its for a freind who collects themn" I will tell her...
Well, here is what we have what I like to call another "EXPERT" She knows nothing at all about the item, it wasnt for her, but she knows the price was too high and they were common" I blame the figgen MEDIA, who tells people how to shop, how to negotiate,how tobargain, and how to annoy everyone. I really think I shold write to each newscaster....and then to their station and to their station executive...that they are getting paid for to much, and should renegotiate their salalry.....as they say in polite society.....(inlcuding the concept that the MEDIA tries to scare people about the economy, terrorism et) Please shit the phuck up.
Also in the theme of people being awful...we have the next group that purposely look for dings, dents, scratchs and any imprfection, soon to be bringing in an electron microscope to analyze damage on the cellular level. The 15,000 dollar American Dining room set that has beenreduced to 3500......becuase there is a color varient in the huge break front and the table and chairs... its the same company but a but darker..which was chosen by the people...yesterday this sour puss lady was complaining about it..althoght condition is MINT....I said...that is why we are practically giving the set away just for the price of the chairs.. She squinched up her nose..as if she was sucking on a lemon.. Most unpleasant person.... and so it goes...they look for things to kvetch about....reminds me oa people who look for hairs in their sandwhich, so they can get a free lunch.
This week, sales have been very down...and complaints very high....Dont these morons knwo this is an antique store....we are estate liquidators...this stuff isnt NEW.....its used that is why they get such bargains.... Occasionally when the complaints supercede myh patience...I say things like, WHen you get this old..your ass will be cracked too...oh..wait a minute....it already is... and I smile or giggle and make believe I am only being silly...while I hide a small nuclear deive that I would stick in their butt and blow them into smitherines.....
Last night I went home to Wayne. The carpet people only installed the carpet at the top of the stairs,,,,but not the stairs. They wre fashionably late, and must come back on Tuesday.....but they did do a good job....We brought over a truck load of furniture that I picked out to furnish it....The boys and I sort of decorated it in our minds...not sure how it would look. By the time we left..the room looked like something out of archtectual digest... the month of work cleaning, washing, painting finallyh paid off..with the happiness of having such a warm and cozy room...filled with Stickley and mission furniutre, mixed with other simple, but gorgeous furniture, paintings and pottery...and lighting... I will get photos and post them....I thanks the boys not only for their physcial help, but for their support in my project of redoing the entire house, and their helping decorate...They really have learned a lot about antiques and interior design.....They were proud as well...
Lets get back to the MEDIA and things that are important...I am so relieved that the 13 year old English boy isnt the Father of the baby...The media really blew up that story....WOW, I can sleep nights now, knwing he isnt the DAD....The only good part about that story is the MOMMY is now brought to light as a slut...not some innocent little girl, playing with underdelveloped 13 year old pee pees.
And the OCTO MOM, Miss Fat Lips is taking more of her brood home...I am so tired of that psychotic slut...arent you. WHO CARES... but who PAYS?? I think the STATE should make the idiot DR pay to support those kids..in a way..isnt he responsible for their birth..so he is the DAD....make that idiot pay....or loose his license.What was he thinking...letting his mental case have 14 children.? The news looks for stories that have shock value and no merrit. Last night, I read on AOL they fond a missing lady, under a pile of garbage in her own attic... after 7 years. Now a few questions come to mind. Who paid the electric bill, heat or taxes on that house for 7 years...and how good of a police force does that town have, they couldnt find a body in a house.... I am sure there should have been some tell tale smells..to give them a clue.....can you image seven years......?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lady Stuck in the ELVATOR,Shrimp SOUP,

Two days ago the Monthy visit by Sharp Elevator commenced with the regular freindly mechanic arriving...all smiles, as usual; I told him that the elevaro moved to one dise and then, made a slaming noise when it reached the bottom floor;;;noises that were out of character for the normally very smoothly running machine. She claimed to have checked it.....and said he found nothing.
24 hours later, I heard a distress bell coming from the 3d floor, where the elevator was... The woman said the elevator suddenly stopped.. I told her not to worry, it was a new machine. I asked her to turn off the key and turn it back again, which might reset the "computer".. When that didnt work, I told her I would call 911, which she already did; the elevator called it automatically when it got stuck...and the fire dept was on its way. I called SHARP ELEVATOR, and gave them a small piece of my mind..since it was inspected 24 hours prior, and he found nothing after I complained....
In a min, I heard the town sirens go off, calling the Volunteer firemen....within minutes a huge hook and ladder pulled up, butnot before, a bevy of male and female local policement arrrived... Soon a parade of firemen, all dressed in their fireman outfits, complete with boots, helmets, heavy coats, HUGE AXES, jaws of life and other gadgets...and my LORD, buy now between firement and policemen(and women) there were enough people here to start a UNION. must have been 17 people...who came to rescue the lady in the elevator. They opened the door on the third floor in a few minutes....The woman was fine..not closterphobic luckily....I apologized a few times and offered her a huge discount when she returns to shop. I thanked all of the people, and especially the young volunteer firemen who yielded the axes...(that they didnt chop up the furniture....they laughed) I showed the head of the police and fire department the receipt that the inspector was there YESTERDAY..and this was a shock to all of us..that we maintain it.....The woman was fine, but I was a bit shook up myself.
I was fantascizing, what if the lady had a heart attack in the elvator....and it made the headlines....WOMAN DIES IN GRANNYS ATTIC ELEVATOR......OY.....

How to make the most gormet SHRIMP SOUP or CHOWDER almost instantly..and have it taste like it came from the best restaurant on earth...
1) Saute one small chopped onion or two shallots in butter(or margerine)
2)chopp up one large pimento(roasted)
3) steam 6 or 7 sliced frozen okras in a microwave bage
4) one cup of corn kernals(frozen or canned)
5)Chop 6 water chestnuts

Empty one can of shrimp soup and one can of mushroom soup into a large microwaveable bowl...add one can of half and half...add the sauted onion or shallot,the pimento, the cup of corn, the steamed okra, the water chestnuts...stir very well.
Add a nice pinch of SAFFRON(bought at a mideastern store-not the expensive stuff)
Use cayenne pepper or Creole spice to taste... A tiny pinch of nutmeg...garlic powder to taste 1/4 teaspoon...then add sherry,white wine, or even Antico ROSSE(apertife) about 1/4 cup...... then microwave for 4 min...then add a dozen shrimp-precooked frozen or thawd... and head a min at a time untill all is hot but not boiling.... taste for salt and adjust. You can add celery seeds...an option...YOu can serve this immediatley...or let it sit for an hour, and reseat...the flavors will mix during that time...You might want to ad more wine.. This is so delicious, I ate half of what AI made today..You might faint..or have an orgasm....or at least smile in delishousness....
YOu can always add other things... various veggies, but keep pieces small. Nothing too strong tasting..it is mild and subtle....very little garlic..

Monday, March 23, 2009


RIch went out on a housecall and came back with a fabulous Chinese Chippendale Bed-headborad and footboard...with flame mahogany (burl)a matching night stand and mirror....all hand carved --very fabulous.
Later on he went out and brought back and ENglish arts and crafts C 1900 oak bookcase. That was the highlight of the day. Nothing happened.. Very few people were in to browse.....the day dragged...
The stock market went up....thats good news.. and hopefully OBAMAS ideas willstart working...even better. Home sales are up 5%.....but store business still has to pick up.....we are advertising daily on TV, some newspaper ads, and internet advertising.......the store looks amazing.....but we need more people to come int..we need to think of new gimmicks.....like out SOUP and SALAD SUNDAYS. I invent a new soup each weeks...make a salad...and offer people a free brunch.
The NEW SOUP RECIPE of the day: Most of my recipes are one that take little time...I am cheating....to produce a delicious soup. Todays is very simple....

