I am not religious, but very spiritual. How one defines spiritual...might be a difficult process. To me, being spiritual means that the phrase "doing the right thing" is the basic principle that I live by. It would incorporate most if not all of the ten commandments, possible with a new slant on them for the 21st Century...
Going beyond those rules, helping others, which inlcludes Society itself, the less fortunate than myself, and this would include animals, and respect for the planet itself. Being spiritual to me is opening ones mind to all this is good and accepting it; it is absorbing, appreciating and promoting art forms. Being spiritual is keeping an open mind for all that passes ones way....It doent mean that one accepts everything, but it indicates that a spiritual person would give things a chance be for accepting or rejecting anything..and it keeps the possibility open for new theories, what ever they might be.
I am JEWISH. I do not deny my heritage of over 5000 years. But as plant and animal life has evolved, so has religion. The needs of a desert society...a tribal society who had to fight for survival....for land, food and water....whose laws of religion and society were one. Inorder to keep the tribe together, healthy, well fed, and strong, their laws had to be kept. Their superstition, and belief in the one all powerful GOD who lived on top of MT SINAI..kept them in awe of the all powerful....in the begiing, it is belived that they might even have had human sacrifice, which later, was replaced by circumcisim (which is a cut above death) sorry for the pun. As years went on, the religon evolved. The book of the TALMUD was written to interpret the Torah, which was in many ways vague...The Torah and Talmud became not only the relgion, but the LAW of the people. It ruled society. Itwas a code of ethics. The washing of hands before prayers and meals...is not only a religous ceremony, but an act of health and cleanliness.
Fast forward the world, I now reject all the hocus pocus of the religion.....but accept my heritage and the basic tenets of what a good person should be..and how they should act. I do not belive there is a God in heaven..(he moved up there from MT SINAI after they found out that he just wasnt living there)..and this so called GOD, doenst care if I keep Kosher, or work on SAturday or any other holiday.....My interpretation is that IF THERE IS A GOD....I would be judged how I treated my fellow man, society and the planet itself.
Why this discussion today? The terror attacks in MUMBAI, or the old BOMBAY....and the killing of the Lubabacher rabbi and his wife....makes me really wonder about this GOD in Heaven...and his JEWISH children....that he didnt protect. Going back in history, the halocaust, and the pgroms earlier in the century....and further back all the killings in ENgland, the Spanish Inquisition...when our people were slaughtered...where was GOD to take care of his children. Yet, I do belive, that if there would be a GOD, al lthe people on the planet would be his children..not just the JEWS...but every one of them that breathes the same air we all do.
But as a JEW, when I saw the terror....and later on the photos of the Lubabachers in Brooklyn praying and crying....I really think...how relgion separates mankind. And pray ing now is topo FUCKING LATE...they are dead..what in hell are you praying for....instead of praying ex post factom, work for peace so you dont have to pray for the dead. Behave in a manner that all mankind can abide by the same rules..but then again, the MOSLEMS, would have to also.....put aside their nonsense..and act in a manner befitting a society where all people can live in harmony. And this can only happen, when we cast aside all the rediculous religous beliefs that separate us...and keep only those rules and regulations that can join us.....
Never the less, watching the news of the Rabbi and his wife that were slaughtered for no reason, I couldnt help feel the loss, as a JEW. Even though, my belife system is far removed from theirs, the common thread of JUDASIM is still there...strong enough to bring tears to my eyes and pain to my heart.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Usually the night before thanksgiving....late at night, when the TV if off, all music has been also shut down, I sit and think of the past year....and then reflect back upon my life, to see what I have to be thankful for.
Does this sound corney? The mindset of some radical religous fanatic? No... I was going to say that I am just some average guy, who takes the idea of giving thanks seriously....but giving thanks unto whoM?
But I will retract my first statement....for I realize I am far from some average guy. I mikght have started out that way, but somewhere, I did a turnabout....I was barely an average student in high school, yet while taking dummy ENGLISH....business English....I ignored the teach and her letter writing, and sat in the back of the room writing poetry or writing a play or a musical, which I hid from her...But when we did read Shakespaeare....I perked up and enjoyed the intellecutal stimulation.
They said I wasnt smart enough to take physics, or advanced science, but I would sit and daydream about forces or energy in the universe that could be collected somehow ,into batteries or directly into an energy system....that this energy was created from the BIG BANG , day one, of the universe.....Little did I know, this was a very similar theory to the one by TELSA, one of the great minds...and this project would have been created by him, but THOMAS Edison, sqashed his dreams, but cutting off funds from investors. We would probably not even have the energy crisis, if that evil Edison would had let this project develop.
I am not saying that I am any kind of genious,but....I was so put down by teachers and guidance counselors in my first 10 years of school, that I had developed an inferiority complex about my intellectual ability....they almsot had mebeliving that I was stupid.
During high school, I not only wrote poems and plays, but I produced a musical comedy with VICKY POSTAL a dear freind of mine...I became a professional photographer and created very artistic free lance work, and for profit took photos at weddings, bar mitzvas and other events.
I loved baseball...but during a SUNDAY SCHOOL picnic, I was knocked unconscious by a line drive to my head....a hard ball no less knocked me out...and a week later, it happened again..Aftger those two events, anything moving fast infront of me made me blink, and jump and I was "afraid" of moving objects. I wasnt able to get into little leage and even in school, I could no longer play sports. I was afraid of the ball.!
SO, with being made fun of for being a lousy athete, being told by teachers that I was stupid....and then, hating what I saw when I looked into the mirror, I suffered horrendously, until I got into high school....when my marks improved, friends increased, and my self image started its rise.
In college I was asked to start a Fraternity....and made many friends quickly. I enjoyed the stimulation by harder courses....like Comparative anatomy, all types of psych, and even economics...I got A's and B's, but not in MAth....I failed trigonometry....well, I refused to study things I didnt like andmadeno sense....If I even went on to becomne a Doctor...which was a dream...when myh confidence increased" I wouldnt have to do any trigonometry, unless I would get into some type of brain surgery....and even then..probably NOT!
IO transfered to the University of Kentucky...a brave and sudden move for a kid who couldnt make decisions.....and to top it, I won a scholarship for part of the tuition. I was tested and did very well, and rated in the top one percent of the nation...in INtelligence. (but not typing and spelling)
My ability now to make freinds, even though I was a yankee from the NOrth...increased. My self image was getting stronger...but my hair started falling out...and that didnt help the self image.....and then depression set it.. At age 19, the hair was thining,,,,,and that was very difficult to accept, when I had hair like Elvis.....HAD....was the word...had.
After graduation from college, I found myself teaching English....a profession that I had not dreamed about..but because I hated English courses in school, I understood how the children felt about it too....My commiseration, somehow turned me into a good teacher....I explained to them I understand how they feel, and if we worked together, we could make it not only palatable, but fun. I showed them how all of us have poetry with in us..and how to express it. I taught them, or rather showed them dont be afraid to experiment with words, take chances.....that it doenst have to be perfect....use the language, build your vocabulary....reading is fun...but mostly I tried to inspire them to be creative...AND DONT LET PEOPLE PUT YOU DOWN... HAVE FAITH IN WHAT YOU ARE DOING.I rarely used the red pencil to cross out their mistakes.I tried to teach them not only subject matter, but attitudeabout learning, and even themselves. I knew what the teachers did to me....and I tried encouragement.... as a tool.
Looking back from that point, I would think of my parents who were good simple honest people. They werent relgious at all. Nor was I brought up to be anything more than a decent person. I wasnt encouraged to go to relgious training after my 13th birthday. I wasnt forbidden to drink or smoke....They always told me if I wanted to drink or smoke to do it in the house. The Wine, and liquor was always in the kitchen closet. My mothers cigaretes were alwasy on thekitchen counter. DAD's pipes and cigars were in a humidor in the living room. I once treid cigarettes in the 8th grade and just didnt like them. I never once, even was curious about drinking wine or booze...It was always offered to me at a wedding, barmitzvah, or when my family had company.....and I never wanted any.....the first time I had a drink. an apricot sour, was graduation eve, and wash shocked that one of the kids parents gave them to everyone....WOW we were not 21 and could drink.
My parents were kind. Generous, but not rich. I never wanted for anything....I didnt have many toys, nor did I really care...not compared myself to anyone else who might have had more than me. I wasnever into having to have special clothing, or shoes, or jewelry... I had no one to impress. None of my friends were like that either...We were freinds and no one (male or felmale) had to impress ones good friends....and How lucky I was for this, yet really didnt realize how lucky I was..till years later.
My parents never bemoaned their finantial position. We had just enough. They were contgent. I was content.. We were happy. And I didnt realize how wonderful that was till years later.....My parents never made ethic slurs. They didnt put people down becuase of race, nationality or religious beliefs. I would be lying if I said there werent any jokes about other groups..Of course there were, but they werent malicious...and I grew up to accept everyone....Maybe I question belief systems....but without malice. They didnt evenmake a big deal about political parties....Nothing ever was said about the republicans.....in a negative way....as now.....They were both DEMOCRATS andbelongs to the Democratic party,,,,my MOM even went to meetings...and I do remember the people who went to the club....They were like cartoon characters...and I was amused....but they did have fun.
If you are still reading this, you are probably wondering where this is all going...and what it has to do with THANKSGIVING>...but please bepatient...it does.
I taught school for 9 years,...I was smart enough to buy a house and pay it off, and built a business, which is the largest of its kind in NJ...although,now the struggle is immense. Along the way, I picked up a cast of characters....who became my new DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY. There is GLEN, his brother JOHN ,Miss Dorothy, Miss Cythia, Mikey, Juan, Eddie, Rich, BOB, Pancho, George......and many others..who are notonly employees and friends and family....but in a mystical way, they are also my Guardian Angels.
Alsong the way I had experinces that made me grow...from Almost being a father...to Romantic Episodes, that scarred the heart, but when healed made me stronger. This scarring pushed me to write poetry which I am very proud of...whichprobably would surprise those who are reading this uncorrected blog. I also was able to write a novel that was accepted by RANDOM HOUSE by one of their top editors....who will print it, when I finsih editing it to my own satisfaction.
From being a very shy person, with inferiority complexes that would have wond a trophy if one were given, I becdame an auctioneer who cango up infront of a crowd with all confidence...and jopke with 500 people without stage fright...and I even learned to dabble in politics and can make a speech without notes in front of many people...without saying "and um" uh.......I can talk to a crowd better than the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES (which isnt saying much) I can express myself...and at one time, almost decided to run for office....but I have enough to do....and am far to honest...I would have been eaten alive.
Now I will try to draw this thanks giving babble to a conclusion. I have been blessed with a fine family, great friends, a good profession....I was lucky enough never to have desired to be hugely influenced by material things, and although I own a veryh materialistic business....I dont strive for the Giant HOme....or homes, boats, the news cars... I am so thankful that myh value system that was given to me by family and other friends.....realizes what is really important...Family,friends and health...if you hae that...that is happiness. MONEY doenst make you happy, nor does diamonds, and other things of value. My happiness lies with those that surround me, my good memories,and future hopes and aspirations for me, by family,my freinds and my Country. This is what I am thankful for.... HAppy Thanksgiving to all.....
