Sunday, May 31, 2009

SUSAN BOYKE DIDNT WIN,but she is a winner, recipes, etc

Obama has been seemingly going day and night since he took over....meeting with people daily, making speech, attending graduations, and trying to do things to whip this country back intoshape.. The rich dont like him..the Republicans knock anything and every thing he does,JEWS are worried about ISrael that he will do things to harm them and benefit the Palestinians....(Which I really doubt) He seems to get no when the REPUBLICANS are scream foul, tht he took a small jet and his secret service to take in a show and a dinner...which he promised Michellebefore the election......I say unto those IDIOT Republican bastards...go straight to hell. Bush took a vacation every other week. He was off for a full month, after we got information that BIN LAEN was going to attack America Bush ignored it and left for a full month. He flew to IRAQ to fly a jet for a PHOTO OP. He was always flying to Texas or somewhere wasting tax payers money.....He vacation for 8 years, and ignored serious danger...and went on vacation. He is a true trader.
Obama worked so much since he took over, he took a well deserve night off... He is the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATE...and with that title should come some a night at the threater and dinner.

Susan BOyle..was transformed....she reminded me of KATE SMITH, darling of WW2, who was a singer, no more attractive than SUSAN, but that was the day of RADIO...and you could have looked like MISS PIGGY , and if you had a nice voice, you could have been a start. SUSAN, although no a winner of the entire contest..was runner up. But with over 100,million views on YOU TUBE, newspapers, magazine and so many TV programs, andNEWS Programs...she litterly changed the world. She taught us a lesson. One is to have faith in ourselves...she tought us that beauty come from within....her voice triumphed over facial beauty...and we CRIED...we felt emotion..that not only she as an underdog won, and was accepted...somehow it becamesomthing we related to..OUR INNER UNDERDOG was reached...and we now felt we were the ones getting the applause and acceptence.. It was about all of us, not just SUSAN. There is a SUSAN BOYLE deep down in all over us...The one that needs approval, the one not that attractive, the one not accepted, the one never been kissed or loved....and maybe the one that is not excessivly smart...When the applause rang out the first was like they were aplauding for ME....and I cried. It was a response like I was accepted, I was being loved.....hopefully, some of your can relate to this....for this is my opinion....but I happened 100 million times.
When ever I am down.....I replay her first appearance on BRitain has Talent....and I get a bit teary eyes each time...but they are tears of happyness.
One would think my elevator is haunted. WHY.. well they couldnt seem to fix it for 7 weeks now.....and it keeps going up and if there were people on the 2nd and third floor pushing the buttons....It is not supposed to do that.
The weekend had wonderful weather....well, wonderful if you were out of doors..But if you are a prisoner in a store....with few people coming in becuase they are in the Garden, or in the COUNTRY, or DOWN the SHore....but the masses werent in Grannys Attic....Our Event...never happened. Two people came for their free appraisal...and even though I cooked for hours...the food didnt get eaten by guests. I finised off most of the Shrimp NEWBERG....(GRANNY VERSEION) Boil fresh jumbo shrimp for 5 min in water with salt and a little lemon juice and rind. Remove shrimp,peel, and let shrimp cook. Drain the shrimp water, and add one half a can of it to one can of Cream of Shrimp (CAMPBELLS) Add a few tablespoons of whipping cream, a pinch or two of fresh nutmeg, 1/4 cup chopped pimento, 4 or five chopped water chestnuts, a few pinches of celery seeds, half teaspoon sweet paprika,4 chopped shallets previously sauteed in butter,two large scallions thrown in chopped fine and raw,a few tablespoons cooking sherry (to taste)fresh ground black pepper to taste.. Comebine everything...and heat..DO not boil.... sprinkle top with fresly chopped parsely.
You can add cooked scallops, cooked salmon, or any fish to make it Seafood NEWBERG and dont forget the crab and lobster. As an addition, you can add a few capers.

Tofu Veracruz: A veggetarian dish I whipped up .....saute shallots and scallions and a few pimentios...then add Sesame oil and sautee the tofu along with the other ingreidents. Add one sliced fresh tomatoe, a few pinches of chilli powder....a little ADOBO, two cloves of fresh garlic....when all veggies are soft....add some medium or mild MEXICAN SALSA. Cook very slowly untill some liquid is absorbed and flavors mixed. Serve with rice....(and some Jalepenos on the side or chopped p and added.....
Jesus was seen in a Jar of MARMITE, which I think is a boulion soup mix in paste form. You would think the relious people might give JC more credit than that...He would appear where more than a few people can see him...Not in a food jar. Wako people..I am sure this jar of stuff will beon ebay soon. I reallyh think Jesus has a lot more class than they give him credit for..

