Monday, November 22, 2010

nov 22 47 years ago

nove 22, i was in the Biology building at college, when the cries rang out that the president was shot. First it seemed like a joke...but when the screaming didnt stop we knew it was real. It was then, for the first time in my life, it was ok to cry in public. THE PUBLIC was all crying, men and women....old and young. Our hearts were broken and our hero assasinated.
I didnt think my brain culd take the strain......although I never realized how much I admired the man, until he was gone. I was proud to watch TV and see him get up and talk..whether here or abroad....WHen he was in Germany and said in Germany..."Ich Been a Berliner" and the peaople cheered....they cheer for him, the cheer for me and they cheered for America...Damn I was proud.
That night i wandered around Lexington Kentucky...aimlessley and ended up in the black ghetto....where the cries of the people..."they killed OUR president" were repeated over and over and over, and the wailing.....and screams continued all night. I cried by myself and I cried with them...they killed my president, their president...and it reall hurt.
47 years have past, and tears can still come to my eyes thinking about it...especially today......I still can here the cadence of the drums at the funeral processsion. NOthing much has chnaged. We still have a war going on for big business,drugs and oil. JOhn would turn in his grave. He really loved this country...
and i do to.....and that is why I sitll watch it go down the drain. Thanks Bush and Chenney..for killing the American dream.

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