Does this sound corney? The mindset of some radical religous fanatic? No... I was going to say that I am just some average guy, who takes the idea of giving thanks seriously....but giving thanks unto whoM?
But I will retract my first statement....for I realize I am far from some average guy. I mikght have started out that way, but somewhere, I did a turnabout....I was barely an average student in high school, yet while taking dummy ENGLISH....business English....I ignored the teach and her letter writing, and sat in the back of the room writing poetry or writing a play or a musical, which I hid from her...But when we did read Shakespaeare....I perked up and enjoyed the intellecutal stimulation.
They said I wasnt smart enough to take physics, or advanced science, but I would sit and daydream about forces or energy in the universe that could be collected somehow ,into batteries or directly into an energy system....that this energy was created from the BIG BANG , day one, of the universe.....Little did I know, this was a very similar theory to the one by TELSA, one of the great minds...and this project would have been created by him, but THOMAS Edison, sqashed his dreams, but cutting off funds from investors. We would probably not even have the energy crisis, if that evil Edison would had let this project develop.
I am not saying that I am any kind of genious,but....I was so put down by teachers and guidance counselors in my first 10 years of school, that I had developed an inferiority complex about my intellectual ability....they almsot had mebeliving that I was stupid.
During high school, I not only wrote poems and plays, but I produced a musical comedy with VICKY POSTAL a dear freind of mine...I became a professional photographer and created very artistic free lance work, and for profit took photos at weddings, bar mitzvas and other events.
I loved baseball...but during a SUNDAY SCHOOL picnic, I was knocked unconscious by a line drive to my head....a hard ball no less knocked me out...and a week later, it happened again..Aftger those two events, anything moving fast infront of me made me blink, and jump and I was "afraid" of moving objects. I wasnt able to get into little leage and even in school, I could no longer play sports. I was afraid of the ball.!
SO, with being made fun of for being a lousy athete, being told by teachers that I was stupid....and then, hating what I saw when I looked into the mirror, I suffered horrendously, until I got into high school....when my marks improved, friends increased, and my self image started its rise.
In college I was asked to start a Fraternity....and made many friends quickly. I enjoyed the stimulation by harder courses....like Comparative anatomy, all types of psych, and even economics...I got A's and B's, but not in MAth....I failed trigonometry....well, I refused to study things I didnt like andmadeno sense....If I even went on to becomne a Doctor...which was a dream...when myh confidence increased" I wouldnt have to do any trigonometry, unless I would get into some type of brain surgery....and even then..probably NOT!
IO transfered to the University of Kentucky...a brave and sudden move for a kid who couldnt make decisions.....and to top it, I won a scholarship for part of the tuition. I was tested and did very well, and rated in the top one percent of the nation...in INtelligence. (but not typing and spelling)
My ability now to make freinds, even though I was a yankee from the NOrth...increased. My self image was getting stronger...but my hair started falling out...and that didnt help the self image.....and then depression set it.. At age 19, the hair was thining,,,,,and that was very difficult to accept, when I had hair like Elvis.....HAD....was the word...had.
After graduation from college, I found myself teaching English....a profession that I had not dreamed about..but because I hated English courses in school, I understood how the children felt about it too....My commiseration, somehow turned me into a good teacher....I explained to them I understand how they feel, and if we worked together, we could make it not only palatable, but fun. I showed them how all of us have poetry with in us..and how to express it. I taught them, or rather showed them dont be afraid to experiment with words, take chances.....that it doenst have to be perfect....use the language, build your vocabulary....reading is fun...but mostly I tried to inspire them to be creative...AND DONT LET PEOPLE PUT YOU DOWN... HAVE FAITH IN WHAT YOU ARE DOING.I rarely used the red pencil to cross out their mistakes.I tried to teach them not only subject matter, but attitudeabout learning, and even themselves. I knew what the teachers did to me....and I tried encouragement.... as a tool.
Looking back from that point, I would think of my parents who were good simple honest people. They werent relgious at all. Nor was I brought up to be anything more than a decent person. I wasnt encouraged to go to relgious training after my 13th birthday. I wasnt forbidden to drink or smoke....They always told me if I wanted to drink or smoke to do it in the house. The Wine, and liquor was always in the kitchen closet. My mothers cigaretes were alwasy on thekitchen counter. DAD's pipes and cigars were in a humidor in the living room. I once treid cigarettes in the 8th grade and just didnt like them. I never once, even was curious about drinking wine or booze...It was always offered to me at a wedding, barmitzvah, or when my family had company.....and I never wanted any.....the first time I had a drink. an apricot sour, was graduation eve, and wash shocked that one of the kids parents gave them to everyone....WOW we were not 21 and could drink.
My parents were kind. Generous, but not rich. I never wanted for anything....I didnt have many toys, nor did I really care...not compared myself to anyone else who might have had more than me. I wasnever into having to have special clothing, or shoes, or jewelry... I had no one to impress. None of my friends were like that either...We were freinds and no one (male or felmale) had to impress ones good friends....and How lucky I was for this, yet really didnt realize how lucky I was..till years later.
My parents never bemoaned their finantial position. We had just enough. They were contgent. I was content.. We were happy. And I didnt realize how wonderful that was till years later.....My parents never made ethic slurs. They didnt put people down becuase of race, nationality or religious beliefs. I would be lying if I said there werent any jokes about other groups..Of course there were, but they werent malicious...and I grew up to accept everyone....Maybe I question belief systems....but without malice. They didnt evenmake a big deal about political parties....Nothing ever was said about the republicans.....in a negative way....as now.....They were both DEMOCRATS andbelongs to the Democratic party,,,,my MOM even went to meetings...and I do remember the people who went to the club....They were like cartoon characters...and I was amused....but they did have fun.
If you are still reading this, you are probably wondering where this is all going...and what it has to do with THANKSGIVING>...but please bepatient...it does.
I taught school for 9 years,...I was smart enough to buy a house and pay it off, and built a business, which is the largest of its kind in NJ...although,now the struggle is immense. Along the way, I picked up a cast of characters....who became my new DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY. There is GLEN, his brother JOHN ,Miss Dorothy, Miss Cythia, Mikey, Juan, Eddie, Rich, BOB, Pancho, George......and many others..who are notonly employees and friends and family....but in a mystical way, they are also my Guardian Angels.
Alsong the way I had experinces that made me grow...from Almost being a father...to Romantic Episodes, that scarred the heart, but when healed made me stronger. This scarring pushed me to write poetry which I am very proud of...whichprobably would surprise those who are reading this uncorrected blog. I also was able to write a novel that was accepted by RANDOM HOUSE by one of their top editors....who will print it, when I finsih editing it to my own satisfaction.
From being a very shy person, with inferiority complexes that would have wond a trophy if one were given, I becdame an auctioneer who cango up infront of a crowd with all confidence...and jopke with 500 people without stage fright...and I even learned to dabble in politics and can make a speech without notes in front of many people...without saying "and um" uh.......I can talk to a crowd better than the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES (which isnt saying much) I can express myself...and at one time, almost decided to run for office....but I have enough to do....and am far to honest...I would have been eaten alive.
Now I will try to draw this thanks giving babble to a conclusion. I have been blessed with a fine family, great friends, a good profession....I was lucky enough never to have desired to be hugely influenced by material things, and although I own a veryh materialistic business....I dont strive for the Giant HOme....or homes, boats, the news cars... I am so thankful that myh value system that was given to me by family and other friends.....realizes what is really important...Family,friends and health...if you hae that...that is happiness. MONEY doenst make you happy, nor does diamonds, and other things of value. My happiness lies with those that surround me, my good memories,and future hopes and aspirations for me, by family,my freinds and my Country. This is what I am thankful for.... HAppy Thanksgiving to all.....
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hooray...so Miss Hillary (well MRS CLINTON) will be the Secretary of STATE..and SNOW WHITE, replaces BLACK BITCH ( no ethnic slurs intended) and Bill Richardson, will be Secretary of COMMERCE.
Its amazing , and very smart, that OBAMA picked two people who were his opponents in the GREAT RACE... Coincidently, My first choice was Richardson...who, is intelligent, a member of a minority, very well versed in government, and had played a part in the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION....and is really a good American... even though he has a bad hair day, every day. When I met him a a private party in RIDGEWOOD, when he was on the primary ballot.... he was extremley likeable and down to earth. He doenst make speeches...but TALKS to you.....He knows his stuff. He doenst need notes..., and he woul dhave been my first choice for president, followed by Hillary, and then OBAMA.... but Obama, really blossomed and showed his stuff....His intelligence, his calm under fire, and his ability to organize and get things done.
Hillary and Bill(Richardson) know everyone and the door for them is open..everywhere...Everyone doesnt like her...BUT.....I think she is the best choice for the position. I am really excited in politics for the first tim ein a long time.....I want to see my beloved country, climb out of the economic and politic hole it is buried in.. I want our image returned to the world stage as a strong and benevolent people. The bush administratin has been a disgrace....People hate us.....and its because of them NOT US. We were fed lies....Even 9/11 was a lie. It was a smokecreen for the America to buy into a war that was only needed for the OIL COMPANIES, HALLEBURTON and the other big corporations..like DADDY BUSES Carlisle GROUP....All groups which were directly linked to Bush and his cabinet..... THE VP CHENEY...the devil incarnate, was Vp of HAlleburton, Bush is connected directly to the SAUDIS....and even....Pelosi...the SPEAKER of the HOUSE...A democrat.....is married to a man, who made lots of money from this war..(sadly to report) And that is probably the reason, she didnt start impeachment procedures, for fear of some kind of expose.
So, this THANKSgiving...I raise my glass of wine to the new Adminstration.... and wish it L'chaim "A toast TO LIFE"
Its amazing , and very smart, that OBAMA picked two people who were his opponents in the GREAT RACE... Coincidently, My first choice was Richardson...who, is intelligent, a member of a minority, very well versed in government, and had played a part in the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION....and is really a good American... even though he has a bad hair day, every day. When I met him a a private party in RIDGEWOOD, when he was on the primary ballot.... he was extremley likeable and down to earth. He doenst make speeches...but TALKS to you.....He knows his stuff. He doenst need notes..., and he woul dhave been my first choice for president, followed by Hillary, and then OBAMA.... but Obama, really blossomed and showed his stuff....His intelligence, his calm under fire, and his ability to organize and get things done.