Monday, May 25, 2009

Miss Me??? Been tired at night....but lets make up lost time

For the past 6 weeks, my normal routine changed due to the illness, and neath death of my long time friend....RObert....he came down with pneumonia, and almost didnt make it....but almost doesnt count, and he is back withus. But I had been very busy taking care of his three miniature Dashhundts...which was a pleasure.....for they are the cutest little dogs in the world....a veritable 3 tail kissing machine... They will not stop kissing you until you just cant take any more.
Then after feeding the puppies, I went to the hospital like clockwork...whether he was conscious or make sure he was getting the best of care......and then, whenconcious, he had to have reinforcement that someone cared. So my regular job plus this task, has worn me out....and havent been much intgo writing...but I am back.
I had been telling you all, BRAD BOLES, the wild one who has the TVprogram the TRUE HOUSEWIVES of NYCity.....He is one of the most colorful people that has ever graced my business in all the years.... He is funny, creative.....and very into the GRANNYS ATTIC experince....its very good to have people pushing ones store....well yesterday, he arrived with a few people.....There was a married couple, who own jewelry stores in TRUMP TOWERS.......the wife, whose age is somewhere around...50-give or take....and her husband (she told me he is the 4th and last) and that a "get" which is a JEWISH no longer available..she has had three....and the board of RABBIS thinks she is a slut......(or something to that phrase)..and the other WOMAN, was only introduced to us as JUDITH...afamous wiritger and publisher..who I must get to know.....Brad just said she is so fabulous......well, after doing my homework.....I discovered who she was..from serching the internet....she was non other than the CONtgroversial Judith REGAN.LOOKING A BIT OLDER, BUT GOODLOOKING.....THAN MOST OF THE ONLINE PHOTOS....
Well, lets talk about my elevator.....I paid 45,000 dollars 6 years ago....we didnt have aproblem for 6 years,,,and now... they cannot seem to fix it...for 7 weeks, it has not been working correctly....we can use it to ship things up and down, butnot for customers...or workers...and, when I have to climb the give a person a price ...or give instructions to theboys.....i am out of breath...and out of 45,000. The owner of SHAPR elevator is supposedly trying to fix it...but he claims...this type never should have been installed...well then, why did he accept the money??? I smell a law suit!!!!
We are now rearranging the store to put in a "shabby chique,sheik, chic..chick-department...(#3 is the right choice)....all the painted furniture....and flowery things...and white things.....and very feminine things....and Frenchy things....It will make the store bright and happy andincrease sales..Photos will be posted soon.

I saw a ghost... YEp a real live living ghost. Right in the store, and he and his daughters have been customers for many years.....going all the way back to MAHWAH.
The ghost used to collect clocks....broken ones and he used to fix tghem new condition....Many years passed.....and one day, his daughther...told me he was very sick....and only had a few days to live...months passed....she called us to an estate sale...of her fathers stuff.....later on, she called us to her home to buy more......stuff. So I assumed the man died. So when a man and a woman walked into the store yesterday....the old man looked a bit like the old clock collector who had died two years ago.....I stared and stared at him.. Walked up closer....Then asked the woman if she had a sister named WENDY....SHe said yes! ANd this man is your father? YES!.. tHEN LIKE A REAL SCHMUCK...I SAID...."sO, YOUR NOT DEAD!!"
hE CONVINCED ME THAT HE WAS VERY MUCH ALIVE... he was near death....but a miracle happened and he lived..and looks great.... Just his daughther WENDY failed to tellme that he lived... So, I guess I was cheated out of seeing a real live ghost ......again. But for mayhbe 30 seconds...I was sure I was seeing one.... OH WELL?

