Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I still cannot get back into writing blogs each day, religiously....when I know there are very few people reading it...I must try to find my old readers, who were lost when AOL.....the NEO NAZIs of free speech, threw me off..ALl their blogs were canceled soon after...but I lost my mailing list, adress al.
I have much to day about so many things, from THE LAME DUCK or Crippled PATO...Pato is duck in Spanish, but it also means Faggot, QUeer, HOMO....and seep down, I think the Lame duck.....really has a double the case of GEORGE...and he really is LAME. Evil... The most horrible president this country ever had....Other bad presidents didnt hurt the entire country like BUSH did...I never thought I would welcome NIXON.....compared to this evil piece of crap. He did nothing good...yet he tried to tell the country today his LEGACY after 9/11 was the country was safer...what a laugh...under his WATCH we were personal belief his group planned 9/11 ,long before he was elected, or selected (or stole) the Presidency.Yes, Bush and Cheney planned 9/11. The reason there were no more attacks, is that BUSH didnt plan any more....BUT, his what caused the terrorism increase all over the world...His war killed so many innocent people...we really are the NAZIs.....He caused the terror, not stopped it...
Ingredients: 1/4 cup chopped parsley
1/4 cup chopped pimentos
tablespoon capers
1 can Cream of Shrimp Soup
18 medium size precooked shrimp
2 cups cooked rice
1 small can chopped mushroom pieces
salt,pepper, garlic powder
1/4 cup dry white wine
1/4 cup half and half
Combine all items except the rice and chopped parsely...put in a porcelain or pottery bowl...microwave for about 4 to 6 not let boil for more than one minute....taste for salt and pepper and wine..adjust if needed...our over rice...sprinkle the parsely on top.
You can add frozen peas, artichokes,choppd water chestnuts,etc. Surprisingly one of the most delicious dishes that can be made almsot during a commercial.
If I had the energy, I would write a composition of electing Carolyn Kennedy to the NY Sneate to replace mind travels back at the speed of light to seeing her and JOHN JOHN at ther fathers funeral, with her Mother standing up strong....and as I watch the funeral, sitting in CLAYS Restuarant in Lexington Kentucky....I cried. I creid for Kennedy, I cried for his family, I creid for my country, and I cried for my own personal and emotional loss.. And now that little girl, just might become a political figure, and possibly,....if the future would have it....the first WOMAN PRESIDENT of the USA...which is what I predict. Her brother had annouced, that he might run for president...and those who do not like the KENNEDY family.......made sure that his plans were stopped...especially when he made the comment he would find out who really killed his father and uncle.
Some quick comments.....The Government.....can spent a trillion dollars on a war, but cannot save homes of people who are loosing them becuase BUSH ruined the economy.......and are putzing around saing the car companies......which wouldnt need saving if they would have made better cars with better mileage...but those in power...who are aligned with the oil companies...didnt make such a car. YET!

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