sINCE nOV 28TH, i HAVENT BEEN IN THE MOOD TO WRITE A BLOG....NOTHING TERRIBLY INTERESTING WAS WORTH REPORTING... and....I have been busy putting on advertising each night on Craigslist.... but since then, we have added a new area in the store called Bergen Pines. That was the old name for the Bergen County Mental Hospital, Which since has changed its name to Bergen County Regional...(something or other)Our Bergen Pines,m which was named that...very tongue in cheek, is mostly antique Pine country furniture...and country accessories...I am very happy to say, that Last Sat was the first day it was opened to the public, and a fine 8ft pine farm table was the first thing to be sold SAt morning..., and then Sunday..a pair of Paintings in the "Philadelphia ROOM (all original Early American furniutre..on the formal side) was sold to a collector. So now we have three more room settings: Philedelphia, PARIS(guess what in there?) Yep Fine French antiques) and now Bergen Pines...
We had a very good week last week, and this week was sort of ok so far.....I would say, last week and this week, is probably better than last year at the same time. I was hoping that after the elections, people whould be in a better mood...and so far, so good.
I aM IMPRESSED WITH OBAMA, more than I expected... I am happy to see that he chose Hillary and Bill Richardson to be in hiscabinet.. I wasnt sure if he was confident enough in himselof and his other followers to invite to former running mates. It was smart, and shows character.. He knows our Nation needs to be fixed, after the disasterous 8 years of the Bush legacy. Bish and Cheney and Rumsfeld shoul dbe tried was war criminals and traitors..for what they did to America, its economy, its warriors, its reputation......and what the effects of this has had on the rest of the world. How many deaths can be blamed on them...and how much pain and suffering....and now ad on the psychological pain he has caused to a million people. I do not belive in heaven or hell..and I dont belive in praying (but I pray anyway-just incase)...and I do not want to sound like a vegetarian eating a BIB MAC, but I pray there is a hell, that they should rot in.
Last week, we made a television Commerical....Took 6 years, but we finally did it..and None of us were in it, not even the BUDDYDOG. Maybe the next normally funny stchick was eleiminated, becuase in 30 seconds, you cant say to much, or show too many pix...but tonight, we were shown the edited copy...and its a go!!! wE WILL BE ON 68 TIMES A WEEK....tHEY WILL BE SHOWIN ON THE naTIONAL geographic sTATION, ANIMAL PLANET,tHE dISCOVERY PLANET, LOGO, AND THE FAMILY STATION(OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT) ITS ONLY ONON bERGEN cOUNTY...IF IT SHOWS ANY PROMISE, WE MIGHT GO INTO ROCKLAND, AND THEN ON TO NEW YORK......BUT ONE STEP AT A TIME. THE LAST TIME WE TRIED THIS...WAS DURING THE OJ SIMPSON TRIAL....AND WERE ON ALL THE WRONG STATIONS....AND HAD ALMOST NO RESPONSE...WE WILL TRY 3 MONTHS...AND AT TTHAT TIME WE ONLY HAD 4000 SQ FEET, NOW WE ARE ADVERTISING THE LARGEST STORE IN THE
TONIGHT I WENT TO AN EVENT.... it was to raise money for a 100 women in a village in UGANDA that were loeft husbandless after political unrest....They are talented women who make beads.....andsell them to support themselves. One of my custoemrs is envolved with them, and this event, was held in a Holiday buy jewelry made with the beads, and to raise money for sending them money to dig wells, for they are in need of clean water...and money to buy mosqito nets...this area, people are still dying from malaria... Poverty in these villages, is nothing like the poverty that we have in the USA. Our poor people would be considered rich and well fed, compared to these people, who do not know where their next meal will come from, or their next jug of water, or even clothing. Many dress in veritable rags, as photos there showed.