Before me a bowl of ripened fruit
my favorites pineapple, peaches, raspberries
the COncord grape
and others whose flavors so intense
explode with in my mouth
whose fragrances enhances taste
so strong, it creates music of its own
That I can imagine, as I close my eyes
savoring all that can be consumed
ANd my world is now just me and flavor
there is nothing else, except the music playing
taking me where ever I want to go

I smell the Roses
I inhale the Lilac
I drink in in the Lilly of the valley
I absorb............
I Hyacinth
The intoxication is just to much
I close my eyes
I become one with nature
I see nothing, I feeling nothing, I hear music
I am neither asleep or awake
Nothing matters..there is no memory
All that there is me, the fragrances, the tastes and the music

Should I not ever arise
from the music,
awake from the tastes
or get up from the fragraces
to open my eyes
and return to reality

ANd live in the constant state
of sensory bliss
I know what heaven must be like.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I have been to tierd to write this week

It has been about 5 weeks since BOB was taken to the hospital....which added a few hours a day to my already difficult schedule...running to feed his dogs, water the plants and visit the hospital daily....added on another 3 hours or more....making it seem, I worked 20 hours a day. I finally crashed the other day....and had to lay down and pass out midafternoon on BUDDYS BED. The phone rang...I got up, only to find out that CHRIS had a relapse and went to a detox.....that got me very upset...I crashed again a few hours later...from, exhaustion...mental and physical.
But, I am very resilient...Within 24 hours I was back to abnormal.....Business this week, was the best in 6 months...and the mental rush of good times..perked me up. TODAY, BOB was back to being the old BOB again.....He seems he is almost totally back with us...His sense of humor return, his memory..and his kvetching....I was so afraid I would loose a good friend....of 43 years...and my joy is that he returned to us..

YOu know, in a very funny way, I miss George Bush...I have no one so famous to make fun of and complain about....I understand that he is going to be the new poster boy for Proctologists.... The poster will have his portrait and say...."Be kind to your ANus" schedule your colonoscopy today"

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sadness, comes in Waves

Lately, like Shakespearn plays, life seem to get more the cast of characters take on different personalities...the pressure of society, the pressure of the economy, and the pressures that we place upon our selves..seem to squeeze upon our life forces. As age works upopn our bodies, and our vision is depleted, the mental powers that gives us vision, in hope and mental images also wains.
We look forward now more to survival than to goals that illuminate our smiles and challenge our imagination. We look to medicines to alleviate pain, real or imagined.And Challege now has been replaced by battles.. one after another, or some simultaneously.
Seriousness of purpose, seems to replace sillyness of joy. And I am sure you can sense in my writing here tonight, a change in tonality.....a change in sentence structure, a change in the choices of words...
Today I recived a call from a friend, that I suffered with, helping with an addiction. The problems were not only addiction and health related, but legal as well. When my friends and family suffer, I suffer along with them. Three years have passed and I thought and prayed the road to recovery was paved with the stones of hope and the jewels of progress. But a phone call today, confirmed my dread from lack of communication with this friend for a few months. All achievements of the pst three years MIGHT have been lost. A relapse came crashing down, and my friend lost his job, an had to enter a detox. The one word greeting "hello" was all I needed.The depression...the negativity in the pronounciation of that single word..tole me everything. No conversation was needed. My stomach with the one word felt as if some one kicked me with all their might. I new....and I was always afraid that this call would come. Unfortunately it did.
The Sadest past, I only can give some tough love. and encouragement. I no longer have the opportuneity to fight others battles....and my greatest fear, is that this person, also, has lost the will to fight. Addiction is a disease. It is not an affliction that occurs in bad people. Our society is not set up to help people the way they need help. Jail is not a cure. It is only an incubator for most addicts...they just learn how to be better criminals....and addicts when they are relaease. I was hoping my friend would make it...and I still will remain positive and give encouragment.....but my energy is not as it was....three years ago

On the positive side, it is now about 5 weeks since my friend BOB got sick with what they diagnosed as pneumonia. Bob found out from the visiting nurse,that 3 other people who had what he had, are now back in VAlley Hospital with a relapse.....I wonder if it could have been the swine flue.....since he got so sick, so fast and almost died. The good news is that he is now home for over a week..and gaining strentgh...daily....In the begining of his illness, I did think he would make it...and if you remember I said, even thought I am not a beliver...I still prayed every night...that he pulls thru.....and if there is any higher power listening or reading my blog(Do GODS read BLOGS?) I dont think they have computers in Heaven....but I guess if you are a can gain direct access without one? I thank all the higher powers...or power for having BOB back with us.