Hillary and Bill(Richardson) know everyone and the door for them is open..everywhere...Everyone doesnt like her...BUT.....I think she is the best choice for the position. I am really excited in politics for the first tim ein a long time.....I want to see my beloved country, climb out of the economic and politic hole it is buried in.. I want our image returned to the world stage as a strong and benevolent people. The bush administratin has been a disgrace....People hate us.....and its because of them NOT US. We were fed lies....Even 9/11 was a lie. It was a smokecreen for the America to buy into a war that was only needed for the OIL COMPANIES, HALLEBURTON and the other big corporations..like DADDY BUSES Carlisle GROUP....All groups which were directly linked to Bush and his cabinet..... THE VP CHENEY...the devil incarnate, was Vp of HAlleburton, Bush is connected directly to the SAUDIS....and even....Pelosi...the SPEAKER of the HOUSE...A democrat.....is married to a man, who made lots of money from this war..(sadly to report) And that is probably the reason, she didnt start impeachment procedures, for fear of some kind of expose.
So, this THANKSgiving...I raise my glass of wine to the new Adminstration.... and wish it L'chaim "A toast TO LIFE"
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I was too tired to go home after the group of ghost hunters left about 1:30....I was afraid they if a haunting was real....they might have stirred up the ghosties...and I might have had a noisey, or scary night...but it was quieter than ever.. Even the normal sqeaking and creaking of the upper floors, and what I consider to be normal kicking and baning and not spirited related noises...were not evident... Who knows, maybe the spirits liked company....or like in an exorcism, they were calmed, quieted and sent on their way....
But enough evidence was found, beyond that I told them They heard and recorded different soundm and recorded at least one photo...of an apparition.....and a dead area, where all their wquipmetn went dead, batters didnt work..... until they moved into another area....So there is SOMETHING or somethings here....and not our imagination.
But enough evidence was found, beyond that I told them They heard and recorded different soundm and recorded at least one photo...of an apparition.....and a dead area, where all their wquipmetn went dead, batters didnt work..... until they moved into another area....So there is SOMETHING or somethings here....and not our imagination.
Friday, November 21, 2008
i FIGURED THAT THEY WOULDNT FIND ANYTHING, AND IT WOULD LOOK LIKE I WAS PLAYING WITH THEM OR LOOKING FOR PUBLICITY, OR TO PASS TIME....BUT TO MY SURPRISE....THEY FOUND THINGS THAT I DIDNT EXPECT. IN THE CORNER OF THE STORE WHERE I HEARD FURNIUTRE MOVING AROUND.... three of them, lost the use of their cameras. Even though they all put in new batteries, the batteries registered as dead, and the cameras went off...2e people...three times....but when they left that corner of the store, the cameras came back on....and they were able to take photos again....the batteries seemed recharged....in the same corner, they said they felt a cold draft when this happened....they said that certian spirits seem to suck the energy our of batteries...and there is a correlation of electric energy....and ghosts, who are made up of so called energy and electrical impulses..
Earlier on, when oneof the guys went out to CVS to buy a UNIVERSAL REMOTE for his TV...so images from a video camera would appear on it...the NEW universal wouldnt work at all. New BAttereis..but it wouldnt work. He went back to CVS and purchased another one...and he was able to get it to go on, but wasnt able to make it work the TV...Seems, THEY do not want videos taken here tonight.....and they are not the ghost busters, but the spirits themselves.
CHRIS, Elises husband earlier on, heard some kind of growling right near the back wall, about 50feet in a straight line from the corner where all the batteries went dead.. LAter on, upstairs above that spot, two of the women heard a low wimpering....from a young child or animals, they werent sure...they thought it was from the dog one of the people had on another floor..but when they radioed down, the dog was sleeping and quiet. Another one of the girls heard a low level tapping....which was not the floor or furniture making noise....
But the best evidence so far tonight is visual...One of the men shot photos, a few in a row. Most of them showed noting....but one...showed a bubble or an orble..And when it was enlarges. it show shapes and forms in it....this is spooky. But not spooky to them. They say its common....that an orb is an accumulations of spirits....I will ask for a copy of the pix..and post it. NOW REMEMBER, its digital... and a simple camera at that...There was no time to fake any photos of this store...this is real. what it means. I dont know....Maybe I can hire one of the ghost to work as a sales person, and threaten to do something spooky to the people if they dont spend money.
They are a nice group of people. I didnt really know what to expect... Some of them seem extrememly down to earth...One guy reminds me of matt DAMoN, and his father is a retired construction worker, who looked very familiar to me....another guy, looks like a MArine on the thin side, marine kind of hair cut, very pleasant looking, and quiet, masculine, not the least bit strange...Two women seemed like college kids who got a bit older than college age...cant tell....and not freaky....Elishe and her Husband CHRIS are fun loving pople....only Elise with her nosering and pentagram...(symbol ofwhite witchcraft-which is really a good thing) stood out from the norm...yet so many people have pierced noses and other parts, that this too is the norm...They all are friendly, like to laugh, and have a common seriousness of purpose.
And like all good Americans, they like APPLE pie,,which was served warm...right out of the oven.....and cappuchino...
As we speak they all went to the area of the most activity..The third floor where the whimpering was heard, where I hear banging sounds, where a customer felt something..and saw images out of the side of her eyes,,,,and who was a bit scared. They have a WEEGEE board Ouigi.....and some divining rods, whic pick up magnetic waves or fields....Something just must have happened becuase I heard one of the women yell something out......I am sure they wil tell me when they come down...but, the nack wall of the building, seems to be the hot spot of spirit activity.....it separates the two buildings. I understand that this building replaced a very old barn....I wonder what might hav ebeen here befoer the barn.....years ago.... was it a battleground for the Revolutionary war///or French and INDIAN WARS or just one tribe battling another tribe.... did British or American soldiers die here...was it an INDIAN BURIAL GROUND....my imagination is running wild...but its not out of the question....any number of these ideas might hav ehappened.
i FIGURED THAT THEY WOULDNT FIND ANYTHING, AND IT WOULD LOOK LIKE I WAS PLAYING WITH THEM OR LOOKING FOR PUBLICITY, OR TO PASS TIME....BUT TO MY SURPRISE....THEY FOUND THINGS THAT I DIDNT EXPECT. IN THE CORNER OF THE STORE WHERE I HEARD FURNIUTRE MOVING AROUND.... three of them, lost the use of their cameras. Even though they all put in new batteries, the batteries registered as dead, and the cameras went off...2e people...three times....but when they left that corner of the store, the cameras came back on....and they were able to take photos again....the batteries seemed recharged....in the same corner, they said they felt a cold draft when this happened....they said that certian spirits seem to suck the energy our of batteries...and there is a correlation of electric energy....and ghosts, who are made up of so called energy and electrical impulses..
Earlier on, when oneof the guys went out to CVS to buy a UNIVERSAL REMOTE for his TV...so images from a video camera would appear on it...the NEW universal wouldnt work at all. New BAttereis..but it wouldnt work. He went back to CVS and purchased another one...and he was able to get it to go on, but wasnt able to make it work the TV...Seems, THEY do not want videos taken here tonight.....and they are not the ghost busters, but the spirits themselves.
CHRIS, Elises husband earlier on, heard some kind of growling right near the back wall, about 50feet in a straight line from the corner where all the batteries went dead.. LAter on, upstairs above that spot, two of the women heard a low wimpering....from a young child or animals, they werent sure...they thought it was from the dog one of the people had on another floor..but when they radioed down, the dog was sleeping and quiet. Another one of the girls heard a low level tapping....which was not the floor or furniture making noise....
But the best evidence so far tonight is visual...One of the men shot photos, a few in a row. Most of them showed noting....but one...showed a bubble or an orble..And when it was enlarges. it show shapes and forms in it....this is spooky. But not spooky to them. They say its common....that an orb is an accumulations of spirits....I will ask for a copy of the pix..and post it. NOW REMEMBER, its digital... and a simple camera at that...There was no time to fake any photos of this store...this is real. what it means. I dont know....Maybe I can hire one of the ghost to work as a sales person, and threaten to do something spooky to the people if they dont spend money.
They are a nice group of people. I didnt really know what to expect... Some of them seem extrememly down to earth...One guy reminds me of matt DAMoN, and his father is a retired construction worker, who looked very familiar to me....another guy, looks like a MArine on the thin side, marine kind of hair cut, very pleasant looking, and quiet, masculine, not the least bit strange...Two women seemed like college kids who got a bit older than college age...cant tell....and not freaky....Elishe and her Husband CHRIS are fun loving pople....only Elise with her nosering and pentagram...(symbol ofwhite witchcraft-which is really a good thing) stood out from the norm...yet so many people have pierced noses and other parts, that this too is the norm...They all are friendly, like to laugh, and have a common seriousness of purpose.
And like all good Americans, they like APPLE pie,,which was served warm...right out of the oven.....and cappuchino...
As we speak they all went to the area of the most activity..The third floor where the whimpering was heard, where I hear banging sounds, where a customer felt something..and saw images out of the side of her eyes,,,,and who was a bit scared. They have a WEEGEE board Ouigi.....and some divining rods, whic pick up magnetic waves or fields....Something just must have happened becuase I heard one of the women yell something out......I am sure they wil tell me when they come down...but, the nack wall of the building, seems to be the hot spot of spirit activity.....it separates the two buildings. I understand that this building replaced a very old barn....I wonder what might hav ebeen here befoer the barn.....years ago.... was it a battleground for the Revolutionary war///or French and INDIAN WARS or just one tribe battling another tribe.... did British or American soldiers die here...was it an INDIAN BURIAL GROUND....my imagination is running wild...but its not out of the question....any number of these ideas might hav ehappened.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I still cant find out why I cant put up a good title....after one word, a bunch of numbers seem to fill the entire TITLE box?
Cheney and the former Attorney General Gonsalez both have been indited in the great state of TEXAS... The State that kills more prisoners....especially when George Bush was the GOVENOR.. They are guilty of all kinds of criminal activites...inlcuded conflict of business nterest in the prison system that went to private investors....and then a cover up of their dirty dealings...You wouldnt think that CHENEY would need any more money....after the billions he allegedly made from being a CEO of HALLEBURTON.....who got over 368 BILLIONS DOLLARS, some of which they said was unaccounted for........hmmmm I bet I know where it went!!!!
Cheney,Gonzales,Bush, Rumsfeld, and most of the BUSH gestappo....are bad people...and should be put on trial....embarassed and esposed for what they are...Corporative Criminals....and in many cases, directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of American Solidiers and IRaqi and Afganistani men ,women and children....tens of thousand of them....hundreds of thousands of them.......and nearing a million... now include hundreds of thousands more who were injured, and maimed permanently......those who indured torture and pain......constant fear...of both American troops and oppsoing religous forces.....and how may American soldiers came home with incurable diseases, missing limbs, severe burns, and dreams of horror that will not go was...POST truamatic stress....The entire administration should be put in prison, nad suffer the same degredation as the prisoners in the Gauntanamo and other Prisons....
Cheney and the former Attorney General Gonsalez both have been indited in the great state of TEXAS... The State that kills more prisoners....especially when George Bush was the GOVENOR.. They are guilty of all kinds of criminal activites...inlcuded conflict of business nterest in the prison system that went to private investors....and then a cover up of their dirty dealings...You wouldnt think that CHENEY would need any more money....after the billions he allegedly made from being a CEO of HALLEBURTON.....who got over 368 BILLIONS DOLLARS, some of which they said was unaccounted for........hmmmm I bet I know where it went!!!!
