Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 4th Fireworks, Unhealthy Potatoe Salad recipes

I sat home last night, with no great deisre to go out and see the fireworks, that were going off everywhere. My curiosity was up to witness the display that would illuminae and rock both sides of the Hudson River. The last time that I participated in a great celebration was July 4, 1976 on the eve of the bi-centennial. Friends and I wandered thru the streets of Greenwhich Village, dodging beerbottles and firecrackers, as the sky lit up, and the vibrations of screaming people, rock music, fireworks filled the air.
Last night I was in a more somber mood. I had watch numerous programs on the American revolution, the CIVIL WAR, and all the other wars, all leading up to the present times, and present situation we are all now in.
How things have changed! Technology has brought us from muzzle loading guns and iron cannon balls, linen masted war ships, to Laser guided guns and missiles, smart bombs, nuclear bombs and nuclear submarines...but some things never change.
Human nature. hasnt changed a bit. The rich are still in power...and lead the troops who are usually the poor, to slaughter. John Hancock was the richest man in America and was the head of the Sons of LIberty...a group to fight off the BRITISH< so they wouldnt tax and interfer with his importing business. Today we have the Bushes in the oil business, to benefit by the war..Cand ex Vice President Darth Vader Cheney, who was head of Halliburton, who made over 368 BILLION to rebuild Iraq......and it was given tgo them before we even declared war on Iraq....all totally illegal, but who is going to fight them?
I sat home last night, not celebrating the freedom that we have. I didnt go out and party, rather sat home quietly and thought of the past, and how history led up to this Independence day. I sat and remember multitudes that I knew not. The faceless millions that must have died and suffered. They did it all for differed reasons. The first group was fighting off the British Troops who were confiscating their homes,food, crops, animals....and inforcing high TAXES to be sent home to the KING of ENGLAND.. It was Economic..... The Civil WAR....was a fight, again economic...the North by ending slavery would have crippled the South, with their plantations run by the institution of slavery. The South was really fighting for survival of the institution of slavery and would hav ebeen ruined economically if they had to pay their help instead of own them! ANd since the South attacked first, the NORTHERNers volunteer to join the army to PROTECT the NORTH
WW2..... we joined in to stop the Germans conquer Europe......and WW2 we were attacked by JAPAN and were really in danger of being over run by them and the GERMAN if they every got here...and we seriously wanted to help ENGLAND and the rest of Europe get from the yoke of the NAZIS.....but after the war, our government invited some of the top Nazi scientists and Secret come here and"teach" us some of their tricks.
It is hard to fathom that during World War two 50, million people died....that is as if all the people in NYC, Miami, Chicago, LosAngeles, London,Paris,Mexico CITY,Dallas, and more died.....and its hard to belive, that even in 1938 The United State knew that Germany was harassing and persecuting the JEWS.Life magazine did weekly pdate on Hitler....and did not demonize him until years later....and the USa did nothting to try to prevent or stop the concentration camps...

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