Start with one can of sweet
potatoes. Put into the blender and add one cup of veggie broth or cup of half and half. Add one onion that was chopped and sauteed. One can of sweet corn kernels (drained) add salt and fresh ground black pepper... 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg n( a few pinches of cinnamon optional)blenderize it all, and theb simmer on very low heat for 15 min. You can use chicken stock instead of veggie stock... You can add one pimento into the blender...for a slight taste change.....serive with chopped chives or green onion....simnple and delicious... You can increase the spices at will.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Changing the nature of things.FIOS COMMERCIAL


A friend of mine who shall remain namless....called me crying the other night..that a friend of hers...a VERY GOOD friend of hers, who is a Doctor....and a new father is dying in a hospital.....the very hospital that his new baby was born in. It seems that during the time his wife was in the hosital...one night he stayed over, and went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and cut hisfoot somehow.. As time passed, he started having back pains......when hefinally went to his own DRS...he had developed sever MERCER (If I spelled it right) A staph infection that adoesnt respond to any know antibiotic.
She said he was dying. As she cried, tears came to my own eyes.. Now a few years ago, she was very ill...and Although I am not the least bit religous, but very spiritual...and do belive insomekind of high power or GREAT SPIRIT....but do not claim to have any idea who or what it is, howit works, its relationship to humans (or any other living organism on the planet (or beyond).....I prayed for her. She hadbeen very ill, with an infection in her heart...etc.
She recovered very quickly,.....WELL, I told her that I would pray overtime for this freinds of hers. ..and that I always belived that I had a direct line...(Irarely ask for things for myself) So, that night, I went to sleep, praying for all my freinds and familoy, but especially for this dying friend of hers. I ended an email to her, saying...expect a miracle....
I got an email, less than 15 hours later..that the lesions on his spine "miraculously disappeared...." and not only that, he is going home in a day or two." Is there really power in prayer? WHO KNOWS? But it is an interesting story... and true...I think we sholdall be kind to each other and pray for each other....for those who are deserving.... But I do not think evil people shouuldbe prayed for.. they do not deserve it,,,,,,,
THE CAULIFLOWER SOUP.... whose recipe I gave the last time, underwent a change. I decided to simplify it.... NO Canned shrimp soup...and no SHRIMP... Just the cauliflower and one potato steamed,....thinned it out with half and half, salt and pepper, nutmeg, a bit of garlic powder,dried cilantro,and one chopped onion sauted in butter,,. Very simple...but very tasty.
My sister came to visit me in the store today..and brought a friend of hers who came up with a very funny misuse of a word.. She was upset over something and set she was hysterectical....a combination of hysterical and hysterectomy...which might mean, she cried so much, that her ovaries fell out.?"??????
I was very underwhelmed today. People priced a lot of things... and good things. We gave them good prices....but...when they heard them, they stared at me, as if to say....ARE YOU KIDDING... you mean I cant have thatcarved bench with theKING and Queen of Spain on it, for 1790 for $50.00 or that ANitque SEBRA wood sideboard and matching buffet for 100.....You mean we have to pay MORE THAN THAT...2000 dollars, are you kidding me? Then there was a wondrefully sweet couple who priced a Victorian Mahogany sideboard, with claw feet, antiqued a green color, and had a white marble top....I wanted originally about 800....but told them 400..just to move it and that was also too much....(the cost of a stapled togethr pine shit from CHINA) and so went the entire day.....antoerh couple came back to look for drinking glasses they saw here 4 months ago, and were upset when they werent still here for them....except that they really were....but they forgot what they looked like, and didnt buy them anyway......you see, time changes memory and perception.
One of my customers....worked for ABC NEWS.....but finally quit. WHY..SHe told me that she knew that the NEWS, works in conjunction with forces of the government to control the public. FEAR tactic....how they keep us in a panic with the economy....(the BUSH WHITE HOUSE) but they have not stopped even since OBAMA and company took over..they are still blasting the fear..daily...inlcuding AOL....and other internet providers....They also tried to control th public...(the goernment) with feat of terrorists...after 9/11--which is to be blamed on the BUSH WHite House..one way or another...Either they planned it, or let it happened...and CHENEY is up to his ass in guilt.....he is the one that planned maneuvers with the air force that fatal day..he had all the planes who were protecting the EASTERN SEABOARD up around MAINE...so we were completely vulnerable...Just think, no planes to protect the NATIONS CAPITAL..that a plane could crash into thePENTAGON-coincidentally..the wing that was EMPTY!
THE MEDIA IS VERY LAME....but is that because the general public is just as lame. It is a similar question..which came first the chicken or the egg....or which came first the Media or the Schmucks. For example, on AOL NEWs,they continue the NEWS? about the OCTOMOM...or OCtoslut. The selfish, mindless bitch, who know has 14 children that she cannot take care of.. They have no father, and will be in the public scrutiny as they grow up. There is no way they can grow up normally.....
There is no way this woman is dealing with a full deck...As I previously said, they should crazy glue her labias closed....AOL had a Poll, where they want people to VOTE...with idiotic questions like "DO you want o know who the father is?" and 34% of the people answered yes.!!!!! wHY WOULD YOU GIVE A FLYING PHUCK WHO THE FATHER IS......HOW DOES THAT AFFECT THEM" THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE, who read the garbage headlines on Lindsey Lohan, Brittaney SPears., What BRAD PITT, TOM CRUISE and all the rest of the assholes ..including PAris Hilton... THe NEWS of HOllywood.., and SPorts figures..always getting in trouble.....and RAPPERS....mostly who are thugs with no talent..........Stories...bull crap. WHo cares what all these multimillionaires do....It is all so very unimportant to the rest of the world..is drama....But so many people apparently want to know who is doing what to whom. Which start is cheating, or is pregnant, or did drugs,....and then there is news on horrible creatures like ANN COULTER and RUSH LIMBAUGH......these are people, who might be from another planet..URANUS.....They are mean spirited and against all that is decent.....The media should boycott them....but so many people think that the NEWS is reality...and if it is in print it must be true.....I would like some group to build a concentration camp for useless Sports,Political and Entertainment people.....ALl these people should be taken off the streets, and put in this camp for retraining...to become usefull human beings....and if they are off the streets....we just might get some good news in the newspaper and on TV..I know that I am ranting and raving...but I am passionate against the MEDIA and the IDIOTS that support them.As I type this, A ROD is being dissed on the NEWS, that we dated a MADAM...who arranged prostitutes for him...and then dated him...the same BUSINESSWOMAN who supplied ELLIOT SPITZER...with his ladies...
LOX CERVICHE: I made a salad dressing today and didnt use it...so I decided not to waste it....I used Lemon juice, garlic, virgin olive oil, salt, black pepper, dried cilantro, and dried parmsean cheese...I then added some lime juice, and one thin sliced onion....I might add a bit of vinegar to give it a more pickled taste.I will let it marinate for 8 hours. By morning it should be marinated....I am hoping the cheese will give it a slightly different taste that ordinary cerviche offers. For those of you who are not familiar with this....cerviche is fish that is "cooked" by the acid in the lemon juice" If you use vinegar...you will know it as "pickeled fish""...most know pickeled Herring.....that comes in jars with onions....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ira 13 minutes past the first day of Spring

13 past midnight...day two of Spring 09. We were actually busy in the store today...did ok, but not great..Great would be that everyone who entered...bought something..but one must be thankful for every blessing no matter how small that blessing might be....
The boys and I went to paint the ceiling in my upstairs gallery room, in preparation of putting down carpeting there and down the stairs to the entrance. But on the way we stopped at another carpet store, where I think I can cut the cost almost 25%....from the last store...then, driving up to Wayne, he stopped at PIZZA TOWN USA....a place that I think was there when I was in HIgh School....and its scary to say, that was half a century ago... One asks..where does time go? I dont think it goes anywhere....time is only a hypthetical construct, and not a real thing...You cant see it, touch it, feel it, taste it,...its an only an idea that explains physical aging.. The flower buds, opens, closes....and finally turns to dust leaving....the plant the ability to leave seeds and reproduce. It is a process. And like the flower, humans have babies, that grow ingternally, are born, grow, live a life filled with pain and pleasure, reproduce and like the flower, eventually return to the ground as molecules and atoms....possibly to return again in another form, another time....And their is the word time....again.
Pizza town has consistantly had one of the best pizzas in NJ....the crust is just right..not to thick or thin, and the sauce and cheese nice and juice...and flavorful.
THen onwards to CASA MAURY...where the boys painted the ceiling upstairs, partially down stairs, washed the walls to remove more dust......and as soon as I get the funds, the carpet will be ordered installed...which I hope will be in the next week or so. Then the house will really take on a new look.
Step 3..will be to repair various dents,scratches, and holes in the livingroom..with new plaster board, including a board replaceing a hole in the ceiling where the bathroom flooded...Great strides have been taken since September..although, it would have been long ago finished had I had the time, the money and the help.The living room since last month has undergone a metamorphasis...of putting up shades and drapes... paintings on the wall, a new sofa,...and vacuuming enough dust and doghair, to fill lots of industrial size garbage bags.... I hadnt been in there for a very long time......you heard of "DUST BUNNYS?" which are blobs of dust in funny forms...well I found DUST ELEPHANTS under the couch, and behind it, and under the piano....etc...the vacuum started coughing and told me it was allergic to all that shit..I patted the vaccum on the top and said, hold on good buddy, you wil be ok.
Furnishing the living room and up stairs gallery will be easy....I have hudnreds of pieces of furniture with great potential...but then again, what style do I wasnt????I think very eclectic...with modern and antiques mixed....modern,funky and vintage.....The art work will be modern and impressionistic...



First DAy of Spring..& of course...IT WAS SNOWING

We welcome Spring this morning with snow flakes....The message is that in nature, nothing is guaranteed. Spring doesnt have to mean that automatically, the cold and snow disappears, an suddenlty the sky is filled with rainbows, and birds fly And around dropping flower petals on the earth, while the planet turns instantly green.
However, even thru the snow flakes, I did hear a chorus of birds...gloriously chirping away....singing their Song of spring and renewal.
There were a few customers who were in a good mood and spent some money, which makes us and the bill collectors very happy.. I await the day, that we can just put someof the sales into a savings account......and not target it for payment...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Life is a Reality Show without a host!!