Cheney,Gonzales,Bush, Rumsfeld, and most of the BUSH gestappo....are bad people...and should be put on trial....embarassed and esposed for what they are...Corporative Criminals....and in many cases, directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of American Solidiers and IRaqi and Afganistani men ,women and children....tens of thousand of them....hundreds of thousands of them.......and nearing a million... now include hundreds of thousands more who were injured, and maimed permanently......those who indured torture and pain......constant fear...of both American troops and oppsoing religous forces.....and how may American soldiers came home with incurable diseases, missing limbs, severe burns, and dreams of horror that will not go was...POST truamatic stress....The entire administration should be put in prison, nad suffer the same degredation as the prisoners in the Gauntanamo and other Prisons....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
wHY ISNT EVERYON EUP IN ARMS? 50 Percent More US Kids Hungry in 2007
posted: 17 HOURS 52 MINUTES AGOcomments: 638
filed under: Health News, National News
The Agriculture Department reports that 691,000 children went hungry in this country last year -- a rise of more than 50 percent from 2006. Overall, almost one in eight Americans say they struggled to feed themselves
HOW CAN THE PEOPLE ALLOW THE aMERICAN GOVERNMENT TO SPEND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON A WAR, SENDING OUR TAX MONEY TO IRAQ AND AFGANISTAN...REBUILING THEIR ROADS, BUILDINGS, HOSPITALS, SENDING FOOD TO THEM AND OTHER NATIONS, and spending and wasting money on bombs, 200dollar hammers.....while our own people are going hungry?HOW CAN THIS BE?? What happen to the Hutzpah of the youth of the 1960.s NO MORE HIPPIES> NO ONE CARES ANYMORE? GUESS NOT..we let BUSh and CHENEY thorougly rape our country......
bush and cheney shoul dbe impeached, but not even the DEMOCRATS in CONGRESS had the balls to do anything. DOES the BUSH thugs. have something on all of the DEMOS..threateneing them by black mail? or worse...personal violence? I wouldnt put anything past them.
They need to be put on trial...and imprisioned......They should be sent to the gallows, as the entire nation watch the hanging on TV..but it would be too easy of a way out...They should be put in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives.....no visitors..and let hunger pangs hit them, as 600,000 kids felt it last year...
I am always angry and always sad. When I dont have fire breathing out of my nose, I have tears coming out ofmy eyes....I was watery for the poor tiger that died...the little cub that was beaten close to death..when straving and abandoned.....Vets tried to save them, but couldntnt. The villagers...I gues were afriad they would grow up into man eaters...well, I think we need more tigers and less cobra kissing villagers...
Many dog shelters across the country are going out of business..they cannot pay there bills. People are not adopting the animals, they need more food and cant buyit...nor aer the donatiosn coming in....to pay for rent and expenses..so the economy will cuase the death of hundreds of thousands of cats and dogs...and this makes me crazy........Indirectly, the BUSH administration, not only is causing hungry children, people loosing their homes, but the eventual murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent animals that people cannot afford to feed.
No one was listening...all the solders coming back from the FIRST BUSH WAR in 1991 complained about various ailments...they were sick...Thousands and thousands of them...but the government, who didnt want to take care of its own people...ITS OWN CHILDREN, its own citizens.....tried to make it seem they were all hypochondriacs.
BUSH and company, and sorry to say, the military under CLINTON, didnt do enough to help them. They would rather spend more money on develping better weapons to kill people. Faster and more efficient killing machines, like tanks and planes....took precident over the health of our soldiers. Finally with all the scandles that have been coming out about the Veterans Administrations.....they finally acknowleged....the syndrome is real.
HOw long did it take for AGENT ORANGE disease to be accepted......undortunately, soldiers are still dying today from their sacrifice in VIET NAM. We can spend to kill and not to heal...not to feed our hungry, not to house our homeless, and give those in mental need, calm. THERE IS SOMETHING RADICALLY WRONG WITH OUR GOVERNMENT...OR IS IT, SOMETHING RADICALLY WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE, WHO DO NOT DEMAND THEIR GOVERNMENT ACT IN A PROPER AND RESPECTFUL MANNER TO ITS PEOPLE. PEOPLE WOULD RATHER SIT IN THE EASY CHAIR, READ THE PAPER, OPEN UP A CAN OF BEER ,THEN TURN ON THE SPORTING EVEN OF THE SEASON.... than go and march in the street with placards, demanding change, demanding decency....but that takes enegy and committment.....and that energy seemed to die with the flower children of the Viet NAm Era. Now we are grow, retiring, and relaxing....and somehow, we didnt pass that "gene" on to our children and grandchildren. Instead of leaving them with ideology, we left them with computers, IPODS, Cell Phone with Texting capabilities and vaccuums that clean the house robotically.
posted: 17 HOURS 52 MINUTES AGOcomments: 638
filed under: Health News, National News
The Agriculture Department reports that 691,000 children went hungry in this country last year -- a rise of more than 50 percent from 2006. Overall, almost one in eight Americans say they struggled to feed themselves
HOW CAN THE PEOPLE ALLOW THE aMERICAN GOVERNMENT TO SPEND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON A WAR, SENDING OUR TAX MONEY TO IRAQ AND AFGANISTAN...REBUILING THEIR ROADS, BUILDINGS, HOSPITALS, SENDING FOOD TO THEM AND OTHER NATIONS, and spending and wasting money on bombs, 200dollar hammers.....while our own people are going hungry?HOW CAN THIS BE?? What happen to the Hutzpah of the youth of the 1960.s NO MORE HIPPIES> NO ONE CARES ANYMORE? GUESS NOT..we let BUSh and CHENEY thorougly rape our country......
bush and cheney shoul dbe impeached, but not even the DEMOCRATS in CONGRESS had the balls to do anything. DOES the BUSH thugs. have something on all of the DEMOS..threateneing them by black mail? or worse...personal violence? I wouldnt put anything past them.
They need to be put on trial...and imprisioned......They should be sent to the gallows, as the entire nation watch the hanging on TV..but it would be too easy of a way out...They should be put in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives.....no visitors..and let hunger pangs hit them, as 600,000 kids felt it last year...
I am always angry and always sad. When I dont have fire breathing out of my nose, I have tears coming out ofmy eyes....I was watery for the poor tiger that died...the little cub that was beaten close to death..when straving and abandoned.....Vets tried to save them, but couldntnt. The villagers...I gues were afriad they would grow up into man eaters...well, I think we need more tigers and less cobra kissing villagers...
Many dog shelters across the country are going out of business..they cannot pay there bills. People are not adopting the animals, they need more food and cant buyit...nor aer the donatiosn coming in....to pay for rent and expenses..so the economy will cuase the death of hundreds of thousands of cats and dogs...and this makes me crazy........Indirectly, the BUSH administration, not only is causing hungry children, people loosing their homes, but the eventual murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent animals that people cannot afford to feed.
No one was listening...all the solders coming back from the FIRST BUSH WAR in 1991 complained about various ailments...they were sick...Thousands and thousands of them...but the government, who didnt want to take care of its own people...ITS OWN CHILDREN, its own citizens.....tried to make it seem they were all hypochondriacs.
BUSH and company, and sorry to say, the military under CLINTON, didnt do enough to help them. They would rather spend more money on develping better weapons to kill people. Faster and more efficient killing machines, like tanks and planes....took precident over the health of our soldiers. Finally with all the scandles that have been coming out about the Veterans Administrations.....they finally acknowleged....the syndrome is real.
HOw long did it take for AGENT ORANGE disease to be accepted......undortunately, soldiers are still dying today from their sacrifice in VIET NAM. We can spend to kill and not to heal...not to feed our hungry, not to house our homeless, and give those in mental need, calm. THERE IS SOMETHING RADICALLY WRONG WITH OUR GOVERNMENT...OR IS IT, SOMETHING RADICALLY WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE, WHO DO NOT DEMAND THEIR GOVERNMENT ACT IN A PROPER AND RESPECTFUL MANNER TO ITS PEOPLE. PEOPLE WOULD RATHER SIT IN THE EASY CHAIR, READ THE PAPER, OPEN UP A CAN OF BEER ,THEN TURN ON THE SPORTING EVEN OF THE SEASON.... than go and march in the street with placards, demanding change, demanding decency....but that takes enegy and committment.....and that energy seemed to die with the flower children of the Viet NAm Era. Now we are grow, retiring, and relaxing....and somehow, we didnt pass that "gene" on to our children and grandchildren. Instead of leaving them with ideology, we left them with computers, IPODS, Cell Phone with Texting capabilities and vaccuums that clean the house robotically.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
THEY CALL THEM "REALITY SHOWS," when in reality. they have nothing to do with reality at all. These shows are created to take us on a mental field trip, far away from the reality that we are all suffering in. They put reality on the back burner, and take us into worlds that we are never invited into.
For those of us that do not smoke, drink, do drugs (whether legally with a DR'S prescription, or by acquiring them by illicit means, there isn't much left for us to do to exit our mental prison to calm us, sooth us, and let us forget about our selves. There is always compulsive eating, which might be very tasty, it isnt healthy. We can escape with compulsive sex, but eventually we will run out of energy, people, money, or health. So what does that leave us? TELEVISION.
Television up till a short while ago...and still, is a field trip into violence, crime, sports or NEWS, which is hard to swallow. But thanks to the genius of producers, we now have reality shows. The Produces have gleaned a fine assortment of mental midgets, real dwarfs, morons, over weight people,dis functional families, families that love to go around arresting people for profit, people who eat very weird things, people who want to have sex changes, peoplwant their children to get rid of their old boy Friends or girl friends..men who live with wolves, men who risk their lives fishing for crabs in dangerous waters, men who deliver truck loads of good and travel on roads of ice that covers an ocean...that might at any minute cave in.....People who have to relinquish their innermost fears and do st ranges thing sto win prizes..like live in a box with poisonous spiders and snakes, and people who live together in a house and see how they interact and get eliminated....and so forth and so on.
Many people get very interested in certain programs, and seem its so important to them....Who will be the next AMERICAN IDOL.. Which Survivor in the Jungle of GABON Africa will survive his ordeal... and win a fortune..... Its all bullshit. None of these programs are of any consequence to the betterment of society, although they are like taking tranquilizers. People who watch these programs, forget their own lives for a brief time....relax and recuperate...its like taking the top of a pressure cooker...letting off the steam so the pot doesn't explode.
Do I really care who the next Famous dress designer will be. NO!! OR who will be the next runway model? NO. DO I care how some flaming idiot redecorated someones house....in a few hours, or days......and how shocked the people are when they return? NO!!Or how some EXTREME HOUSE renovating show, complete rebuilds a poor families house from basement to attic,,,,They add a porce, trees, shrubs and flowers......retaining wall....and finally, the people have to sell the house or loose it because they cant pay the increase in taxes because the new place is worth double the old place. WHAT A HORRIBLE THING TO DO TO POOR PEOPLE..... it's ALMOST CRIMINAL.