Business picked up a bit....but its day one customer spends a small fortune..then for two days nothing comes in at that can get depression. Everyone here is depressed and on edge.

To change the subject to something more pleasant and tasty....I will give a recipe now, that is currently in the oven cooking.....COUS COUS...Morroccan Style...or maybe Bergen COuntry Style... here is the recipe:
To a Dutch oven filled with the liquid from cooking a few pounds of chicken for BUDDY DOG, I added: Two medium baking potaotes cubed, one large sweet potatoe cubed, three stalks of celery and their leaves, two large onions cut up, one large parsnip, three medium carrots, one red pepper, on can diced tomatoes and juice,half can chick peas,three large cloves of garlic, teaspoon each of tumeric,cinnamon,cumin,dried cilantro, half teaspoon saffron, teason dried mint.....and half teaspoon "Harrissa" an ISraeli or Morroccan chile paste....(will add more when eating...and I put in just a little salt....then I added two large lamb sausages that were freshly made at FAIRWAY SUPERMARKET in PARAMUS. Ordinarily, I would also add a pound or more of fresh lamb meat..but trying it more to the veggitarian side tonight....I will bake it in the Dutch oven until all the veggies are soft..then taste and correct the spices.... Then serve over cous cous.... It is served more or less in soup form, and I dont thicken it at all...that is the way I have had it in Morrocco and across Europe.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day Memories

I tried to close my eyes and bring up memories of the past mothers day. The first thing I think about is that Lilly of the Valley and Lilacs are both in mothers day...and when Mom was living in FLORIDA, I would visit for Mothers day...and fly down with a bouquet of Lilacs..from my huge bush in my front yard..The plane always smelled so fragrant.....And both flowers, had her name in it..Lilly and Lil(ac).....Lillian....and her middle name was ROSE.....a Mom, a flower..and so sweet!!
The second memory was a Mothers DAY buffet at the ALEXANDER HAMILTON HOTEL in PAterson....when I ate my first clam...and nearly choked to death on it....Somehow, I coughed it up out of my wind pipe and lived!!!!!
The third Memory that I conjured up was Mothers DAY dinner at Burns Country INN, on Piaget AVE CLIFTON......and I remember the menu was vey odd. The had Venison, and BEAR STEAKS....I cant remember my attitude back then, if I thought it was something that I would venture to try...or it grossed me out..killing such a wonderful beast....the answer is probably somewhere in between...the horror of shooting a big animal and the curiosity of tasting it. Although I am not a veggitarian....I still have not tasted anything more exotic than Venison....(the last time being in Hungary...on top of a mountain, over looking Slovakia.....the venison was cooked with fresh blueberries, juniper berries and...brandy...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Scams from 1931(expose coming) NEW merch, The news..

I am working on a little story, that I will be posting here very soon. Its about scams...Now so many of us think that the world is filled with brilliant scams today...From Madoff, those on Ebay and Craigs List..with Checks(that are fake) and Western union....Return of partial payments of overpaid a million silly things. But in the 1920,30 and 40's they ran rampant...and no one stopped them. There were no watch dogs..and there were so many, that every magazine was filled with them. Many of them were offerring....home instructions, or work at home, or selling things....that were paid for and never sent, to rediculous things like "make a FORTUNE IN YOUR HOME< RAISE GIANT BULLFROGS, or sea horses... A mail order ventriliqust course...and more. Watch for my story soon.
The last two days we bought out two apartments filled with wonderful furniture...not arare antiques, but very well built and classy Mahogany furniture..some lighting, glass and china..and a few treasures....Tomorrow we are expecting a third apt and SATURDAY still another.....About time we got some good deals, but business, is still krappy.
When it comes to the NEWs, I would like to see a format, that has continuations of stories...daily. Updates on the Afgani War, Iraqi War, and individual stories until in trials, bbattles, etc. I would like to know what Our forces do each day, how many killed or wounded...They should have daily updaes on the Taliban or AL queda.... I would like to have an update on that piecxe of crap that thew the baby out the window..and killed it......and cant wait to here that the General POPULATION in prision beat him half to death.....
Yes daily updates on all big stories....including the eocnomy...where it gets better wor worse....and they should show things that are priomising, not only negative issues.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Schmekelectomy Revisited, BOB fell down, Business is aggravating(NU?)POT LEGAL?

