Thursday, November 26, 2009


This is a very wondrful holiday.....good for the turkey farmers, the cranberry farmers, the people who grow potatoes, those who own Marshmallow plantations....with wich to make sweet potatoe [pie.....the apple pie people, the peas and carrot people and all others who produce goodies to eat on this High caloric holiday.
We also might callit National Hyposcrasy day..... WHY>? Am I cynical? AM I anti thanksgiving or anti American. NO..none of the above. Just realistic!!!
The Pilgrams, who are an offshoot of the National Wasp Associtation...left England for religous freedom. Many of them were even criminals..who boarded the MAYFLOWER. to Get the hell out of ENGLAND.....and the first things they did, after getting rooted here, were to kill off the Native Americans Who were here for 20,000 years. I am I supposed to admire those people?
They set up their relgious institutions, with such actions of drowning and burning witches........ and God knows what they did to people who were prostitutes,gays, and other people who didnt fit into their GODLY precepts. They were no better than from where they came....they just wrote different rules. ANd when their group grew....their welcome to outsiders....Catholics, Jews, and other foreigners was frigid.....they created a halocaust to kill off the Native Americans with bullets, starvation and putting smallpox in blankets that they sold them.
How exicted and thankful can I be to these [people.....the precedcessers of George BUSH.....
But I am thankful to the Native Americans, who did help these people..somehow grow and prosper to build this great country....that we live in, [prosper in, pay taxes to and get abused by the credit card companies and other leagal userers.
We used to call the Native Americans SAVAGES...but my dear readers...WE ARE THE SAVAGES, FIRST TO THEM, AND NOW TO MIDEASTERNERS AND TO OUR OWN PEOPLE.... You can feel my anger buringing...its from the flame of righteousness and truth. Please take it under consideration. Unlike others, I am not one advocating anything more thatn to educated our own people and to think how e can make what we hve inherited better....We cannot be swayed by the BUSHES CHENEYSRUMSFELDS RUSH LIMBAUGS ANN COULTERS,GLENN BECKS LOU DOBBS AND SARAH PALIN (the joke of the north). We need new leders that are honest..and want America to continue to succeed..

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