Tonight, JOhn and I went for a ride to a dealers home, who took us to an 18,000 sq ft antique mansion that was under renovation. This is no ordinary renovation. The present owner bought it from the bank, when it forclosed on its former owner...But while the home was still in the former owners possession, and after he finally came to the realization, he was going to loose the home to the bank, took a sledge hammer...and destroyed as much of it as he could.
He demolished all the bathrooms, kitchesn windows, most architectual things..which would have in cluded columns, fireplaces, walls,...etc It was told to me that it was A Georgian Mansion, where the front and back were more or less equal..and you culd come in the front and run striaght out thru the back. I ddint argue with the new owner..who is very full of himself....and part pathologically consfused person.....and sometimes, when he told outrageous stories...I would sear his nose started growing a few inches.....and then receded....
The house(mansion) looked like it started out as a large Dutch Colonial Home....18th C style...and then each generation kept adding and adding on to it...He had worked on it for 3 years straight, but the magnitude of the projected was overwhelming...and I think he now wants to sell the place. This is why we went there, to try and make some type of deal, or begin negotiations to take someof the items on consignment. But the stories...accompanied each item, were haerd to listen to with a straight face. I had to leave the room, when a very strange Duncan Phyfe style sofa c 1920-40.....had belonged to IMELDA MARCOS....(Paleese---did he really expect me to belive that?) The sofa was covered with leather ..cream colored, with some kind of gold embroidery...very tacky, but NOT TACKEY enough...for Imelda Marcos.... Every thing had some kind of story..either very high value, or it belonged to some famous person or royalty.....
Now my friend who shall remain name less, told me that the owner is supposed to be very rich...and into real estate, but a man of mystery...He doesnt drive, and hasnever been seen with or near a car. He for 12 years has talked of his wife, but hername is never mentioned and no one has ever seen her....and no one knows exactlyh where this guy lives. He cannot live in hte mansion..there is no heat or running water....
All we got was an hour full of stories in a mansion, whose potential was fabulous, but whose lack of heat, chilled us to the bone. No deal was made or proposed....but I am sure, something will develope...eventually. The man must have had twenty or more sofas in the house that he wanted to sell......and the stories got crazier with each sofa, until one in dark red velvet was custom made for 30,000 dollars....(and the moon is made of green cheese)

My friend was telling me that he might give me his Lincoln soon, because he might get another ROLLS ROYCE.... He already has one because an auctioneer who went bankrupt owed him 250,000 and coulnt pay...and he had to take this ROLLS Convertible....as part of the payoff.. But now the story getting sicker... I have heard from him, for 16 years of the "PRIEST" who buys the most outrageous and ewxpensive art and antiques from him. He lets the priest pay these things off.. Well after all these years, the Church found out he was putting his hand into the til...and the basket....and the poor box and any place his cant can be put...(but no allegations yet of into peoples underwear)... He owes my friend 300,000 dollars..WOW, and he went to jail.. Well, not really Jail, place for naughty priests.....instead of jail, they lock him up somewhere upstand and make him stand on his head while repeating a million HAIL MARYS.......his purchase of a brand new ROLLYS ROYCE finally tipped of the CHURCH that something wasnt KOSHER....priests just cant buy ROLLS ROYCES...unless their last name was Rockerfella or MADOFF....and he was sent off to Catholic Camp for Wayward Priests......so Elliot said, he was offered a payoff...take the new ROLLS.
Now this may sound like sour grape...but I dont like the new ones. I like the old ones...that were big and square and elegant...A royal COACH..the NEW ONES look like almost any other car...except for the INSIGNIA and price tag.....of around 250,000.
And again, this may sound like sour grapes...but I wouldnt want any of them. I think I am too humble to ride around in one of them........as if it a status symbol saying look at me...I am a big deal.....Royalty....Rich...Important......ANd I do not want people to look at me because of a car...or wealthy....I would much rather them look up to me becuase they like me, or my poetry, or other accomplishments...or charity...... I do drive a nice used CADDY..but almost anyone can b y a used Caddilac, so there is no big deal about prestige in one that is 8 years old.....Its nice, but its not showing off....I learned humility from my father......and people liked him because he was a good kind man...and that is what is important in life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I just love this woman....She is politically on the same page that I am..liberal in most cases, and not so liberal in others.... She is an OUT Lesbian, beautiful, proud, intelligent.....Today night, she pushed her "gay" agenda...by interviewing an actor in NYC, who jumped down into the subway track and saved a man who fell off the platform, and a train was coming....The Actor risked his life to save a stranger...he hardley even remmbered jumping in...it was a knee jerk reaction;the actor was more or less obviously gay..and her motivation was to provide a GAY hero...and although she didnt ask him his orientation, she presented him so he can be a role model and hero.
Today we had a few people, but did make a few nice sales.....and Rich and the boys brought in a great three door mahogany antgique bookcase, a 1840 Empire or Biedermeir SOFA, and an Austrian Seccession loveseat and chair C 1900....This style style has ecidence of the VICTORIAN ERA, but....you can see MODERN in it too. This set came in with silk fabric with empbroidered bumble bees...which is very NAPOLEONIC...the BEE was his symbol. Also today we got in some very nice oil paintings of VENICE, 18C ships in battle and some children........
I think that OBMAMA is really trying to do a good job..He is all over the place... Town hall meetings tofay and tomorrow. He is speaking out ...screaming out agains the AIG and other BONUSES...he is starting to make a big stink..and wasnt this money given to them by the late great GEORGE BUSH (the only think grate about him wouldbe to get a giant grater and scrape the bastard.....like making mushy ground up potatoes....by scraping them on a veggie grater.."
Obama told the group.....I am the president and I will take the blame.... He is talking to us as if he IS REALLY THE PRESIDENT..and he is in contol...and he will do the best to make things better for all of us. I DO HAVE LOTS OF FAITH IN HIM.L HE WANTS TO DO A GOOD JOB.....AND WE ALL SHOULD GIVE HIM OUR SUPPORT AND HAVE FAITH IN HIM...AND BE PATIENT....
HE IS PISSED AND HE SAID SO..HE WANT TO GET THE MONEYH BACK, OR PUNISH THE PEOPLE WHO TOOK THE MONEY... AND GETTING IT BACK IS UNDERWAY...ONLY BUSHES PEOPLE THE WOMAN EXPRESS SWECRETARY "pECONIO" OR SOMETING LIKE THAT..... and some Senator.....said that we shouldnt interere with the policies of companies...which included not interering with their salaries and policy.....and of course this was a REPUBLICAN>
I wish I had the time to write myh blog earlier in the evening..when I am not sleeping and typing at the same time. Myh creativity level is down now, 70 percent....I dont think in terms of adjectives and adverbs....and the very stuff to talk about is diminished.....as is the vocabulary.... I think when business picks up, bills are paid,when stress is down, my creativity will return...and the blogs will get much better.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NewrecipeS:101 things to DO with a Plaintain..My Poetry