John Wayne Bobbit....the handsome moron, who became a porn star, after his wife cut off his schmeckle, it was found in the street by a cop, returned and sewn back on......and, although I neer saw his porn movie, it still worked...after being reattached................................he and his exwife Lorena, are getting back together..... THIS IS THE MOST EXCITING NEWS OF THE DAY...I AM SO HAPPY...FOR THEM, I BET THE NEWS IS SO GREAT, THAT IT WILL AFFECT TOMORROWS STOCK MARKET.....STOCK WILL GO UP, JUST LIKE HIS SCHMECKLE!!! This is shows the intelligence of the average AMerican....and what they want to read. Yesterday we read in the headlines on AOL, the man who threw his exgirlfreinds baby out the window of a car and left him to die in the road.....and then we read about the LADY with the new face......,last week or two, all the murder suicides...people killing their families.....Although these did happen, and cannot be hidden, I do not think they are the most important things in the world, that they get the status of front page news...To me front page news is the WAR, The eocnomy, How big business is screwing us...How the Credit card companies are killing us, how the Pharmaceutial companies let people die if they cannot afford medicine...The Insurance companies that wont pay for medical treatments.....News should have preventive medicines....but the newspapers...and AOL and other online news....have news that have to be approved by BIF BUSINESS>.who are their sponsers.. If they dont like the news...they dont advertise.So you see, the censors...are the ADvertisers...not the Government....The MEDIA SUCKS and getting worse...but the general publicapproves. How can it be, in a world with billions of people.....more than half of the newspapers are ads and SPORTS? Very little news.
Tonight....Glen and I went to cook him dinner, and cook for the dogs and prepare their food for tomorrow. After dinner....Bob went to the BAthroom, lost his balance and fell down, and banged his head on the wall. It scared the crap out of me, but I left a half hour later...and I really think he is ok. I am trying to get him to hire someone tostay with him for a few weeks....he is so damn stubborn.
Another dismal day..little business, annoying people bargaining....and annoying me...and finally, after a day of huge nothingness....some guy comes in to sellme a used coffee table..It was nothing very special....He thinks it might be 50 years old..who knows or who cares...Marble top,with faded marble legs and a few machine carved flowers....If I was lucky we could sell it for 175-225 after cleaning it up. I offered him 75.00 which was really too much.....but he went balistic....that I was cheating him,,,,,,low balling.....he thought 500 and I could sell it for 1000. I showed him a very nice marble top bombe chest with inlay, and bronze hardware...that was priced 425. I tried to explain this piece is worth three times his table....he continued to bitch and moan. I finally said, its not an antique....and I really dont even need it...and look, you DONT HAVE TO SELL this to me..take it elsewhere if yo think it is so great.....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinqco De Mayo,.......

Happy Cinqco De Honor of the French getting their asses kicked in 1862,,,,the Mexicans winning the battle....We had an celebration today...eating Mexican Pizzas....with olives,jalapina peppers,onions, all kinds of cheese......and they used this time, the hottest peppers this side of the Rio Grande. It was a purple pill day for everyone...except Eddie, who added MORE hot sauce....If eddie keeps up the use of his extra hot sauce.....eventully he will have to have his anus relined.....maybe with tile...or glass, which is unreative to hot sauce....
Every day isnt exciting.....every day isnt always filled with drama....and since BUSH is gone, you have noticed, I have laid off politics. I find the present adminsitration is trying their best to first figure out..exactly where we stand as a nation..economically, politically and in the world's eyes. They they have to try to fix things.... They are at least trying....and hopefully they will eventually make things turn around. Our President is a decent and articulate man, who knows a lot about MANY things, as opposed to our last president, who didnt know shit from SHINOLA...and belive me, I wouldnt take the chance to smell his shoes. I cannot poke fun yet at Obama....or the rest of the adminsitration..None of them are evil enough to condemn and make fun my material for jokes...isnt coming from WASHINGTON.
I was so bored today, I bought a bunch of stuff from a woman.....stuff I didnt need....but just the action of buying got me out of my chair, where I was falling asleep. She had a BRASS RAYON OIL LAMP, that head been electrified...with a milk glass shade...2 civil war oval walnut picture frames with needlepoint flowers in it, some kinds of bedspreads..white on white fabric...ancient...a medicine cabinet with a beveled mirror C 1880, some kind of stupid table..made from two differnt tables....glue together and some other crap....
Then I went to cook supper for BOB, whose "cook" took off to go to some event.....There was a package of chopped meat there for a few days. It was time to use it or throw it away... After smelling it to make sure it was still fresh and good. I looked into the see what I could throw into it to make it tasty.
So, there goes the recipe....8 large olives with pimentos chopped in 8 pieces each, two eggs, two cloves of fresh garlic, Worstershire sauce,half of an onion sauted in faux butter, salt and pepper, some chopped fresh parsley. Formed them into burgers and let stand for flavors to mix, while I prepared other things...
Sliced up a can of whole potatoes, sauted them with salt and pepper, fresh garlic and chopped fresh cilantro....sprinkled a bit of sweet paprika while cooking...cooked them untill some were brown and crispy on the outside....
Boiled a bunch of asparagras...drained them. I made a sauce out of a can of celery soup, small jar of cut up pimentios, a hit of garlic powder, a splash or two of worstershire sauce....put in microwave to heat up.....
Can of spinach...drained dry....saute in faux butter and of course chopped onion and garlice....cook until garlic and onion soft.....
Make nests of the spinach and arrange hamburger on top.....put potatoes on one side of the plate and the asparagus on the other..Cover both burgers and aspargus with the celery sauce....

