Monday, July 27, 2009

We are Sarah Palin free for a while....

Thank God that we have SArah Palin to talk about....I like OBAMA< but I really dont find him a comical character to poke fun at.....Now I listened to SARAH say good by...and she was so articulate.....just like a blond cheerleader. She cannot speak, or read anything that would elicite any amount of confidence that I wouuld want her to be my presdident...well, maybe she might opt for the job of cleaning lady....Her knowledge of world, history, geography, ethnic origins and culture, religions of the world, sex education,....and food other than mooseburgers......make her unsuitable to be anything at all in public office....other than a dog catcher, crossing guard...or tax collector.
Just think of her as President (GOD FORBID) Think of her trying to have a conversation with Putin of Russia, or think back in time....fantacize her talking with Woodrow Wilson, Adolph Hitler, Peter the Great, John F KEnnedy, Queen Victorian, Abe Lincoln.....this sounds like a skit for SATURDAY NIGHT go back futher....have her discuss politics with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,...... she becomes more pathetic the more we think about it.......
I can see her however having her own COOKINH SHOW on one of those FOod the world recipes for Mooseburgers, moosestew, moosekabobs, moosewraps and paninis.......and she would have guest cooks that are Eskimos....

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