Last night I forgot to give the begining of recipes that I will invent, or re=create from other recipes....Using the PLAINTAIN.....the plantain is a banana of sorts...and there are many kinds, I have found out..but its not the sugary sweet ones we are used to...The Chicquita Banana...that we find green and then ripens in a few days to be deliciously sweet..and when it is almost brown and bad..its at its hight of tasty ness...
The Plaintain is its huge cousin, that seems to stay green longer, is vey less sweet, even when it turns yellow and has less taste. It has so manyu different uses than its sweet cousin. The recipe I will give here is a combo of CUBA or Puerto Rican Fried platano (sweet or green) and a sauce from INdonesia. Here goes. I sliced up a plaintain that was semi ripe..Not green and not mushy soft. I dipped it in flour with salt, pepper, and garlic powder added.....after a quick bath in a bowl of beaten egg. The flour and spices adhered nicely to the plaintain...and I fried it in vegtable oil. Then put it on a paper towel to drain it of its oil.
I made a qucik peanut sauce by adding two tablespoons of peanut butter, 4 tablespoons of water, a splash of soy sauce, 1.4 teaspoon garlic powder, and a few drops of tobasco...(you can use chili oil too) Heat in microwave for 30 secs to a min...and then beat with a fork till smooth. Serve the sauce warm... dip in the fried banana...and that's all folks. Its delicious.
You can alter the taste and add curry powder to the flour and to the peanut sauce..to give it an INDIAN FLAIR. You can make a wet batter by adding a bit of oil and beaten egg and milk to the fluor and spices.....dip the banana in the batter and then into a bowl of grated and shredded coconut and then fry...
A great dipping sauce can be the peanut...but try this one...
Put a few tablespoons of Orange Marmalade in a microvable bowl. Add soy sauce, hot sauce, and garlic powder ( and a few drops of vinegar) beat till smooth...make it yet straner by adding grated ginger or horseradish...
The plantain is so verf versitile....for example, there is a dish called MAFONGO....it is consisted of boiled mashed plantain, and chopped meat, and all kinds of oils and spices...I have eaten it in the Dominican Republic....but never cooked it.ANd one of my projects for this week is to get a recipe...Another one using the Palintain is in a sterw or a soup made with TRIPE. Now I cannot say that tripe is one of my favoarite foods, but this soup whose name is very similar to Monfongo..(and it skips my brain for a moment) is delicious..Besides the banana and tripe, there are all kinds of things floating around like chunks of corn on the cob, root veggies like Yuca,Pumpkin,celery, sweet potatoe, green pepper,Onion,garlic, and I guess, what ever else is available....so everyones recipe will be different...and each homemakers or chefs recipe might vary with the season...and availibilty......This too, will be one of my project this week to remember the name...and find its recipe and varients...
I am into my fourth or fifth day using FACEBOOK..Its somwhat confusing...becuase the number of people on it grows daily....you get mail from friends, and friends of friends, and relatives and friends of relatives.. Soon, ther emight be so manypeople sending info across the cyber network, that there will be no time to go to work, or sleep or eat....just keep reading and answering everything. It get recidulous. It seems that some people have to write down what they do every day. They go to work, they go to their kids school,. they went shopping, they went to the hairdresser, then the dentist, then the foot Dr, then the ASS DR, then the Vet....and details...my dog shit on my friend lawn and I cleanit it up, then I went ot the movie and peed in myh pants becuase it was so funny I couldnt stop laughing...then I had a diverticulous attack from eating the popcorn...and my friend called she had a hangnail,....Please....I am getting mail from people that I dont know, or cant remember that I know. Now I am not going to be a spoil sport, and will continue with this and see how it plays out.. I cold invite everyone over for coffee and cake... What if 17 million people show up and I dont have enough Splenda and cream for all the coffee..and I might have to order more chairs...
Today business was slow, but we made on sale of significance...but buying was good. I guess every one was out chasing Leprechauns, or drinking, or eating corn beef and cabbage, or drinking, or eating food that was dyed green..like bagels, jello,cookies and cakes, and green Humantashen left over fromIrish Purim.....I am sure the bars were swinging and the streets of NYC were aglow in Green everything..the Parade and all of its festivities made the city one large party...and it is rumored that some of the Nuns at St PAtrick Cathedral, dyed their hair green and were wearing green panties under their habits....to attract Leprechauns who are purportedly extra horney on this day....as are the nuns...and they just might be doing things under the sheets...more than searching for flour leaf clovers....(if the last few lines offended anyone...please, you can call this following number to report me 1-800-POPES-Kvetch Line.
We bought from a "picker today" A lovely pair of GREEN LEATHER high back Queen Ann Office arm chairs by Hanock and MOORE, a pair of brown leaher Deco Tub Chairs, a pair of KNOLL Chrome VINTAGE armchairs(tufted) a banded inlaid straight leg Chippendale style HENDREDON WRITING TABLE. a pair of LenoxPink and WHite Deco style NEOCLASSIC Lamps, 6 older repro CHippendale Dinign Room chairs and the star of the package, is a fabulous Vintage Italian "Pot Belly BOMBE BAR" in patchwookd Olive wood, with a fabuloous mirroredback bar, with shell carving on top...I will put up a photo tomorrow....I have never see one of these ever...and I missed one item. a 30 year old, fabulous reproduction of a mirrored Victorian hallstand in white, with huge pegs to hang hats and coats...The buying today was better than the selling.
IO am getting very sleepy an will continue this tomorrow...I close with a blessing for all the friends and family on face book...and since blessings are a commodity that we need more of....I send my blessing to all on the planet... Hey, you never know, some of it just might work>

Jackie Mason and the use of the WORD SVARTZA

Jackie Mason is a commedian.ANd he is a very funny man but he is also stupid!!! He called the President a svartza, when translated only means 'the black one", which he is. But over the years, the word has taken on, not a meaning of hatred...like the N word, but somewhat of a deragatory sense. Svartz just means black in German and Yiddish. People have last names Swartz, which means Black... and other names like
Swartzcup...and its various spellings....(black head) In English, if you called the President "Black or Black one" there wouldnt have been such a hub bub... But becasue it was in yiddish...oh my GOD, he is being racist.
He was right when he mentions all the black commedians alwasy use the N word in their jokes....I dont think they could do stand up without it. Are they racists beucase they use it NO!!!! and hey, Chris Rock is funny. Black people call each other N all the time...and use it wouldout any meaning of negativity. They dedused the impact of the word by over use. They disempowered it... Its only a word. And everyone knows, that it is the meaning...the intent behind the use that is what is important. If a member of the KLU KLUXZ CLAN addred a person and called them the N word, you know that meaning was racist... but if you are black and CHRIS Rock called you, "hey N, come over here" you also know he is just being friendly....its like one gay person calling out to another on....hey faggot, youwant a beer,.......
Jackie MASON is not a racist...but maybe a schmuck. He should have refrained from calling any black person, in these sensitive times a Svartza, because he is white, not one of them, and the entiure world doenst speak and understand Yiddish and the subtly of the word. And especially, to call the main man....who has enough "tsourus" trouble....now any names...was just plain stupid. Jackie could have humbled himself, apologized and explained to everyone, as I did here, that he meant no harm oar disrespect.
He could have gone futher, complimented Obamaon the tought job he inherited, and its obvious that he is working day and night to try to make things better and save our economy. I truly belive he is sincere and deserves our respect and cooperation.Jackie MAson really should apologize and stop any kind of rift between blacks and whites and JEWs and blacks... He should use his brain and give his tongue a rest.