Now nothing here was turned out to be a very delicious and quick meal...that I improvised from jsut looking what was in the fridge...the hamburgers tasted very different than regular burgers...especially on the bed of garliced spinach....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday & The rains Came,Childhood Memories Return,&other Nonsense

So the forecast was rain...GREAT...that is when the crowds come to browse and buy. Well, it rained. The crowds didnt come. They were afraid the rains might be toxic, and they might melt. Or whats worse, they might break down and spend money! GOD FORBID!
Well, luckily, we had a "BE BACKER" In business, a be backer is a person who browses and buys nothing and says "OH, I will beback" and you might see them in 40 years, if you are lucky. Most "be backers never ever return..they just evaporate into thin air...I was begining to think, that all the "be backers over my 43 years in business, either were zapped up to "be backer heaven" and kept prisoner their by some "retail spirit", or they all were a fig newton of my Imagination....they really were hallucinations....and all dealers of antiques are familiar with "these be backers"
BUT... low and behold (what ever the hell that expression means) yesterdays be backers were back.....The woman said she would bring her husband...and that she did...and he loved what she loved and they made an early morning purchse of a gorgeous bedroom set. Another "bebacker" soon arrived to pick up a BEDROOM SET she bought last SUNDAY....(I am not sure if she is considered a be backer...becuase she only returned to pick up something she bought.....but her friend who was with her the first time....CAME BACK (that makes the friend a be backer-right? who bought a roll top desk" two bebackers and two sales....the day was off to a fabulous start....then two young ladies bought some glassware......and then...IT DROPPED DEAD by 1PM.....until 5, when a regular bought a nice chinese table.... The interim was filled with deadly silence. You could here the rain, playing a tune on our tin was empty...we could have run naked thru the store for hours and no one would have seen it to call the police for public indecency.... I guess if no one saw wasnt public... or indecent?
Glen and I went to visit BOB at home for the second night. He was more cheerful..and getting stronger every day. He cracked his first joke...since he got sick....
Then GLEN and I went to the NEW FAIRWAY SUPERMARKET IN PARAMUS...They advertise they they are cheaper than any other supermarket anywhere. BULLSHIT. They do have a few bargains. But Chicken is more expensive...and you cant buy rice in the LARGE you have to pay 2.68 a pound for the small box, when its more like 1.66 a pound if the I will assume, that is their cant save by buying in quantity.... The store has a fabulous array of veggies and organic veggies and displayed in such a is ART. Prices seemed good...... They have a very large and unusual coffee and tea dept....and the aroma if if the fish department......they had shrimp large enough to power the Queen ELIZABRTH..or at leas harness these shrimp to pull the ship like a tug...The were as long as a dollar bill and very thick..and only 25.00 a pound.
They have the largest selection of OLIVE oil I have sever seen...litterally hundreds of different brands and type of olive small jars and barrels...and some are very very expensive...especially those that were hand squeezed by vestil virgins atop of Mount Olympus, while wearing gowns spun from real gold and platimum..well the expenisve ones have a story why they are so expensive..and as rediculous as my story
I got home to find an email of my upcoming 50th annivery of my highschool immediate response was that I dont want to go..who cares...then, a sadness set in, and I almost felt like crying....where in hell did 50 years go? What things didnt I accomplish that I set out to do? DID i waste my life? The what is life all about? and my mind becasme w hirlwind of thoughts and emotions....and then it boiled down to wondering how much time is left to fulfill what ever it is that I am supposed to do....and exactly WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO?
