Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther KING DAY

i am happy to have lived long enough to witness the sensibility of America, to pay tribute to a MAN who, like MOSes, stood up for his people and the rights of all bring equality to a people, enslaved by prejudice, an invisible shackle, that imprisions, not only african Americans, but the entire country/
He was assasinated not just beccause of his dedication to gain quality, but he was also a peace advocate that was anti Viet NAm. He was not killed by a lone gunman; the lie about that is the same lie, that was used as an excuse in the mureder of JFK,RFK, JOHN LENNON, and other lies that took the life of MARYLIN MONROE. THEY....who ever THEY really are.....are responsible!!!!!Peace just isnt popular with the military industrial complex!!!!!
But MArtin Luther KINGS work is not finished. True equality still hasnt been achieved. The GHETTOS are still filled. Poverty is still running rampant in the black and LAtino communities....While its true that laws have changed, the mind set and hearts of all people have not changed,.Until love and understanding replaces prejudice, his work will not be done.
We have to celebrate all the changes that have been made since his glorious work, we cannot be satified and stop searching for more ways to elevate our awareness who to keeping making positive change.
We now have an African AMeridan President.....which is something i thought I would never America is making great strides.....The time will come, that we might not even have to make the distinction...that he is AFRICAN AMERICAN....but we just would say..he is an AMERICAN! Then, his MLK's work will be complete.

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