I like the food channel. There are a few shows, where the moderator, travels around ,showing the cuisine of a country, one is normal food..the other one is very weird and disgusting food...and one other program....visits particular restaurants in the USA...and shows the specialty and menu of special places like DINERS, food stands, theme restaurants..etc..... Like going in search of the best chili, or hot dogs, or hamburgers...and the moderator often lends a hand in the preparation......I love the little fat guy who goes around looking for the most horrible foods on earth. Like Stinky TUFO, that is marinated and rotting away, strange things like scorpions bar-b-cued on a stick..Friend worms, fermented veggies that smell like spoiled vomit, stinky tofu, cheese with maggots in it(from ITALY) a melon that smells like a rotted corpse, a restaurant that serves only dishes made from animal penis,(and the place was in CHINA, so if there was a play on words for its name, I have missed it...was it called DICKS?
For those of us that do not smoke, drink, do drugs (whether legally with a DR'S prescription, or by acquiring them by illicit means, there isn't much left for us to do to exit our mental prison to calm us, sooth us, and let us forget about our selves. There is always compulsive eating, which might be very tasty, it isnt healthy. We can escape with compulsive sex, but eventually we will run out of energy, people, money, or health. So what does that leave us? TELEVISION.
Television up till a short while ago...and still, is a field trip into violence, crime, sports or NEWS, which is hard to swallow. But thanks to the genius of producers, we now have reality shows. The Produces have gleaned a fine assortment of mental midgets, real dwarfs, morons, over weight people,dis functional families, families that love to go around arresting people for profit, people who eat very weird things, people who want to have sex changes, peoplwant their children to get rid of their old boy Friends or girl friends..men who live with wolves, men who risk their lives fishing for crabs in dangerous waters, men who deliver truck loads of good and travel on roads of ice that covers an ocean...that might at any minute cave in.....People who have to relinquish their innermost fears and do st ranges thing sto win prizes..like live in a box with poisonous spiders and snakes, and people who live together in a house and see how they interact and get eliminated....and so forth and so on.
Many people get very interested in certain programs, and seem its so important to them....Who will be the next AMERICAN IDOL.. Which Survivor in the Jungle of GABON Africa will survive his ordeal... and win a fortune..... Its all bullshit. None of these programs are of any consequence to the betterment of society, although they are like taking tranquilizers. People who watch these programs, forget their own lives for a brief time....relax and recuperate...its like taking the top of a pressure cooker...letting off the steam so the pot doesn't explode.
Do I really care who the next Famous dress designer will be. NO!! OR who will be the next runway model? NO. DO I care how some flaming idiot redecorated someones house....in a few hours, or days......and how shocked the people are when they return? NO!!Or how some EXTREME HOUSE renovating show, complete rebuilds a poor families house from basement to attic,,,,They add a porce, trees, shrubs and flowers......retaining wall....and finally, the people have to sell the house or loose it because they cant pay the increase in taxes because the new place is worth double the old place. WHAT A HORRIBLE THING TO DO TO POOR PEOPLE..... it's ALMOST CRIMINAL.
I like the food channel. There are a few shows, where the moderator, travels around ,showing the cuisine of a country, one is normal food..the other one is very weird and disgusting food...and one other program....visits particular restaurants in the USA...and shows the specialty and menu of special places like DINERS, food stands, theme restaurants..etc..... Like going in search of the best chili, or hot dogs, or hamburgers...and the moderator often lends a hand in the preparation......I love the little fat guy who goes around looking for the most horrible foods on earth. Like Stinky TUFO, that is marinated and rotting away, strange things like scorpions bar-b-cued on a stick..Friend worms, fermented veggies that smell like spoiled vomit, stinky tofu, cheese with maggots in it(from ITALY) a melon that smells like a rotted corpse, a restaurant that serves only dishes made from animal penis,(and the place was in CHINA, so if there was a play on words for its name, I have missed it...was it called DICKS?
Friday, November 14, 2008
WHAT EXACTLY IS INSANITY? Starting a war so that the corporations can make billions and American soldiers think they are fighting for Democracy..That is crazy, but it exhibits a belief system....Ideas are real and not imaginary.. So it may sound crazy...but...
People who are paranoid and think Aliens are watching them from space ships, that their dog is an agent of Satan, and stepping on cracks in the sidewalk will cause great harm...that is crazy....behavior that is not in contact with reality/. would you agree?
But what would you say about responding to strange happenings in the building..that could possibly be attributed to ghosts? Events that leave us wondering what caused them, and thinking maybe....just maybe, there are poltergeist, or some kind of spirits causing it. Now John has heard the loud footsteps. Others like Sean and his wife also have heard the footsteps and ran upstiars to try and find its cause..Other have smelled the cigar smoke. Mitchell and his brother Peter also have been here and chased down the sounds...and of course, since I am here late at night, have witnessed numerous events...myself..like hearing very loud banging,moving of furniture...lights going on and off....etc.
Last night, after the lights kept going on after I shut them off three times...I annouced loudly...speaking to the spirits, that the GHOST BUSTERS are comin gnext Friday and I hope they will show their stuff so their report is that the place might be haunted....hey, the publicity will hep business...maybe radio, newspaper, TV reports. WHO KNOWS. We are not making this all up...its real.
Today, something very very strange happened..as if the ghosts are preparing soemthing for publicity....I was in ROdeo Drive part of my store, with a client, when, suddenly....Eddies car alarm in back of the bulding was set off. No one was near it. It just went off. Eddie went over, picked up the hood to try to shut it off. Then suddenly, over our head in RODEO, some one or something....jumped and the building shook. It was scary....I immediately ran up stairs to see what happened... No one was up there. Nothing fell down...there was no apparent reason for the building to have made such a noice. My customer freaked out...she was scared...
So, are we all crazy? What made the building shake a minute after the car alarm went off. If the occurance waaas reverse,...like the noice and shaking happened first. then the alarm went off, I might think it was an earthquake...but it didnt happen that way. I first try to think of logical reasons....tonight, the lights went on again, after I shut it off...but only one time.
Business this week so far has been a disaster.....there hardly wasnt any at all....but we did get in about 4 truck loads of nice consignments....which I will not list at this time..
I hav eto find out how to use the SPELLCK on this blog site. I am sue there are a million mistakes...please bare withme.
People who are paranoid and think Aliens are watching them from space ships, that their dog is an agent of Satan, and stepping on cracks in the sidewalk will cause great harm...that is crazy....behavior that is not in contact with reality/. would you agree?
But what would you say about responding to strange happenings in the building..that could possibly be attributed to ghosts? Events that leave us wondering what caused them, and thinking maybe....just maybe, there are poltergeist, or some kind of spirits causing it. Now John has heard the loud footsteps. Others like Sean and his wife also have heard the footsteps and ran upstiars to try and find its cause..Other have smelled the cigar smoke. Mitchell and his brother Peter also have been here and chased down the sounds...and of course, since I am here late at night, have witnessed numerous events...myself..like hearing very loud banging,moving of furniture...lights going on and off....etc.
Last night, after the lights kept going on after I shut them off three times...I annouced loudly...speaking to the spirits, that the GHOST BUSTERS are comin gnext Friday and I hope they will show their stuff so their report is that the place might be haunted....hey, the publicity will hep business...maybe radio, newspaper, TV reports. WHO KNOWS. We are not making this all up...its real.
Today, something very very strange happened..as if the ghosts are preparing soemthing for publicity....I was in ROdeo Drive part of my store, with a client, when, suddenly....Eddies car alarm in back of the bulding was set off. No one was near it. It just went off. Eddie went over, picked up the hood to try to shut it off. Then suddenly, over our head in RODEO, some one or something....jumped and the building shook. It was scary....I immediately ran up stairs to see what happened... No one was up there. Nothing fell down...there was no apparent reason for the building to have made such a noice. My customer freaked out...she was scared...
So, are we all crazy? What made the building shake a minute after the car alarm went off. If the occurance waaas reverse,...like the noice and shaking happened first. then the alarm went off, I might think it was an earthquake...but it didnt happen that way. I first try to think of logical reasons....tonight, the lights went on again, after I shut it off...but only one time.
Business this week so far has been a disaster.....there hardly wasnt any at all....but we did get in about 4 truck loads of nice consignments....which I will not list at this time..
I hav eto find out how to use the SPELLCK on this blog site. I am sue there are a million mistakes...please bare withme.
What is something worth? Since I am an appraiser, I hear this question daily. But I then have to ask questions back to the creator of the question. FIRST question I ask..TO WHOM? I have to ask them becuase in reality the question of what something is worth has no one answer.... If I ask what is it worth to them....I am sure the value will be very high... based on sentimentality. If I ask the person who wants to buy it for resale, the value will be much lower...and If I ask people, who want to own the item for their own collection.....it will vary..from very low to very high.
Value can be ascertain also by knwing if the value is for taxes,..then its low. If its for insurance purposes and replace ment its very high...Then you have to take into account LOCATION. A Gas heater might have very little value in the middle of the AMAZON JUNGLE, but in Wassillia Alaska, when Sarah Palin is freezing her little REPUBLICAN ass off, the value to that MAVERICK might be very high, if the temp is below zero. More realistically, something selling in the woods of upstate New YORK, will be a lot cheaper than in HOHOKUS NJ, and if found in a swanky Madison Ave shop will be ten time HOHOKUS and 40 times that in the mountains. The reverse sometimes might be true...In NYC country collectibles, just might sell cheaply, but to a person with a summer home in the Catskills, they might pay more for it than the city slicker.
So you are already bored and wondering why I am using the above paragraphs as a prelude to something...YEP! I read today in a CHRISTIES auction magazine, that an auction of an EGYPTIAN Sarcoughagus (speeled wrong..but listen its 5 min the morning)
is going up for auction. Its the daughter MUMMY Case of Amenaka, some Princess from 800 years before CHRIST, and in good condition Its estimate is ONLY 20 to 30,00 English pounds....I sold a Tiffany shade a few years ago, mass produced..and not for a dead princess....ANd it sold for almsot double the expected amount for something so rare as a mummy case...from Egyptian ROYALTY. The moral of the story. Supply and demand. I guess there isnt much of a demand for mummy cases....and for real Tiffany shades, the demand is high. I think a mummy cashe in my livingroom woul dscare the crap out of me.. Wondering if there were evil spirits wandering around....and if I hear a noise in the middle of the night, I might panic and think an mideastern royal ghost was in my refrigerator looking for some left over hummous or falafel.