tHEN, WHEN I SETTLED DOWN FROM THIS SUDDEN RUSH OF EMOTION AND THOUGHT....I REALIZED... that my own definition (if I would read my own writings) is that the meaning of life (as I proclaim to others) is what ever you want to to mean. And to me, I want it to mean, that I leave the planet a little better than it was when I was born. Now, I am not that egotistical enough to think I can change the entire world (hey you never know?) but make some changes.....touch some people, make some people more educated (as I did as being a teacher) Make some people more the needs of others, the plights of others,,(which in my life time included animals-supporting sog shelters almost singlewhandedly) ......write books on poetry and philosphy....and a I guess, I have made some accopmplishments, none of which are earth shattering (yet),but I am working on it.. If my Novel gets published.....look out world.
You see how I can go off on a tangent...back to the 50th reunion of my highschool graduating glass. Clifton High School 1960. 1100 and something kids graduated..... A few of them had their emails sent to me....and there was one, of a GRAMMAR School friend, that I was told died of cancer years ago. His name was Bob Bonamini...we were friends from night, when we were in the 7th or 8th grade, we decided to be very naughty.....I stole a pack of PALL MALL cigarettes...from my mothers drawer... and we went down to the smoke our first. I didnt know how to smoke, nor had I watched and studied other people how to smoke and inhale.....or even an explanation why people smoked.....nothing made sense....I only did it because...we would be emulating our parents...and to do something forbidden was wonderful and fun filled. After two cigarettes, it tasted like someone crapped in my mouth and I wanted to puke. I was green... Bob and I went back to house.... My mother, somehow new we had her cigarettes and when she saw me, the color of SHREK......she made some funny comment....I admitted taking the cigarettes....she just said that she would have given them to me had I asked....there was never a need to steal anything..She and my DAD were very cook about it...Then they took me to their liquor cabinet.....they asked me if I wanted a drink...I said no. I didnt like the taste of the past at BAR MITZVAHS they always let me taste their drinks..and I didnt like the last lecture of the evening...was that if I wanted to drink ...just ask,, and they will give me what ever I wanted......
So...from that day forth, I never smoked again....I just didnt like it....I had their permission to smoke....and I probably saved 100,000 dollars in cigarettes and myh right lung. And as far as drinking......I drink a little now and then..and when I say a little....very little....
Back to my smoking friend BOB.....Time went on and we went to high school. We moved to the other side of town, and I made didferent friends in the neigborhood....and we drifted apart..we then had different things in common, and lived on opposite side of a large town,and didnt have the same teachers or classes....50 years later, I saw his name...with an email. I thought he had joined out maker long ago....but I just got an email, and unless they have computers in heaven, Bob is alive and well and on a hunting trip in NY State....he emailed me back he probably had schlepped his wireless computer inside his and technology is amazing....
Then, if that wasnt shocking enough, minutes later, I get an email from a college friend...that I havent seen since my days at Fairleigh Dickinson in Rutherford...C 1960-1962,,,,,,and she mentioned named of my other freinds that I havent thought of in all those wonderfully emotional....two people from the distant past in a matter of minutes. FACEBOOK another wild way of finding friends.....
ANd then....let me catch my breath, an employee of over 25 years ago contacts me ,also from FACEBOOK.......3 people fom my past...all good a matter of minutes... My smile is from ear to ear......