The event was wonderfull It was held in a Salon, or a spa, a small storefront, where massages are given, eyebrows trimed, pedicures and who knows what else. Customers of the spa, and others congregated, noshing on health foods donated by WHOLE foods ,which is across the street from them, and A PLATTER OF gREEK APPETIZERS FROM THE WONDERFUL "ITS GREEK TO ME" ONE OF MY FAVORITE PLACES.....ONLY TWO BLOCKS AWAY. THERE WAS SUSHI, CHEESES, BREADS, FRESH FRUIT SALAD(BUT NOT SOAKING IN LIQUID) NICE FRESH CUT UP FRUITS, NUTS, AND POMAGRANATE AND VODKA MARTINIS. WHILE I WAS NOSHING, AN AFRICAN DANCE SCHOOL from Spring VAlley entertained..There were drummers from GHANA...that were outrageous.....and the dancers included children and adults in Native Africa Costumes...and let me tell you..they were all very good. The vibrations of the drums, and the dancing..made the vibrations of all our spirits blend into one happy event. There wasnt anyone that wasnt smiling...there wasnt anyone who wasnt moving their body to the music...and eventually, some of the women, which predominated the group, got up and danced and wiggled.....and those who did do this..wore tight clothing, and I think, planned on showing their stuff.
The vening was very special...A room full of happy,smiling people, sharing a cultural experience most foreign to their own ..But if we trace our ouw culture,,we eventually will trace all our roots, alll our DNA..back to Africa. Adam and Eve, my dear readers were black. National Geographic did a vast DNA study....a backwards journey into history....and we all came from Africa.. WE ARE ALL BLACK!!! on the inside.. Only the exterior changed with the migration and climatge changes. So HOW in hell can we even remotely be prejudiced? Unfortunately most people do not know this yet, and even when they do, they will not belive it...Try teaching this to a trailer park crowd in the hills of Appalachia....
Now this dance school has extened programs..Besides teaching Afridcan Dancing, Drumming, storytelling, mask making, and Rites of PASSAGE schooling...I think, although they do not mention it in their brochure, it might include CIRCUMCISION..which is perfromed in front of a GROUJP AT 13(OR AT PUBERTY)..IN AFRICA, THAT IS. I remember seeing it on TV...they are schooled in what ever it is that they have to learn. Then in front of the tribe, their MOHEL(that is the yiddish word for the one who performs ritual circumscism) performs the "operation" and the young man isnt even alowed to wince,show emotion, cry, scream..or show ANY REACTION AT ALL. Now, I do not think they do this in Spring VALLEY....that way...I dont think anyone brought up in this country, could hold back reaction to getting their weny sliced at age 13...OMG how that must hurt.. When people...have that done after infancy, its usually performed in the hospital.... but this DANce School/Cultural SOciety does have RITES OF PASSAGE SCHOOLING.....I am goping to go and visit a few of their classes......on the premise I am writing a book (...
I was parked outside and forgot to shut of my lites....I was almost ready to leave,when I saw a Police Car, with flashing lights,,,,,in front of my car outside...OH SHIT,,something happened....and I forgot my lights and the battery is proberly dead....I walked out side and I heard my name...."MAURY"""" i seemed to becomeing form the cop car...."I thought I was hearing voices, and would have to start on medication.." I heard it again, with this time my last name added to the first.....The window of the car went down...I bent down and the cop SAID....Its BOBBY JAMES....I am a customer of yours. I ran yhour plates, and was almost ready to give a ticket, but when I saw it was you.......Now I was in the African event...and guess what....Officer James is a black man...Hew and his wife had been to the store a few times and we hit it off.....
RECIPE TIME: I had bought a bunch of meat out of the back of a truck..a package deal...the meat was from old cows, and not USDA grade A..but edible..Here is a recipe for a nice steak''' A few table spoons of soy sauce, a few tablespoons of corn oil, two cloves of garlic all mashed up, tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, and a few tablespoons of molassas. Let sit in the refrigerator over night...and broil or bar-b-que as any other steak...You might faint...Its that delicious... It will have turned black from the molassas..
We have been getting in so much stuff..This week a wonderful breakfront..the best in captivity...another banquet table matching the mahogany breakfront..abotu 12feet long, a mahog BR set, TWo DR room sets, one shabby chic painted whicte except the top is Pecan or fruit wood and the chairs have carved pineapples in the back..the other set is 12 feet long, 1880 oak, with 8 carved chairs newly reupholstered..A custome made 2 door curio, 5ft wide, with glass shelves, greek columns and all nice mahogany...mirrored back, a 18Century ornate Italian secretary bookcase, Louis 16th Tapestry Fateuil(arm chair) vanity bench, organ bench , all kinds of glaqsswhere, chandelirs,Decorative dishes, Collections of ROSE MEDALLION>
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