Monday, March 16, 2009

St Patricks DAY, Grandmas Yarzeit, My Neices Birthday,and the title is FIXED

(PLEASE FOR GIVE THE SPELLING AND GRAMMAR IN THE FOLLOWING BLOG...I WAS TO LAZY AND TIRED TO USE SPELL CHECK AT THE END OF TYPING THIS)March 17th....the Leprachauns have been doing theri stchick now for 21 minutes. There are all kinds of them you know.. There are the very evil ones...that make horror movies (they make the most money, especially on reruns and residuals) There are the ones that just play naughty tricks, and the good ones that bring luck to people and gifts, and laughter and occasionally do good deeds...
But just looking at them quickly, its hard to discern which ones are which. The ones with Neiman Marcus labels in their clothing are the ones to be careful of. DID you ever shop in the Leprachaun department on the 3d floor.. The prices...are rediculous..Especially on the green tights, jackets and top hats. Only the ones LITTLE ONES that can afford to shop there, are the ones in the horror movies....
I looked int the refigerator and I think one of them turned my cheese and bread green...unless I forgot to throw out the old stuff and it was mold. I was thinking of advertising a ST PADDYS DAY SPECIAL, \give everyone Irish whiskey, try to get them drunk and then see if I sould get them to buy a lot of stuff.when they wre tipsey...but know with new laws...and Inusrance problems, we would be responsible if they got into an accident when they left here...
Grandma died on St PADDYS DAY in 1976...I remember the phone call coming in..My father was in the store...he answered it...listened, and then finally said...Ok we will be right there" He looked up at me and said "your grandmother died"
She wasnt really sick, but age took a toll. I think she was 88...cant remember right now.... She was the first person that I loved that died. The experince was new for me...and alathough, my other grandmother passed away first, I hadnt really known her very well. We were not close. We werent able to communicate, because her use of the ENGLISH language was minimal, although she came to America in 1888....during the Spanish AMerican WAR. Its after midnight now, and I mightbe mixing up the facts, due to the fact, that I am typing while in LALA land..half asleep. I hope I sound coherent...if not.. You know my excuse is sleep depreivation and not IRISH WHISKEY....WHen I do drink, which is every other year or two... It is either wine, or some sissy drink with a pink umbrella in it...or SANGRIA... Occasionaly I cant have something made with VODKA....and OJ, or V'B (That is a Bloody MARY VEGGITARIAN) But Scotch and WHISKEY.....is medicine.....and rarely, do I like even a beer, unless its cold and I am on a desert dragging my ass thru the sand looking for an oasis.
My emotions were new to me...GRANDMA DIED.. My heart was palpatating. I do not know if I cried out loud,although the mental anguish was unbearable.Even though I wasnt taught by my parents that "big boys dont cry" I absorbed the concept from life experince in school and on the street. So by not crying, the intensity was worse....
FOR those who might be reading that are not familiar with the JEWISH religion, burial is within 24 hours. There is not prolonged wake, where the body is put out on exhibit, and the mortician,, applies make up, and other plastic surgery concepts to make the person look better than they looked in their life...so people can say how good they look.....The funeral parlours really then milk the family for cosmetics, flowers, and an expensive casket, although religous JEWS, always opt for a simple pine box....which is traditional...for several reasons.. One is that thruout history, JEWS , with few exceptions were not rich and couldnt afford luxurious caskets....and since burial had to be within 24 hours, only simple pine boxes could be cut and nailed together......no time to make fine furniture..which would be upholstered in expensive fabric...and the case decorative with fine brass work....and finally, in death, all JEWS would be going to meet their make equally...
I remember not wanting to go to GRANMAS FUneral...SInce BIg boys dont cry, the thought of crying in public was an impossibilty for me to face. I was thinking of running away.. I thought that "GRANDMA wouldnt ever find out" so it didnt matter. But The disrespect of even thinking this was tearing my brain apart. I also COulnd let my Mother face the funeral alone...it would also be ighly disrespectful to her....I knew the family just had to stay together....and I realized that I was being very selfish, although, going thru mental torture. I did go and I did survive, and I suppose it was one of the first steps of accepting the fac that I was a grown man, accepting responsibilities and doing this because it was the right thing to do.
I remember my mother aruging with the RABBI. My grandmother had abolutley no money at all. She always had gone from hand to mouth her entirue existence in AMerica. When she left HUngary....she left a family with educationa and money, a fine house and maids....Never ever to find luxury again. She left a family, where there was no love...from PArents to CHILD".... And she did get love from her Daughter and Grandchildren and son in law. HAd she stayed in Hungary, with her unloving parents, she might have ended up in AUshwitz, Bergen Belsen or Buchenwald.
ANd I wouldnt be writing this blog tonight!
My neice Jennifer (with the assistence of my Newphew ADAM) gave birth to my grandneice 4 years ago today..... also MArch 17th... She is the cutest kid you have every seen...and her personality is beyond explnation.. You almost think she is a child actress, acting out a script....Adorable is an understatement.... SInce she is a member of the family...and has the DNA within her, that my Grandmather had....and I suppose it might go back, not just to her father ADAM, but to the ORIGINAL ADAM........maybe, there is a bit of reincarnation going on here? It sounds rediculous.. I guess...but who knows. Does anyone really know how the Universe works. What LIFE FORCE really is. If there is really a soul that lives forever... Einsteins theories that nothing is created nor destroyed... Energy can change form.. but doesnt every leave the universe....In the novel that I wrote that
has been read and accepted by Random HOUSE....the basis of it is How Jesus and his Desciples are all reincarnated in BROOKLYN a few years ago.....and set out to change the world again.......It is fiction, based on my own creativity...do I really belive this could happen? Definatley maybe!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I still cannot post proper titles....If I put a space between two words....they all disappear...and a strange bunch of numbers and symbols appear...and no one can tell me how to remedy this.
SUNDAY....today we did ok....and had the largest percentage of buyers every... I think only two people who entered, didnt buy anything...Unfortunately, there werent that many people..But I am thankful....and all were nice people......no one aggravated me...and lately, that doesnt take much. Yesterday we had a very sweet couple that came late and stayed till after 7. We talked about business, and that led to their "story" and other spiritual things. They both were extrememly good looking, and when she told me she had a 14 year old, I didnt belive her..Both of them looked in their mid to late twenties.....They put a deposti down on a sofa, and said they would contemplate the purchase of a desk.. Well they returned and purchaded both....They came with a third person who I thought was her brother..He was about 6'2....When I asked if he was her brother she laughed, no he is my son....He looked 19 to 20, not 14, and his behavior and language was as mature as his looks.
They told me they were high school sweethearts...but their parents made them break up....they married other people...raised a family...they both got a divorce, almost simultaneously...and hooked up again....their love was still burning, and they finally got married. The magic of this is that they never aged....they are in their 40's.....and look in their twenties..... ANd they are so happy, that their seems to be a golden auroa radiating around them.
GASPACHO INSTANTE: or V OCHO GASPACHO (V8 Gaspacho) Those of you who want to impress friends with a hard to find soup...can make it in a few minutes.... Pre chill
a can of V8 Vegtable Juice or Tomatoe Juice....Put it in a large pottery bowl. Add
around 4 tablespoon vinegar (not balsamic) about 1/4cup extra virgin olive oil, one large clove of garlic crushed, fresh ground pepper, salt to taste....a pinch of sugar. Some options: splash of Worchester sauce..one to two tablespoons of grated orchopped onion. Mixed all the ingredients and refrigerate for at least an hour...
Before serving you can add all or some of the following: grapes,cut in half and seeds removed, red and green pepper chopped up, small chunks of assorted mellon, chopped scallions, 3/4 pieces of crispy Romaine lettuce, ....etc
I used to have Gaspacho soup 40 years ago in a jestaurant called the JAI LAI off of Bleeker st in NYC..and they served Gaspacho a bit spicy, and mellon and grapes..and it was awesom..... TRY this.....no cooking involved....
DUMPLINGS ala Chinese or Thai Restaurant.... Trader Joes sells frozen dumpling Chinese and Thai style....and they are good. But you need a good dipping sauce....so here are a few recipes.....
Use a microwavable bowl: add roasted sesasmi oil, two tablespoons.....then one tablespoon of hoisin sauce, and two table spoons water....few drops of hot chili oil or tobasco...whip it into a smooth sauce...heat...and dip.
Add to soysauce, a pinch of ground star anise or Chinese 7 spice, chopped scallion,a few drops of sesami oil, and chili oil.....heat and eat....


SO, THE GOVERNMNENT says they cant do anything abu aig giving bonuses to their people.165 million dollars, of American Taxpayers money...given to them to bail them out...exactly what oar who are they bailing out with the 15 million? I always thought a bonus or a tip was given to people for exceptional service...so the AIG employees who lost billions of dollars for the company are getting money for letting the company go down the tubes.. What part of this makes sense...and you and I are paying for this and the goernment, who so generously gave them the money HAS NO RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING..GIVE ME A PHUCKING BREAK. ALL THOSE EMPLOYEES NEED TO BE JOINinG BERNIE MADOFF IN THE SAME SMELL....AND DONT LET ANY OF THEM USE DEODERANT,..AND WE DO KNOW... that these people really Stink. Make the cell small, without windows, and feed them what the cowboys used to eat out on the range. Beans. Let them asphixiate each other.
The banks and major corporations need to survive. We not only need cars, and insurance and banks, but too many jobs would be lost...and lost jobs would also cost the Government lost payroll taxes...so in a way, they are not giving as much as it seems, becuase they will get it back in Federal Inocme tax form the employees jobs they save. But I cant help getting high blod pressure to know that large companies are getting all this money, their crooked management is stealing millions, and we small businessmen and homeowners can pay our bills. ThaT 165 MILLION IN BONUSES... could save a hell of a lot of forclosures and help small business pay their bills. I think the GOVErnmenT should publish a list of the names and adresses and PHONE NUMBERS of all the recipinets of the Bonus money....so we could all give them a piece of our minds....not that we can afford to loose any cerebral matter at this time.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


one can just try to get into his head....what is up there. Why didnt he steal the money, and then play ROBIN HOOD...do something good with some of it. Instead of stealing from Spielbergs Childrens Cancer fund...do nate to it. Give money to St Judes. Cure a few diseases. Have Bernie Madoff Memorial AIds Clinics. OPen Soup Kitchens. Homeless shelters. There could have been hundreds of charities that could have been helped. He certainly couldnt spend 90,000,000 dollars. Lets say it in words. Ninety THOUSAND, million dollars. Where is it? Well, the people did get their interest each year I think......its just the principal he stole.
I think he should be exposed to various diseases and used as a human guinea pig...his wife and children, should be tortured in front of him.....maybe a little guilt might show..And according to some....RUTH is the leader of the pack. They all knew......
I do not remember getting up early in the morning to wrote the above blog...it stated that I wrote it at around 6:30....and then I went back to sleep. Now, I heard of sleep walking, sleep eating, and even people going for walks outside the house and driving the car while sleeping, but sleep blogging...? Maybe I invented an entire new concept. Maybe there will be a Pulitzer prize for those who write the best blog while asleep>...
Well now, the day is over, and the next day has begun We are now 8 minutes into SUNDAY...I just finished playing around with Facebook, which led me to YOU TUBE and an adventure of very fun TV commericals and MAD TV excepts....which made me laugh out loud....and made me smile....which lately, doesnt happen as much as in the past.
Brad Boles, who is the Producer...or Host of REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC, a TV show, of the reality type.....with the premise of a bunch of vicious bitches...that have adventures and Brad puts them in their places........Brad came into the store a few days ago and became a customer..First in MAHWAH, where he and Glen became friendly, and then Glen sent him to HOHOKUS, where he went wild, like a kid in a candy store.....he is not only a TV personality, but deals in Antiques, and is an Interior Designer........t oday he returned with an entourage....browsed some more, ...The lady in the MINISKIRT(check out photos of all of us..if I can figure out how to get them oonto the blog) bought a fabulous photo...from an exhibit my PHOTOGRAPHER MARY Durante Wherhahn...We are building the exhibt of "ethnic" photos...oilpaintings and other works of art.....The other lady....in the photo, is a MORROACAN JEW who moved to ISrael, and now to the USA...and teaches Morroccon Cooking....and we will have cooking classes soon at GRANNYS.... With the Art exhibits, poetry readings , cooking classes...political meetings...I have been trying to turn GRANNYS into a cultural center as well as a business. We should have tables and chairs, musical recitals, serve free wine...and make GRANNYS like a hangout in Paris for all the artistic people...bohemians, and wild ones...at the turn of the Century.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So Bernie is going to jail. They say he might get 150 years, which by my quick calculations, would make him about 225 years old when he is released. Our criminal justice system and government makes as much sense as a Murderer who has killed his parents, asking for leniency because he is an ORPHAN. Our government, up till now for the past many years, must have been run by Dr Seuss and his bandofmerry cartoons.
The wake of the Madoff Sunami, has resulted in several suicides worldwide, and the destruction of many lives, and life savings. I am wondering in the scheme of things, if death is result of his actions, would the present holy spirit, God, or what ever runs this insane universe judge him as a thief or murderer or both.
Somehow, I put on my judging hat to try to decide whether is is worse to cheat worth wihle charities and organizations...like the HAddassah,Ellie Weisels Hollocaust Foundation and others. I personaly think that this man should endure torture.. Mental and physical pain both, becuase this is what he inflicted on so many others. My stance as a liberal ends here. Bring on Waterboarding, and speeches made by George W MORONBUSH, programs by Matha Stewart, fingernail removals, eye piercing, anal probes, and other creative torture that can be administered by the VILLAGE PEOPLE, who no longer cut records.
His sparce food whould be maggot infested