My sleep pattern lately has changed. I work on the computer, and then fall asleep watching TV.. usually something interesting like the Discovery or History channel. I am so sick of reality programs..becuase..in reality..these programs are NOT reality.. People in the real world dont go out into the jungle and live a dangerous life style, while trying to see who they can elminate... Peole in the real world dont go on TV to see who can win prises by loosing the most weight and getting elimiated if they dont loose enough. There are a few new ones that really make be laugh..SEX CHANGE HOSPITAL (I am not joking) They take up the stories about peopel who want to change their gender. I saw only one program and that was enough. The two men, should have stayed men. They looked so bad as women, it was frightening...They looked like truck drivers who went to salvation army, bought a new outfit, put on heels, and wobbled out...wearing tacky red lipstick and makeup and still needed a shave. Their hair seemed to be combed with an egg beater... The alcoholic and suicidal lesbian, actually looked like a real man from the waste up. But I do not think the program added to the understanding and acceptance of people having sex changes...The anguish of the people who are stuck in the wrong body made itself clear...but showing alsoholic and suicidal people, rather than more mentally stable people.. only ads to the stigma that gay people are messed up. All people who decide to have sex changes are not mentally ill, although, being trapped in the wrong body, makes them suffer a lot, I am sure... I intellectually understand what they are going through, but personally I just couldnt imagine having my weeny cut off..you see, I am very attached to it.
There are some shows that I do like like the one called BIZarre foodss with a fat silly guy named Andrew Zimmern. He goes all over the world in search of wierd things to eat..Many of which are revolting, repulsive, nauseating,vile, putrid...I guess you get the idea. Fried grasshoppers are normal. Sticky rotted tofu, scorpions or seahorse kabobs, and various other kabobs made from things like chicken stomachs, chicken vaginas(didnt think they had them--or was it ovaries) never the less...yuk. This week he ate freshly killed camel...raw...and the best part was the bloody crunchy kidney... The poor camels freshly decapitated head was shown on the floor of the butcher shop, that was totally infested with flies...well, this was in downtown HARRAR Eithiopia...later that night, he and his guide, went out side of the city wall, to feed.....HAND FEED the Hyenas... They are usually very vicious killers, but since they get fed nightly, they were almost domesticated and they let the men pet them...(thank you very much, I will pass on that honor.....and the freshly killed camel sushi.
Value can be ascertain also by knwing if the value is for taxes,..then its low. If its for insurance purposes and replace ment its very high...Then you have to take into account LOCATION. A Gas heater might have very little value in the middle of the AMAZON JUNGLE, but in Wassillia Alaska, when Sarah Palin is freezing her little REPUBLICAN ass off, the value to that MAVERICK might be very high, if the temp is below zero. More realistically, something selling in the woods of upstate New YORK, will be a lot cheaper than in HOHOKUS NJ, and if found in a swanky Madison Ave shop will be ten time HOHOKUS and 40 times that in the mountains. The reverse sometimes might be true...In NYC country collectibles, just might sell cheaply, but to a person with a summer home in the Catskills, they might pay more for it than the city slicker.
So you are already bored and wondering why I am using the above paragraphs as a prelude to something...YEP! I read today in a CHRISTIES auction magazine, that an auction of an EGYPTIAN Sarcoughagus (speeled wrong..but listen its 5 min the morning)
is going up for auction. Its the daughter MUMMY Case of Amenaka, some Princess from 800 years before CHRIST, and in good condition Its estimate is ONLY 20 to 30,00 English pounds....I sold a Tiffany shade a few years ago, mass produced..and not for a dead princess....ANd it sold for almsot double the expected amount for something so rare as a mummy case...from Egyptian ROYALTY. The moral of the story. Supply and demand. I guess there isnt much of a demand for mummy cases....and for real Tiffany shades, the demand is high. I think a mummy cashe in my livingroom woul dscare the crap out of me.. Wondering if there were evil spirits wandering around....and if I hear a noise in the middle of the night, I might panic and think an mideastern royal ghost was in my refrigerator looking for some left over hummous or falafel.
My sleep pattern lately has changed. I work on the computer, and then fall asleep watching TV.. usually something interesting like the Discovery or History channel. I am so sick of reality programs..becuase..in reality..these programs are NOT reality.. People in the real world dont go out into the jungle and live a dangerous life style, while trying to see who they can elminate... Peole in the real world dont go on TV to see who can win prises by loosing the most weight and getting elimiated if they dont loose enough. There are a few new ones that really make be laugh..SEX CHANGE HOSPITAL (I am not joking) They take up the stories about peopel who want to change their gender. I saw only one program and that was enough. The two men, should have stayed men. They looked so bad as women, it was frightening...They looked like truck drivers who went to salvation army, bought a new outfit, put on heels, and wobbled out...wearing tacky red lipstick and makeup and still needed a shave. Their hair seemed to be combed with an egg beater... The alcoholic and suicidal lesbian, actually looked like a real man from the waste up. But I do not think the program added to the understanding and acceptance of people having sex changes...The anguish of the people who are stuck in the wrong body made itself clear...but showing alsoholic and suicidal people, rather than more mentally stable people.. only ads to the stigma that gay people are messed up. All people who decide to have sex changes are not mentally ill, although, being trapped in the wrong body, makes them suffer a lot, I am sure... I intellectually understand what they are going through, but personally I just couldnt imagine having my weeny cut off..you see, I am very attached to it.
There are some shows that I do like like the one called BIZarre foodss with a fat silly guy named Andrew Zimmern. He goes all over the world in search of wierd things to eat..Many of which are revolting, repulsive, nauseating,vile, putrid...I guess you get the idea. Fried grasshoppers are normal. Sticky rotted tofu, scorpions or seahorse kabobs, and various other kabobs made from things like chicken stomachs, chicken vaginas(didnt think they had them--or was it ovaries) never the less...yuk. This week he ate freshly killed camel...raw...and the best part was the bloody crunchy kidney... The poor camels freshly decapitated head was shown on the floor of the butcher shop, that was totally infested with flies...well, this was in downtown HARRAR Eithiopia...later that night, he and his guide, went out side of the city wall, to feed.....HAND FEED the Hyenas... They are usually very vicious killers, but since they get fed nightly, they were almost domesticated and they let the men pet them...(thank you very much, I will pass on that honor.....and the freshly killed camel sushi.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The title above has a problem.If I type more than one word....a bunch of numners and symbols appear out of nowhere....so, I now ill have one word titles until I can find out why it is malfunctioning.
Every since I was thrown off AOL BLOGS, I lost the incentive to continue the blogs, since I lost my readers.. But then, AOL shit down ALL BLOGS. Not that closing everyone down gave me solace, it somehow have me a bit of energy to start again....but not with the fervor I once had. Readership and comments, seem to have spurred me on. Well Ia m back and hopefully, I will find my readers again. I will post the new blog site on my website..maybe even advertise...and hopefully, the few who might be reading this will email it to others.. This paragraph of course is boring as a sand sandwhich....but it will improve.
I sit across from you
I stare into your eyes
The light shines into them
giving depth that is endless
I cannot see its farthest wall
I stare down the corridor
which I can not enter
hoping to see the future
hoping to see the outcome of your life
all your successes
your failures,
your happiness
your sadness
your offspring and theirs
I would hope to see
like a crystal ball
magically tell me
in seconds
what will take life times
what art and song
you will leave the world
I selfishly look for answers
and imaginary pictures
that cannot exist now
or emailed to the next world
I must close my eyes
and fantasize
everything glorious
everything magical
everything musical
everything delicious
everything successful
everything THAT you WILL do
Years down the road
I wish for you
to look into someone's eyes
as I peer into yours,
your heart should swell with pride
your very being should be filled with love
And you will hope to see
images of what is to come
as if you were looking into crystal ball
When that moment comes
you will understand
The true meaning of love
and intent to discover any excess energy left in this building by previous inhabitants, or owners of funiture and objects within, who have left this planet...left this plain.... but jus somehow might have gotten stuck here and cannot leave the building. GHOSTS!!
I had put an ad on Craigslist, ananoymously asking wouldanyone shop in a store that was haunted. I got only two responses.. One was a definate YES!!! and a request for me to send them the name of the store, and directions how to get here. The other email was more interesting. It was written by a member of a real ghost hunting organization....who offered their services to come and check out the building for ghosts, spirits, beings, spectres,......they seem serious....and I thought it woul dbe a good thing.. Maybe theymight find something. If not, it still will be an interesting experience...to witness and meet some interesting new people....and as the woman who gave chicken soup to the dead man, she exclaimed "It couldnt hurt"
I cannot remember if I had written some of the manefistations that I have witnessed with the "ghosts" in this building. But we many times hear very clearly, footsteps above us...walking (never running) We have heard very loud banging on the furniture, as if someone was beating the furniture with a stick. I have heard furniture just being moved around..pushed or dragged...very clearly....(we can say the furniutre was being schlepped around) if we find out that the ghost were JEWISH...and if Ghosts are Jewish, I wonder if they have their own Jewish place of worship for Jewish Ghosts, like TEMPLE BETH Casper, If Italian Catholic Our LADY of
the DIVINE Spookalooch..Muslims are much to busy in the after life with their 72 Virgins..to be bothered with after life religious affiliations.....And as for HINDU GHOSTS, I think they pass go and bypass the ghost period, and go right into their next reincarnation.....now that leaves PROTESTANT GHOSTS....I think they are far to proper to act up....they probably want to...but their upbringing just wont allow them even to say BOO! So by the process of elimination, I deduce that most ghosts who act up are Catholic or JEWISH....The JEWISH ghost somehow use the process of guilt to scare their victims...They do things that remind them of their mother or fathers....and pangs of guilt supercede any fear that might have been generated Jewish ghosts moan in a spooky manner"""OY........how can you dothis to me.. And maybe its almsot subliminal....and the people instead of being scared,,,start feeling guilty. So....if you are walking in a scary attic, or down a dark road, or in a cemetary at night...and you go from being a bit scared to feeling guilty.....you know that you are surrounded by JEWISH GHOSTs.The ghosts that are the most dangerous are NONE of the above..They are the atheist ghosts. They have to scenario to follow....so they just go out and try to scare the shit our of everyone.
Every since I was thrown off AOL BLOGS, I lost the incentive to continue the blogs, since I lost my readers.. But then, AOL shit down ALL BLOGS. Not that closing everyone down gave me solace, it somehow have me a bit of energy to start again....but not with the fervor I once had. Readership and comments, seem to have spurred me on. Well Ia m back and hopefully, I will find my readers again. I will post the new blog site on my website..maybe even advertise...and hopefully, the few who might be reading this will email it to others.. This paragraph of course is boring as a sand sandwhich....but it will improve.
I sit across from you
I stare into your eyes
The light shines into them
giving depth that is endless
I cannot see its farthest wall
I stare down the corridor
which I can not enter
hoping to see the future
hoping to see the outcome of your life
all your successes
your failures,
your happiness
your sadness
your offspring and theirs
I would hope to see
like a crystal ball
magically tell me
in seconds
what will take life times
what art and song
you will leave the world
I selfishly look for answers
and imaginary pictures
that cannot exist now
or emailed to the next world
I must close my eyes
and fantasize
everything glorious
everything magical
everything musical
everything delicious
everything successful
everything THAT you WILL do
Years down the road
I wish for you
to look into someone's eyes
as I peer into yours,
your heart should swell with pride
your very being should be filled with love
And you will hope to see
images of what is to come
as if you were looking into crystal ball
When that moment comes
you will understand
The true meaning of love
and intent to discover any excess energy left in this building by previous inhabitants, or owners of funiture and objects within, who have left this planet...left this plain.... but jus somehow might have gotten stuck here and cannot leave the building. GHOSTS!!