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Virgin Mary on Griddle,Elevator Works, Girls cuts foot in store, BOB is home,Business sucks,

The news....Aol NEWs ...prints all the importnat stuff...that if we didnt know ....the lack of such knowledge would be no loss what-so-ever....Todays big news that in a image that somewhat resembled the outline of the Virgin Mary appeared. The image, compiled of burned fat and food......stretches the imagination...and I am sure, the headlines will bring the Restaurant owner, crowds of demented people, to make a pilgramige to his establisment...and I am sure while they are their...they will fill their stomachs with high caloric non religous yummies......and will consume lots of UNHOLY water.....sodas, coffees, teas, and juices....none of them which was blessed by His Holiness the POPE.
I wonder if the Pope was interviewed, and asked his opinion....what he would say about people seeing griddles,trees, tacos, potatoechips, and melted cheese sandwhiches. My opinion, even though I am not a Catholic....I feel that so call sightings is very disrespectful to the MOther Of Jesus. Dont you think an wonderful and powerful as MAry....wouldnt waste her time, making guest appearances in Cheese Sandwhiches, pancake grills, and potato chips.. I do not hink she would do this..IF anything, she would make a grand appearance in the cloud formations, in Redwood Forests, and in beautiful natural formations...But logical doenst work with relgious people...they want to belive anything that they can twist and turn ANYTHING that they will think proves their faith....regardless of reality.. I think MARY, if her spirit is alive and well, would be spreading love in others healing..and making people learn how to get along with each other......Please give her some credit...she wouldnt waster her time in a sandwhich.

A little girl somehow cut her foot on a step....she must have tripped and banged it on the edge...her father went beserk, blaming us.....saying the step is dangerous.. The landlord 7 years ago welded a piece of iron to each stop so you cant see thru it...(it was iron mesh) all the work in the building was ok'd by the Building Inspector.....The DAD was rally horribly we might have puposly done this..and we was dangerous..Well, we didnt know....that the edges were sharpe.....because there was no need to check, nor did we think to do so, since the work was ok'd by the town. The little girl wasnt crying at all, there was almost no bleeding at all....and she was skipping and hopping minutes later.....But DADDY, was seemingly bent out of shape....(not the mothers) he used phrases like "her leg is all ripped up" which is wasnt...I think he is preparing instantaneously for a law suit..for a cut. I was his behavior..such over reacting. He said he didnt like my attitude.....(I said that her leg is not ripped up-which is wasnt)

Bob is home....Hooray.. The drama has slowed down...4 weeks ago, I didnt think that BOb would return to his home. I thought he would be called home by his maker.... I had to pray over time...yep, me the atheist...prayed every night for him, My sisters Gall bladder, and Glen;s unknown illnes...flue like.: There is legend that has it, that people who are ill..and people pray for them, somehow have a better chance of recovery.....(I am not sure who did the study of this..but I figured...praying cant hurt...right?) Well regardless why....BOB recovered, and he was minutes or hours from death when he entered the emergency room...(the DR told me this)...and my sister was home and on the Phone a few hours after Gall Bladder surgery.....and Glen is feeling maybe.....I had an 800 line to the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS...who knows.... I think praying works better when you pray for other people.....and not yourself....why? Because high powers like it that way!!!!!!
Bob is still week and needs some rehab to gets his arms and legs working better....and he is depressed..and that needs some work too...He really suffered...but luckily, he remembers very little.....
There are billions and billions of people on this ferkockta planet....less than 200 people have died from this flue...and if I am not mistaken, that many people die anyway every few weeks from Pneomina and other forms of how is this miniscule amount of death called PANDEMIC? They are trying to shake us up....and I wonder why?
Well, after a month of being out of Service....our elevator is working again. They fixed it....once, then again, then again, and then will work for a long time without having to call up and kvetch to them.... The workment really worked very hard......first problem there were not parts....second problem, when they finally sent the part is was the wrong one, next time when it arrived and installed, it was a defective part....then they waited for another part...then it was installed...but it still didnt work right...both hydraulic jacks....need to be "equalized" to work i unision.....that was done...then it still didnt work right...well, finally....they fixed what ever the last issue was...and AMEN...its working...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Episcopal Mitzvah,I did an auction ,Foodaholic,etc

Today I dontated my time to a group of people holding a chairty auction in RAMSEY at the EPISCOPAL CHURCH. It seems that an auctioneer, who promised to do their auction backed the last minute(probably when his wife told him, there was nothing of value there....the wife was hired to do appraisals.....and of course, these people are not my favorites....but I wont go into that.
The offered to pay me before I accepted...but I refused....I thought that the goodwill that I could generate, would be better...than to charge a few dollars...and why not, do a few good deeds now and then....
They had a little buffet...which included kosher pigs in the blanket, even though,most people are boycotting everything to do with pigs..because of the paranoia of the swine flu.