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Yesterday I had fun, as if fun was something that had been eliminated from life. FUN had been replaced by mostly work, and noshing, before, after or during WORk. I had been invited by one of my most wonderful customers, The Resnicks...who, had been summoned by "higher powers" a few years ago, when I prayed to this higher power, to send me a DR who would treat one of my female friends.....for free, becuase she didnt have any insurance or that green stuff with pictures of presidents or dead statements who used to fly a kite.
As I drifted off to sleep, why in the state of not being awake, and not exactly sleeping....I actually thought I heard a voice say "Ok, I will send someone" Now if the voice was wishful thinking, in my head, or in the room.... who knows. This is what happened.
The next morning, almost exactly at ten am, a nice looking man in a black suit and a yarmulka entered GRANNYS ATTIC. He had an infectious smile and said, "I was passing here on the way to the hospital and saw your sign and had to stop and come in.
"ARE YOU SICK>? I asked? :"No" he said, "would you belive I am a Doctor?"
Yes(coninuted here: I belive it......and what kind of Dr are you I asked?: as he adjusted his yarmulka... "I am a gynocologist, specializing in Oncology" Immediately I choked upped...because, translated into laymans terms,....he is a womans dr, who specializes in cancer... The exact type of Dr I had prayed for , only hours before.,..that should immediatley appear, like a geni!
My response was, "WOW, he sure works fast doesnt he"? The Dr looked puzzeled and looked at me with very serious eyes,,,,,"WHO WORKS FAST?" "The Guy Upstairs...as you would said "HASHEM" (refering to GOD" I then explained what I had prayed for the night before....and the story....and I said, to fullfil the prayer, I would need for you to accept her as a patient for free. She has no money , she is ill and swcared to death.. "SEND HER IN" was the reply. My eyes immediately filled with salty liquid...part in happiness, part for the goodness of this man, and the third part, was maybe I actually made contact.....with a higher consciousness. Who knows?
I thanked him so much, blessed him and told him what ever he needs in my store...shouuld the occasion arise, I would really take care of him...with nice discounts...and it came to pass, that he and his wife became excellent customers, furnished his office and home from GRANNYS..
The second blessing from the Resnick family, was a gift package of food sent back for me, when the boys delivered things to their home. To me, sending food from a holiday dinner is a very fine and spiritual gift. A gift that one consumes and actually becomes part of you...
The Resnicks, when they come to visit, always radiates such warmth. Their very presence is uplifting. When their speak of their children, they speak with suck love, that some of it just has to enter ones own soul. And they speak of their religion with the same love, and even though I am not the least bit religious...I am spiritual....and spiritual people gain strenght from people who have a love of life and other people....
The Resnicks invite me for Purim... Purim is a holiday that celebrates the tripumph of survival of the JEWS in Ancient PERSIA. The KING, after killing his wife Queen VASHTI, for disobeying him (he wanted her to parade around before his court and people NAKED) She was the Daughter of King Nebuchanezer...and felt she was above being reduced to a play thing for her husband...she refused...and the KING ACHASCHERVOUS had her killed. He then put out a decree that all women(wives) must obey their husbands. Now go back a few thousand years....in Semetic culture..WIves had to obey their husband....by social order...not by the decree of a KING..so the people in PERSIA thought the king was crazy.
Eventually, the KING MARRIED A Jewish woman named Esther....(The book of Ester is part of the bible.) They said she was drop dead gorgeous....and probably very good in bed....Soon after the marrige, the Kings Priminister...named HAMMAN, was pissed off becuase he wanted the king to marry his daughter (the one with the mustache, one large eyebrow, teeth missing in front(they didnt have orthodontists in those days)..so this evil HAMMAN, had the King sign a decree that all JEWS in PErsian should be killed....(including the Queen Ester)...Well the people really didnt pay attention to him becuase they thought he was crazy from the decree about wives obeying the husband... Ester probably gave the king a good stchoop and some head, and convinced the KING to get rid of HAMMAN and not the JEWS. The KING listen to Ester, and HAMMA was either killed or run out of the country with his ugly daughter...and the JEWs rejoiced. Now this story became the story of PURIM. and it was written down on a special scroll...which is read every PURIM.... and its called the MIGILLAH. (as in dont make such a big Magilla out of everything" Everytime in the story of PURIM, that the name HAMMAN is mentioned, the children used a noice make and make a lit of noice with it , like those gadgets on NEW YEARS EVE....
Hamman used to wear of tri-cornered hat. And in his memory, The woman started baking triangular pastries with prune jelly in the middle....and these were called
HUMENTASHEN (or HAMMAN;s HAT)..and these have been brought down to modern times..where you can find them in almost any bakery or Greek diner...Like many Jewish hedonists, my favorite holiday of the Jewish year is & has
always been Purim, the Jewish Mardi Gras. Halloween with Humentashen. The
Purim Story, the Book of Esther, also called the Megillah, is filled with
sex, seduction, exhibitionism, sexual harrassment, sexual teasing, feasts,
parties, political intrigue, the awful spectre of genocide, lots of post-op
transsexuals (eunuchs), & Esther--a shrewdly sexual heroine who rescues her
people from a fate worse than Bosnia, armed with nothing but her smarts &
her sex appeal. It's an incredible story. According to archaeological
findings, it's probably also a true story. It's also an extremely relevant
story in light of all the inter-ethnic, interracial, inter-religious
violence going on in the Middle East, the Balkans, Africa, & right here at

So I'm taking a moment to tell you my own erotic exotic version of the Purim
Story, and if you'd like to take a moment to read it, please continue. You
might want to grab your Bible, so you can check out the source (the Book of
Esther is right between Nehemiah & Job). Grab your vibrator too. Grab your
sweetheart. Grab yourself. Enjoy.

The Story of Esther begins with a great feast, the climactic week-long
banquet in a festival that's lasted 180 days--that 's 6 months of partying
(& we think if we go all weekend, we're being decadent). King Ahasuerus,
who rules 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia, is the man behind this
Mother of All Parties, filled with lots of eating, drinking & carousing, as
the best Old Testament parties are. And "on the 7th day," says the Bible,
"the king, merry with wine" calls for his wife, Vashti, "with her royal
crown, in order to show the people & the princes her beauty".

Now in Hebrew School, I learned "with her royal crown" really means "wearing
nothing but her royal crown." See, I said this was a sexy story. But Vashti
is feeling prissy & refuses to parade her naked self before the king & his
royal party animals. If she could've sued him for sexual harrassment, she
would've, but they didn't have lawsuits back then; they didn't even have
lawyers then, tho they did have Judges, of course.

So the king kicks Vashti out of the palace; some translations say she's
executed which, I always thought, was a rather drastic punishment for
refusal to strip at a drunken party, but I also never sympathized with
Vashti, a sex-phobic prude with no zest for exhibitionism (one of my
favorite fetishes; also Ahasuerus'--the horny old despot.

Now, with Vashti, the Mother of All Party-Poopers, out of the picture,
Ahasuerus needs a new queen--a virgin. They were into that then--the virgin
fetish. A lot of guys are still into the virgin fetish, until they have to
deal with a real virgin. My advice to Virgin Fetishists: Get a nice
experienced lover who likes to pretend she's a virgin, & you'll have great
virgin-style sex, probably better than sex with a real virgin.

But, Ahasuerus doesn't have me or anyone else as a sex therapist (they
didn't have sex therapists back then either), & he wants a virgin. So he
holds a Greater Babylonia Beauty Contest where all the hottest virgins in
his kingdom compete to be queen. There they were, rows & rows of jailbait,
all decked out, panting to be picked...

I remember getting all decked out to compete in a Hebrew School Esther
contest. Winning & getting to play Esther was the height of my prepubescent
exhibitionism. Too bad the kid playing Ahasuerus was two years younger &
five inches shorter than me...