I had put an ad on Craigslist, ananoymously asking wouldanyone shop in a store that was haunted. I got only two responses.. One was a definate YES!!! and a request for me to send them the name of the store, and directions how to get here. The other email was more interesting. It was written by a member of a real ghost hunting organization....who offered their services to come and check out the building for ghosts, spirits, beings, spectres,......they seem serious....and I thought it woul dbe a good thing.. Maybe theymight find something. If not, it still will be an interesting experience...to witness and meet some interesting new people....and as the woman who gave chicken soup to the dead man, she exclaimed "It couldnt hurt"
I cannot remember if I had written some of the manefistations that I have witnessed with the "ghosts" in this building. But we many times hear very clearly, footsteps above us...walking (never running) We have heard very loud banging on the furniture, as if someone was beating the furniture with a stick. I have heard furniture just being moved around..pushed or dragged...very clearly....(we can say the furniutre was being schlepped around) if we find out that the ghost were JEWISH...and if Ghosts are Jewish, I wonder if they have their own Jewish place of worship for Jewish Ghosts, like TEMPLE BETH Casper, If Italian Catholic Our LADY of
the DIVINE Spookalooch..Muslims are much to busy in the after life with their 72 Virgins..to be bothered with after life religious affiliations.....And as for HINDU GHOSTS, I think they pass go and bypass the ghost period, and go right into their next reincarnation.....now that leaves PROTESTANT GHOSTS....I think they are far to proper to act up....they probably want to...but their upbringing just wont allow them even to say BOO! So by the process of elimination, I deduce that most ghosts who act up are Catholic or JEWISH....The JEWISH ghost somehow use the process of guilt to scare their victims...They do things that remind them of their mother or fathers....and pangs of guilt supercede any fear that might have been generated Jewish ghosts moan in a spooky manner"""OY........how can you dothis to me.. And maybe its almsot subliminal....and the people instead of being scared,,,start feeling guilty. So....if you are walking in a scary attic, or down a dark road, or in a cemetary at night...and you go from being a bit scared to feeling guilty.....you know that you are surrounded by JEWISH GHOSTs.The ghosts that are the most dangerous are NONE of the above..They are the atheist ghosts. They have to scenario to follow....so they just go out and try to scare the shit our of everyone.
Monday, November 10, 2008
aLL MOST A WEEK HAS GONE BY, the initial shock of joyfullness has diminished...but we now know that the BUSh administration is a nightmare of the past....unless THEY pull somekind of coup,by having another disaster like 9/11..and Bush declares Marshall law. I do not know if that would take precident over a new president....or block his taking over on JAN 1st until they decide the "THREAT" is gone. That scenario still scares me.
When JOHN MC CAIN gave his concession speech...I was speechless, which for those who know me, is something that rarely happens...but when OBAMA came out..and adressed the NAtion....My eyes welled up with tears of JOY that I didnt immediately wipe away. These were tears of history,..they were ears awaiting 50 years of my live...and although a part of me felt I would never see such a day, when a Black man would take over the helm of battleship America..there was a feeling deep down inside that told me it would happen in my life time.. My logic and feelings were at odds with each other...and reality had a date with destiny with my feelings. America is a contry based on the highest principles than man kind can come up with, but living by these principle and practicing them for the good of the entire nation has never been fulfilled. Washington, Jefferson and Franklin...and the rest of the BOYS....had the right ideas....laid them down on paper, but never realized how difficult it would be to have the NAtion follow them.
When they wrote "with Liberty and JUSTICE for all...ALL, didnt inlcude the black man, for slavery was in full force. It didnt include the NAtive American, for they were thought to be "SAVAGES"//and it didnt inlclude WOmen....who couldnt vote for more than a hundred and something years...and it really didnt include people of other minorities, including other sexualual orientations...which at that time didnt have a name , or those who would be included under the heading of Catholics, Jews, and people from Eastern Europe, or Medditerranean countries....So" ALL" with few exceptions, refered to Men who were from the Church of England or Protestants....All didnt included those who were accused of witchcraft....indentured servants...and other variations of man and women kind.. ALL...was very limited...Very!
As the camer panned the Park in Chicago, Times Square and the Streets of Harlem in NYC.....it seemed all the crowds in each city were crying just like me...I was exploding with joy..and Much of America,,both black and white..were exhibiting this joy..shamelessly.Whites and blacks were hugging each other..and they were strangers.The tears werent happiness becuase their man OBAMA was elected. But to the testimony that America finally grew up. They voted for the MAN, not the race. white people chose a black president.....yes, but they voted for the most qualified. The voted for the man who had the most charisma, intelligence, and foresight. He preaced HOPE not despair..He promised changed..but didnt promise it immediately... he was realistic. He wasnt afraid to say how bad the last administration was. ITWAS A DISASTER. and he would do his best to change it...And he as people to be patient..a very wise thing.
I love my country and always have. When America was wrong I stood up and yelled out....how wrong we were... and asked for things to change. Viet NAM was wrong. Nixon was wrong...Both George BUSHes were wrong...And the people were lied to...and the will of the people was not carried out. I pray that we are now on the path back...to regain our International respect, to regain a hold on our economy, and our own personal lives, so many whcih is in disarray.
When JOHN MC CAIN gave his concession speech...I was speechless, which for those who know me, is something that rarely happens...but when OBAMA came out..and adressed the NAtion....My eyes welled up with tears of JOY that I didnt immediately wipe away. These were tears of history,..they were ears awaiting 50 years of my live...and although a part of me felt I would never see such a day, when a Black man would take over the helm of battleship America..there was a feeling deep down inside that told me it would happen in my life time.. My logic and feelings were at odds with each other...and reality had a date with destiny with my feelings. America is a contry based on the highest principles than man kind can come up with, but living by these principle and practicing them for the good of the entire nation has never been fulfilled. Washington, Jefferson and Franklin...and the rest of the BOYS....had the right ideas....laid them down on paper, but never realized how difficult it would be to have the NAtion follow them.
When they wrote "with Liberty and JUSTICE for all...ALL, didnt inlcude the black man, for slavery was in full force. It didnt include the NAtive American, for they were thought to be "SAVAGES"//and it didnt inlclude WOmen....who couldnt vote for more than a hundred and something years...and it really didnt include people of other minorities, including other sexualual orientations...which at that time didnt have a name , or those who would be included under the heading of Catholics, Jews, and people from Eastern Europe, or Medditerranean countries....So" ALL" with few exceptions, refered to Men who were from the Church of England or Protestants....All didnt included those who were accused of witchcraft....indentured servants...and other variations of man and women kind.. ALL...was very limited...Very!
As the camer panned the Park in Chicago, Times Square and the Streets of Harlem in NYC.....it seemed all the crowds in each city were crying just like me...I was exploding with joy..and Much of America,,both black and white..were exhibiting this joy..shamelessly.Whites and blacks were hugging each other..and they were strangers.The tears werent happiness becuase their man OBAMA was elected. But to the testimony that America finally grew up. They voted for the MAN, not the race. white people chose a black president.....yes, but they voted for the most qualified. The voted for the man who had the most charisma, intelligence, and foresight. He preaced HOPE not despair..He promised changed..but didnt promise it immediately... he was realistic. He wasnt afraid to say how bad the last administration was. ITWAS A DISASTER. and he would do his best to change it...And he as people to be patient..a very wise thing.
I love my country and always have. When America was wrong I stood up and yelled out....how wrong we were... and asked for things to change. Viet NAM was wrong. Nixon was wrong...Both George BUSHes were wrong...And the people were lied to...and the will of the people was not carried out. I pray that we are now on the path back...to regain our International respect, to regain a hold on our economy, and our own personal lives, so many whcih is in disarray.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I just started this new blog, and really dont know how to use all the features....There is a number 1 to the left of this sentence. I dont know how to get rid of it...but then again, it isnt really bothering anyone....Eventually, I will get a tutorial, and I will be able to add photos and videos.
Well, now I know that when one starts a new paragraph, it numbers itself. I didnt put the number 2 in this blog, it was self created....so here gopes, and I bet a number 3 will precede the next sentence.
I was born in December of 1942, while the war was raging in Europe, and the ovens in Aushwitz and other concentration camps were burning, while the world turned theri backs on an entire people. Much as what is happening now in Africa. Similar to those times, we are now engaged in a great wasteful and immoral war in Afganistan and Iraq, and the Moslems have been made a scapegoat, and although ovens arent burning, the death toll of Moslems since the first Iraqi war started in 1991, runs over a million... And the majority were innocent people, who were set up by The first President BUSh, The OIL Companies, and Saddam Husseim.
The number 4 co incidentially is the number of wars that we started since the end of WW2, all could have been avoid....but the industrial military complex didnt choose to avoid it...They welcomed it. War means business....business means profit...And the ones in high places do not care at what human cost.....what human suffering. Big business looks upon the people as sheep, and as William S Lederer said in his book, "A NATION OF SHEEP"....the big companies use our people for their needs. The Korean War, Viet NAM,And the First and Second IRAQI WAR.
World War TWO was justified.. We were not only attacked (Roosevelt let it happened) so the American people would accept going to war...for revenge of what the JAPS did to Pearl Harbor..but Roosevelt Also knew, that Euroep needed us... Had we not entered the war to help the ALLIES, All of Europe,Asia,Russia and China would have fallen to the MADMAN Hitler and his equally insane, but ingenious advisors and generals.. German was very close to getting the atomic bomb as well... If we did not enter the war...The German flag would be flying over the Capitol Today, and swasticas would be embellished on everything, and I wouldnt be here writing this blog.
In the years since my birth, the world has changed radically....and it seems to be changing, expidentially faster. Television at first quite rare in homes, became a household form of entertainment....and soon it was followed by COLOR. Music became sterio, and Rock and Roll replaced calmer forms of danicng, the sexual revolution entered simultaneous...The BEATLES changed the face of music forever.... The jet plane became the modern mode of travel, and the small propeller place became obsolete, being replaced by the super jumbo jet that now fill the sky...A few months ago, a SUPER JUMBO SKYLINER that seats around 600 people entered international service
Man landed on the moon, and send images back so we could see them schlepping around the moon. rocket ships now go to a space station, a concept that was once only science fiction in the movies and comic books. What was a cominicator in STAR TREK..jumped from a fictional gadget to a workable reality...with the flip phone...which we all now use...and the BLUE TOOTH that blinks in your ear, goes behyond the fictional things on Startrek. Our space ships have gone and landed on MARS.....and traveld out into the universe and photographed Jupiter......and now with the giant Mount Polarmar Protoscope they can see URANUS.
We have conquered many diseases, and created new ones. Polio is almost unheard of, and the IRON LUNG is a thing of the past. AIDS became a new world scare, and now its somewhat undercontrol and not necessarily a death sentence. We have created fast food restaurants, that is responsible for so many over weight children with high blood pressure and chloresterol, not to say what it has done to adults....and the abolition of decent mom and pop restaurants...
