Sunday, December 7, 2008


It seems that the older I get, the more sensitive I am getting. Not on a personal level...I dont give a crap what people say about me, or think....but the sensitivity lies in other areas...It seems that certain events that are on a positive note ..happy things, good things, that are posisitve for mankind and or the planet. And then sad things, like reading about children who are terminally ill, people suffering from disease, starvation, national disasters....animals in distress...I now over reasct more than ever..Is it normal? Probably not....but what is normal....and who wants to normal anyway. If the 402 percent of the American population who voted for MCCAIn and that Alaskan Witch Sarah Palin...are considered normal, good Americans..Born Again religios people...NOrmal people...Please do not include me as being a normal person.
Tonight, I accidently turned on a movie about a young man, who although severly suffering from turrets syndrome, wanted to become a teacher... I watched the first half hour of what he went through... When he was in middle school, during a concert....his noise became disruptive (Imusic made it wose). The principal called him up to the stage...He asked the boy (BRAD COHEN) if he enjoyed dispsrupting the concert.. He said NO. Then the principal asked why he did it.. Brad explained he couldnt help it. That it was a neurological problem that he couldnt control, that the wiring in his brain sort circuits. It seemed that the principal was making fun of him and would punish embarassing him. But it ended with the principal explaining to the rest of the assembly, that BRAD is no different from them..and they should treat him nicely,.....etcetc... The group finally applauded both Brad and the Princip[al...and that moment was a positive one in BRADS life. I CRIED....I supposed its partially personal....gaining acceptence at an early age... LAtger on when he tried to get a job teaching, and most places wouldnt have him....when he finally got a job I CRIED> But when the first commercial came on, and it was HALLMArk sTATION....i REALIZED THAT IS ONE OF THE STATIONS THAT I AM SPONSERING THIS MONTH ON tv...AND SOMEHOW THE CONNECT made me cry??? THESE TEARS WERE TEARS OF JOY....THAT THE "UNDERDOG" SUCCEEDS. JUST AS i CRIED WHEN OBAMA WON THE ELECTION....JOY, NOT SADNESS.
This week end was very boring and very slow business.....SAT and SUnday together didnt add up to even one decent day....blame it on the Season, the economy, the to blame it on something...
Last night I watch ANNIE HALL w/Woody Alan and DIANE Keaton.....It brought back memories of the was one of my favorie movies with classic lines...and I once ran into both of them at the Continental BAths....when we were all there to see Bette MIDLER....what an evening... Xavier Hollander, the "HAPPY HOOKER" was there with three of her "girls", who all satin the night club completely naked....after they came out of the labyrnith of a steam room..chaswing out a bunch of naked screaming Queens....who were screaming "TITS...oh my GOD TITS" After the screams of Tits subsided, Bette Midler appeared, with her piano player, who turned out to be an unheard of newcomer named BARRY MANILOW.
The highlite of this weekend was eating....Spaghetti Putenesca (home made) and tongiht, I made curried kidney beans and rice....which was a rare treat....Meals do not have to be very expensive...contain tings like filet mignon or lobster, rare herbs and truffles, or exotic French be good. Here is a very simple recipe that will tickle your taste buds...
Saute a few cloves of garlic and one onion in olive oil till soft. Add 1/4 cup of fresh cilantro chopped. teaspoon or so of curry,....saute all of this for about ten min on a low flame. Add one can of kidney beans(although any beans will be good) and one can of tomatoe puree. SAlt and pepper to taste.. Let cook on a very slow flame of ten to 15 min. Taste to see if you want to add more curry or pepper etc... Pour over rice. Rice should be cooked: saute garlic and oil, tumeric and paprika until garlic just about turns brown..Throw in the rice, and cook in oil for a minute or two...Then add water....and cook according to directions on box. Put half cup of finished rice in a soup bowl, and top with beads.....hmmmmmmm

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