Anyway back to the Bible: Enter Mordecai the Jew, who enters his teenage
cousin Esther into Ahasuerus' virgin contest, encouraging her to bat her
lovely virgin eyes, but keep a lid on being Jewish. Even in these days
before Michael Milken, it was not cool. It's never totally cool to be
Jewish; non-Jews are always suspicious of Jews. Actually, everybody's
suspicious of somebody; that's one reason I'm telling this story. So
Esther's Jewish, tho she's no JAP. She's pretty down-to-earth, but she's
hot, she's "comely" as the Bible says, & the king gets all excited just
looking at her, & he gives her a prime position in the royal harem, where
she's bathed & beautified with ointments & perfumes for six months (hey,
those Babylonians out-Japped the Japs).

Then Esther "goes in unto" the king. That's the Bible's way of saying they
have sex. And she gives him the best head he's ever gotten in his life.
(Just kidding; the Bible doesn't say she gives him head; I'm doing a little
free interpretation here. But hey, Ahasuerus falls madly in love with her
after just one night, so I figure it must have been a hot night).

Anyway...he crowns Esther queen, & holds another big bash. The Bible's
pretty coy about exactly what Esther does there, but I bet at some point,
she strips down to her crown. I mean, that's the king's fetish, & Vashti's
downfall...so...I can just see Esther belly-dancing naked on a pedestal
above crowds of drunken revellers drooling at her comeliness. Go Esther!
But make no mistake: Esther's go go, but she's no bimbo...She's about to
get into some heavy stuff...

See, all this time, Mordecai's been hanging around outside the harem (can
you blame him?) & he discovers two eunuchs. These are sort of Biblical
post-op transsexuals--literally guys who have been castrated--y'know,
eunuchs! So, Mordecai overhears these eunuchs plotting to kill the king
(eunuchs are such shameless creatures). And he tells Esther who tells the
king, who has the eunuchs hanged (they sure didn't have a lawyer) & has the
event entered in his Royal Diary.

Then, Ahasuerus promotes one of his princes, Haman the Agagite (a
Hitler-wannabe BCE) to be his right-hand man. All the people bow down to
Haman, except Mordecai who's Jewish & doesn't bow down to anybody except
God, & maybe his accountant, but certainly not this Haman character. Haman's
mad. He vows to kill not just Mordecai, but all the Jews, & all their
accountants! And, since Haman's now the king's pet, he uses the king's royal
seal to issue an edict that all princes in all provinces prepare "to
destroy, to slay, to annihilate all Jews, young & old, women & children, in
one day, the 13th day of the month of Adar, & to plunder their goods." His
excuse? He tells the king that these people are "different...so let them be
destroyed." The old ethnic cleansing routine. The 8-letter word is

Oh, I know, this story isn't so sexy anymore. Well, life isn't just a barrel
of orgasms, darling.

So: Mordecai roams outside the harem wailing "Oy vey! They're gonna kill
us! Worse, they're gonna clean out our bank accounts", & one of Esther's
eunuchs comes out (there were a lot of these eunuchs running around, I think
mainly to give the women pleasure without impregnating them, which was the
king's thing...hm, not a bad little institution; every woman in the harem
gets her own personal human safe sex toy..). So, Mordecai gives Esther's
eunuch the big bad news & tells him to tell Esther it's up to her to change
the king's mind about this genocide thing.

Esther's worried. And scared. Because even tho they didn't have lawyers
then, they had laws. And according to law, anyone who approaches the king
without being invited is executed on the spot, unless the king holds out
his golden scepter. Now, even tho Esther's queen, she's fairly new on the
job, & she wasn't invited to see the king, so according to law, she could
be killed--instantly.

Mordecai don't want to hear from laws; remember: Mordecai don't bow down to
nobody. He reminds Esther, "The lives of all Jews (yours too) have been
condemned. You might think you're assimilated & can pass for Babylonian,
but Haman's henchmen may not agree. Besides, maybe you were blessed with
your "comeliness" for a nobler purpose than just keeping a horny king happy
& getting your feet rubbed by a eunuch." Whoa, talk about inflicting Jewish
guilt; Mordecai does a number on our girl Esther. But guilt like that is
good. Guilt over sex is usually dumb guilt. Guilt over not saving people's
lives is generally good guilt...

So, shivering in her sandals, Esther goes to Ahasuerus, & the guards start
to take her away for execution, but the king sees it's his favorite
exhibitionist, his comely Esther, & he holds out "his golden scepter" &
saves her. I always considered this a very phallic image: the king saving
Esther by holding out this long hard golden scepter.

Now, don't get too excited; Esther doesn't deep-throat it or anything. But
the Bible does say she "touches the tip of his scepter." That's pretty
hot--touching the tip. And the king gets all excited. He falls in love with
Esther all over again. He just loves the way she touches his tip. He says
he'll give her anything she wants. But Esther doesn't spring the big request
right away. She's cool, she's cunning. She knows how to turn a man on &

She says she wants to give a private dinner for the king & Haman. Ahasuerus
is excited; he's also a food fetishist. He calls for Haman, who shows up
all proud of himself for wangling this intimate invitation to dine with the
king & his hot wife.

Esther entertains like a great geisha, & when the king is drunk, well-fed,
& well-shtupped, he asks Esther again what does she want? He'll do anything
for her. But Esther doesn't tell him what she really wants, not yet. She
teases him, plays her potentate like an instrument. She asks him & Haman to
come back the next night for another dinner.

Ahasuerus leaves in a state of extreme erotic agitation. It's like he's got
royal blue balls. Meanwhile, on his way home, Haman runs into Mordecai who
still won't bow down to his Royal Assholickness. Haman's so mad he can't
wait until the 13th of Adar to hang Mordecai. He builds a gallows right in
his own front yard, & gets up early to see about obtaining Ahasuerus' okay
to hang Mordecai that day. But...meanwhile, back at the palace, Ahasuerus,
still in a horny tizzy over Esther's teasing, can't sleep. He couldn't turn
on the TV (they had plenty of eunuchs, but no TV's). So he has one of his
eunuchs read to him from his Royal Diary. Remember when he made the entry
about Mordecai turning in those other eunuchs & saving his life? Well,
that's the entry he hears, & he decides he's got to honor this Mordecai
fella in some way. At this point, Haman strides into the palace, hell-bent
on getting Ahasuerus to let him hang Mordecai now. But Ahasuerus, being
king, speaks first: "What shall be done to the man whom the

Haman, arrogant little prig, stops mid-stride, assuming Ahasuerus is talking
about him & suggests that "such a man" be given the king's robes to wear &
the king's horse to ride while one of the king's princes rides before him
thru town proclaiming his honor.

Ahasuerus loves the idea, & commands Haman to do just that...for Mordecai
the Jew. Haman's totally humiliated; he feels worse than a freshly castrated
eunuch! He obeys--he has to, he's a company man--but he's fuming...

That night, Esther throws the dinner party of her life--lots of wine & sex
& sweetmeats--that has the king down on his royal knees again, like some
submissive CEO with his mistress, begging her to tell him what she wants.

But she's a cool mistress, that Esther...I remember the night I first told
the Story of Esther to Max. I was telling it in bed, in an even sexier way
than I'm telling it now. So..at this point, with the king down on his knees
begging Esther to tell him what she wants, Max got down on his knees begging
me to let him go down on me. Actually, I was on my period, but neither
Biblical prohibition nor bodily squeamishness stopped my Max. He dove right
for it, smearing his face with the blood of my affliction & the juice of my
affection...mmm...I tried to continue my Bible-reading, like:
"Okay...Lessee...the king...mmm...the king asks Esther what she
wants...oooh...that's soo nice...she wants...oh Goooddd...she wants him to
suck her clit--"

"No," Max said, "that's not in in the Bible."

"Yes," I said.

"But something tells me the king is not giving Esther head while she tells
him what she wants."

"I don't know," he said, "she's a powerful woman. She could tell a man to
do anything anytime."

Then he went back to licking me, slowly, sensually, & I felt an entire Bible
story raging in my loins, the armies of menstrual pain battling the armies
of sexual pleasure for control of the temple, my body. It was close, but
pleasure overtook pain, & I relaxed into Max's mouth, & picked up the Bible
in an erotic trance. No one was there but the two of us, yet I felt as if
the king's great feast was going on all around us. All the princes were
watching as I lay in the royal bed, as two eunuchs held my legs apart for
the king to devour me. All the princes stroked their sceptors, as I writhed
& recited the story:

"What is your petition, Queen Esther?" begs the king, "It shall be granted
you. What is your request? Even to the half of my kingdom, it shall be

Then, when she knows she's got him by the testacles--when she knows he'd
buy out Bloomies for her, if there had been a Babylonian Bloomies, Esther
makes her request: She asks for her life & the life of her people. And the
king says "For you, Esther, no problem!" Just like that--genocide

Amazing--The power of a sexual woman. Amazing, how downright heroic this
ancient exhibitionist teenager turned out to be.