We have seen Civil rights improve. We have seen LEGAL segregation become illegal, but total integration ...emotionally although much imporoved, has far to go. We have seen an age where 4 important political people were assasinated in a short period of time... JFK<>
10, We have seen GAY people, who were totally invisible.....emerge as a new minority, nop longer hiding in the prision of their own fear and minds...to the point, that they ran for public office and won.....They are out in the Senate and COngress....Television, who is the past never ever mention the subject, now have programs that have been rated as number one, LIKE WILL AND GRACE....and GAY MArriage is even legal in some states...something I thought I would never see....and Tomorrow, we are having an election. A black man is running for office. If he wins or not........is not my point of discussion. For he already has won. He has been accepted to represent the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. He won this position, not because of his race, but because of his intelligence, his eloquence, his fast thinking, his charm,... Yes he has already won...The Black American should be very proud....and hopefully, if the REPUBLICANs, or the Miltray industril complex,,,,The CIA, Diebold(who makes the computer) and others.. dont screw around and rig this election.....OBAMA will be the 44th President of the UNITED STATES of America..despite all the gossip, the scandels they tried to create, the lies that he is a MUSLIm, or nt a citizen...and all the other crap they tried to throw at him...But they really didnt find anything concrete....They couldnt find him cheating on his wife, or taking bribes, or really doing anything....that would make him look bad. THEY SURE TRIED>
When I see him on TV...my mind doenst think race at all. Sure I see his skin is dark..But that isnt what I pay attention to. ITS the totality of the man....and he ROCKS>!
Well, now I know that when one starts a new paragraph, it numbers itself. I didnt put the number 2 in this blog, it was self created....so here gopes, and I bet a number 3 will precede the next sentence.
I was born in December of 1942, while the war was raging in Europe, and the ovens in Aushwitz and other concentration camps were burning, while the world turned theri backs on an entire people. Much as what is happening now in Africa. Similar to those times, we are now engaged in a great wasteful and immoral war in Afganistan and Iraq, and the Moslems have been made a scapegoat, and although ovens arent burning, the death toll of Moslems since the first Iraqi war started in 1991, runs over a million... And the majority were innocent people, who were set up by The first President BUSh, The OIL Companies, and Saddam Husseim.
The number 4 co incidentially is the number of wars that we started since the end of WW2, all could have been avoid....but the industrial military complex didnt choose to avoid it...They welcomed it. War means business....business means profit...And the ones in high places do not care at what human cost.....what human suffering. Big business looks upon the people as sheep, and as William S Lederer said in his book, "A NATION OF SHEEP"....the big companies use our people for their needs. The Korean War, Viet NAM,And the First and Second IRAQI WAR.
World War TWO was justified.. We were not only attacked (Roosevelt let it happened) so the American people would accept going to war...for revenge of what the JAPS did to Pearl Harbor..but Roosevelt Also knew, that Euroep needed us... Had we not entered the war to help the ALLIES, All of Europe,Asia,Russia and China would have fallen to the MADMAN Hitler and his equally insane, but ingenious advisors and generals.. German was very close to getting the atomic bomb as well... If we did not enter the war...The German flag would be flying over the Capitol Today, and swasticas would be embellished on everything, and I wouldnt be here writing this blog.
In the years since my birth, the world has changed radically....and it seems to be changing, expidentially faster. Television at first quite rare in homes, became a household form of entertainment....and soon it was followed by COLOR. Music became sterio, and Rock and Roll replaced calmer forms of danicng, the sexual revolution entered simultaneous...The BEATLES changed the face of music forever.... The jet plane became the modern mode of travel, and the small propeller place became obsolete, being replaced by the super jumbo jet that now fill the sky...A few months ago, a SUPER JUMBO SKYLINER that seats around 600 people entered international service
Man landed on the moon, and send images back so we could see them schlepping around the moon. rocket ships now go to a space station, a concept that was once only science fiction in the movies and comic books. What was a cominicator in STAR TREK..jumped from a fictional gadget to a workable reality...with the flip phone...which we all now use...and the BLUE TOOTH that blinks in your ear, goes behyond the fictional things on Startrek. Our space ships have gone and landed on MARS.....and traveld out into the universe and photographed Jupiter......and now with the giant Mount Polarmar Protoscope they can see URANUS.
We have conquered many diseases, and created new ones. Polio is almost unheard of, and the IRON LUNG is a thing of the past. AIDS became a new world scare, and now its somewhat undercontrol and not necessarily a death sentence. We have created fast food restaurants, that is responsible for so many over weight children with high blood pressure and chloresterol, not to say what it has done to adults....and the abolition of decent mom and pop restaurants...
We have seen Civil rights improve. We have seen LEGAL segregation become illegal, but total integration ...emotionally although much imporoved, has far to go. We have seen an age where 4 important political people were assasinated in a short period of time... JFK<>
10, We have seen GAY people, who were totally invisible.....emerge as a new minority, nop longer hiding in the prision of their own fear and minds...to the point, that they ran for public office and won.....They are out in the Senate and COngress....Television, who is the past never ever mention the subject, now have programs that have been rated as number one, LIKE WILL AND GRACE....and GAY MArriage is even legal in some states...something I thought I would never see....and Tomorrow, we are having an election. A black man is running for office. If he wins or not........is not my point of discussion. For he already has won. He has been accepted to represent the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. He won this position, not because of his race, but because of his intelligence, his eloquence, his fast thinking, his charm,... Yes he has already won...The Black American should be very proud....and hopefully, if the REPUBLICANs, or the Miltray industril complex,,,,The CIA, Diebold(who makes the computer) and others.. dont screw around and rig this election.....OBAMA will be the 44th President of the UNITED STATES of America..despite all the gossip, the scandels they tried to create, the lies that he is a MUSLIm, or nt a citizen...and all the other crap they tried to throw at him...But they really didnt find anything concrete....They couldnt find him cheating on his wife, or taking bribes, or really doing anything....that would make him look bad. THEY SURE TRIED>
When I see him on TV...my mind doenst think race at all. Sure I see his skin is dark..But that isnt what I pay attention to. ITS the totality of the man....and he ROCKS>!
Reflection of the PAst, waiting for History
I just started this new blog, and really know how to use all the features....There is a number 1 to the left of this sentence. I know how to get rid of it...but then again, it _ really anyone....Eventually, I will get a tutorial, and I will be able to add photos and videos Well, now I know that when one starts a new paragraph, it numbers itself. I didnt put the number 2 in this blog, it was self created....so here gopes, and I bet a number 3 will precede the next sentence I was born in December of 1942, while the war was raging in Europe, and the ovens in Aushwitz and other concentration camps were burning, while the world turned theri backs on an entire people. Much as what is happening now in Africa. Similar to those times, we are now engaged in a great wasteful and immoral war in Afganistan and Iraq, and the Moslems have been made a scapegoat, and although ovens arent burning, the death toll of Moslems since the first Iraqi war started in 1991, runs over a million... And the majority were innocent people, who were set up by The first President BUSh, The OIL Companies, and Saddam The number 4 co incidentially is the number of wars that we started since the end of WW2, all could have been avoid....but the industrial military complex didnt choose to avoid it...They welcomed it. War means business....business means profit...And the ones in high places do not care at what human cost.....what human suffering. Big business looks upon the people as sheep, and as William S Lederer said in his book, "A NATION OF SHEEP"....the big companies use our people for their needs. The Korean War, Viet NAM,And the First and Second IRAQI WAR World War TWO was justified.. We were not only attacked (Roosevelt let it happened) so the American people would accept going to war...for revenge of what the JAPS did to Pearl Harbor..but Roosevelt Also knew, that Euroep needed us... Had we not entered the war to help the ALLIES, All of Europe,Asia,Russia and China would have fallen to the MADMAN Hitler and his equally insane, but ingenious advisors and generals.. German was very close to getting the atomic bomb as well... If we did not enter the war...The German flag would be flying over the Capitol Today, and swasticas would be embellished on everything, and I wouldnt be here writing this blog. In the years since my birth, the world has changed radically....and it seems to be changing, expidentially faster. Television at first quite rare in homes, became a household form of entertainment....and soon it was followed by COLOR. Music became sterio, and Rock and Roll replaced calmer forms of danicng, the sexual revolution entered simultaneous...The BEATLES changed the face of music forever.... The jet plane became the modern mode of travel, and the small propeller place became obsolete, being replaced by the super jumbo jet that now fill the sky...A few months ago, a SUPER JUMBO SKYLINER that seats around 600 people entered international service Man landed on the moon, and send images back so we could see them schlepping around the moon. rocket ships now go to a space station, a concept that was once only science fiction in the movies and comic books. What was a cominicator in STAR TREK..jumped from a fictional gadget to a workable reality...with the flip phone...which we all now use...and the BLUE TOOTH that blinks in your ear, goes behyond the fictional things on Startrek. Our space ships have gone and landed on MARS.....and traveld out into the universe and photographed Jupiter......and now with the giant Mount Polarmar Protoscope they can see URANUSWe have conquered many diseases, and created new ones. Polio is almost unheard of, and the IRON LUNG is a thing of the past. AIDS became a new world scare, and now its somewhat undercontrol and not necessarily a death sentence. We have created fast food restaurants, that is responsible for so many over weight children with high blood pressure and chloresterol, not to say what it has done to adults....and the abolition of decent mom and pop restaurantsWe have seen Civil rights improve. We have seen LEGAL segregation become illegal, but total integration ...emotionally although much imporoved, has far to go. We have seen an age where 4 important political people were assasinated in a short period of time... JFK, We have seen GAY people, who were totally invisible.....emerge as a new minority, nop longer hiding in the prision of their own fear and minds...to the point, that they ran for public office and won.....They are out in the Senate and COngress....Television, who is the past never ever mention the subject, now have programs that have been rated as number one, LIKE WILL AND GRACE....and GAY MArriage is even legal in some states...something I thought I would never see....and Tomorrow, we are having an election. A black man is running for office. If he wins or not........is not my point of discussion. For he already has won. He has been accepted to represent the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. He won this position, not because of his race, but because of his intelligence, his eloquence, his fast thinking, his charm,... Yes he has already won...The Black American should be very proud....and hopefully, if the REPUBLICANs, or the Miltray industril complex,,,,The CIA, Diebold(who makes the computer) and others.. dont screw around and rig this election.....OBAMA will be the 44th President of the UNITED STATES of America..despite all the gossip, the scandels they tried to create, the lies that he is a MUSLIm, or nt a citizen...and all the other crap they tried to throw at him...But they really didnt find anything concrete....They couldnt find him cheating on his wife, or taking bribes, or really doing anything....that would make him look bad. THEY SURE TRIEDjustify"> When I see him on TV...my mind doenst think race at all. Sure I see his skin is dark..But that isnt what I pay attention to. ITS the totality of the man....and he ROCKS
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