Now, of course, the king wants to know who would destroy the people of his
Esther. Ooh, Haman's in deep doo doo now. Slowly, dramatically, Esther
points to Hamen. The king's in shock; Haman's his main man. The king steps
outside to think. Haman's freaked. He gets down on his knees to beg
forgiveness from Esther (what a woman, that Esther, royal goyim on their
knees before her, one after the other). Haman's literally falling all over
Esther's lap when the king walks back in & assumes the worst. "Will he even
assault the queen in my presence?" he bellows. And within moments--no
lawyers, no trial, no questions--Haman the Aggravating Agagite, is taken
away by eunuchs (more eunuchs!) who hang him on the very gallows he had
erected to hang Mordecai. The king then revokes the Jewish genocide edict,
and the 13th day of Adar becomes a day of "gladness, feasting &
holiday-making," & getting drunk, as it still is, the holiday of Purim.
[WARNING: some liberties may have been taken with the story in the preceding
paragraphs... -psl]
Purim at the Resknicks was an eye opener for me....They left their doors open adn the entire Orthodix world came in...Bands of Rowdy drunken wonderful teens cam in, begging for money for their Yeshiva, school or what ever their charity was. It is a day not only of celebration and partying and having fun, but a day of "sedukkah)giving charity.. But In order to get chairty, you must also give. So when the teenages entered, witha a portable CD player, playing Hassdic MUSIC.....they grabbed my hand, and the good Drs hand and we danced in circles, kicked out feet, laughed...and danced...like JEWISH whirling Dervishes.... I had never been grabbed by strangers and forced to dance Hassdic dances ...but it was fun. I was so surprised to see these young guys drunk.....having their yarmulkas fall off, and each one was wearing some kind of costume or exaggered attire....colored hair, wigs, sunglasses..The Good DR RESNICK was now wearing a very wide rimmed black hat...and a royal purple silk chinese robe...with black satin collar and waste band. And while people came and went, MRS Resnick was preparing food..so much food...home made pastries, muffins, rolls, break, apple cake, baked salomon,stuffed cabbages, all kinds of salad, stewed mushrooms, Spinach koogle, mini quiches,,,,etc all.
A small klesmer band entered, and a very young looking WOODY ALAN played upon his clarenet...other teens came in and did brake dancing, other sang, and one or two did gymnastics....sommersaults..almost knocking over the dining room table...which I sold to them. ANother RABBI entered....dressed in a blue velet dress, a red cape with leopard deisgned collar and trim, and a SANTA CLAUS form Germany type red had with gold trimm. He began to do all kinds of magic tricks.....and his performance ended up on the outside deck, with his sons setting of real fireworks which exploded high over the house... I am really surprised the police werent out in full force..with drunken youth and fireworks... They werent needed.... This was Purim..when all the rules are changed for this magical day.. I ate, and laughed and had a wondrful time. This was part of my hertitage I never knew existed.. The pure joy of ones religion.....and the joy of celebration...ANd even thought as I always say, I am not the least bit religious, there is no reason for me to deny myself my heritige and a good time. I came home very fullfilled. I felt the joy of the day, and the joy of watching others exhibiting their happiness....and that I felt that I was an honored guest... Instead of me thanking the Resnicks for inviting me (which I did anyway) they thanked me for coming...and asked me ould I come back and celebrate other holidays with them....which was such an honor...They did not look down upon me that I do not belive as they do....But our humanity is very much alike....I assured them I would return...and often.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Tonight I joined the rest of the world and joined facebook..... They say once you are onthere, people who mightbe looking for you ...can find you.. Thepast can catch up with me now....which is ok, for there isnt anyone that I dont want to find me....and if some from the distance past might think to find me, those who I might have ignored...might get their second chance. Lucky them.....or lucky me.....or...I just might say the ADVENTURE might continue.
Facebook is really a very novel concept. One can comunicate with the entire world...share your thoughts, your ideas, your photos.....find people...get groups of people together...work on common ideas and passions....get political....and it will be possible to make things happen.......raise money, raise consciousness...share everything and anything...including favorite recipes, favorite books, poems, your grandchilds kindergarden art work.......share everything adn ANYTHING.
I am just curious how many people are reading the blog.... so if you get a chande email me at buddylubman@aol.com and let me know... I seem to have run out of steam since I was thrown off AOL.....and then, two weeks after I was thrown off aol, they threw EVERYONE OFF AOL BLOGS... BUT i GOT DEPRESSED ANYWAY, AND i FEEL i AM NOWHERE UP TO PAR..BUT IF i KEEP IT UP.....i WILL RETURN TO THE WILDNESS IT ONCE HAD....i DO NEED ENCOURAGEMENT.. also since BUSH is gone, the mental venom hasnt bee building up as it did.. I used BUSh to bounce of anger and jokes.... and now....things have gotten serious..Obama....is doing a good job.. He is neither funny.....or jokeable....ALl I can say that he is trying his best to make changes.. If his decisions will work....I can only say I hope so....but he is every day adressing the public, on TV...making speeches letting us know what he is doing...as compared to BUSh..who didnt do anything, didnt think, didnt plan...and rarely spoke to the American people....and when he did...he stuttered, stumbled and bumbled and LIED. SO I have to find other things to find humor in.....

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Bernie MADoff....should be made into a doll... A doll that comes with its own torture chamber. The head and limbs should be able to be pulled off...like POP beads from the 1950's....and then snapped back together again. The doll should bemade of a type of very soft plastic foam.... so you can stick pins into it. Into its eyeballs, bellybutton, anus. The penis should also be able to be ripped off and then like the pop beads, snap back on again.
The Doll should come with its own torture kit. The materials shoul be firew retardent, so YOu can burn him for a minue, by dousing him with a special flammable liquid...that goes out fast enogh, so the doll wont melt.
The doll should have censors....that wehn a pin or other sharp object goes into to it....it screams in pain... It should come iwth its own "waterboard" and directions how to do it by RUMSFELD HIMSELf. It will come with chains, leather S and M vests, pants, and other gadjects.... and the special Bernie MADOFF LUBE...which he used on all of his customers.. he "lubed" them up before he screwed them...didnt he..The kit also comes with an optinal bullet proof vest.... An accessory to this Doll is the Bernie MAdoff DART BOARD GAME>...with a few very very sharp darts....you aim for his heart...
This week has bee a bit business than most lately..... Had today been only a little more, we might have said we had a decent week, and in this economy....that is realy saying something..I am still somewhat optimistic....
Borsht: It was a big hit today, on the third SOUP and SALAD SUNDAY....I think I might have given this recipe the other day but will repeat.... Brown a nice hunk of meat. SOme use flanken, I used a big chuck steak..Brown it with 3 onions....then when both browned add lots of wate, large can of tomatoe puree, a can of stewed tomatoes or at least two fresh cut up tomatoes, a bunch ofbeets, or a can of cooked beets, 4 cloves of garlic, or more to taste, one parsnip,1 large can of sauer kraut and 1/4 or more chopped head of cabbage... 4 carrots, one turnip, whole bunch of washed parsley,4 small potatoes, one green or red pepper(optional
cut up veggies into medium size pieces. at least one tablespoon of carrowway seeds...bring to a boil...then put on simmer. At end of cooking, when meat is falling apart and all veggies are soft...taste for salt, black pepper,a pinch of cayenne pepper, ....This should be done in an hour....
Add sour cream....more garlic....even a tablespoon of wine would perk up the taste.....Serve with Pumpernickel bread.
NEXT weeks recipe: Roasted Redpepper chicken, COrn CHOWDER.....Roast red pepper in the oven...when dark and burned....remove skin and seeds..and chop. Set aside. Cook a whole chicken or parts and make a broth....Cook the hell out of it so it all falls off the bones...remove bones and disgard. Add one can of creamed corn and one can of hole corn to the chicken broth after you remnove the meat... So now you have chickn broth,corn and Red Pepper(two whle ones) chopped up.. aDD SALT AND PEPPER.. CELERY SEEDS. AND TEN CHOPPED P OKRAS.. aDD SALT AND PEPPER.. wORSTERSHIRE SAUCE IF YOU LIKE AND SOME TOBASCO.... cOOK TILL ALL FLAVORS MERGE....YOU CAN THICKEN WITH FLOUR OR CORN STARCH.. AT THE END BEFORE SERVING AT FESH SWEET CREAM...

FOR EIGHT YEARS..... The American people had to put up with the BUSH administration.....their lies, their deception, their diminishing our civil rights, their separating our People and States....their making scapegoats out of Muslims. their stealing our treasury and destroying our economy,their destruction of our image through the world, the permission for the oil companies to rape us and make record breaking profits...,which caused a rediculous raise in the cost of energy....and that cAUsed the price of EVERYTHING TO RISE. BUSH HAD NO PLAN TO END THE WAR....HE HAD NO PLAN TO HELP THE ENVIRONMENT.. NO PLAN TO HELP MEDICAL CARE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE...... He should ahve been inpeached with Cheney for the items I mentioned plus another 60 scandals....but they were not impeached for what ever reason the DEMOCratic congress HAD.