Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I still cant find out why I cant put up a good title....after one word, a bunch of numbers seem to fill the entire TITLE box?

Cheney and the former Attorney General Gonsalez both have been indited in the great state of TEXAS... The State that kills more prisoners....especially when George Bush was the GOVENOR.. They are guilty of all kinds of criminal activites...inlcuded conflict of business nterest in the prison system that went to private investors....and then a cover up of their dirty dealings...You wouldnt think that CHENEY would need any more money....after the billions he allegedly made from being a CEO of HALLEBURTON.....who got over 368 BILLIONS DOLLARS, some of which they said was unaccounted for........hmmmm I bet I know where it went!!!!
Cheney,Gonzales,Bush, Rumsfeld, and most of the BUSH gestappo....are bad people...and should be put on trial....embarassed and esposed for what they are...Corporative Criminals....and in many cases, directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of American Solidiers and IRaqi and Afganistani men ,women and children....tens of thousand of them....hundreds of thousands of them.......and nearing a million... now include hundreds of thousands more who were injured, and maimed permanently......those who indured torture and pain......constant fear...of both American troops and oppsoing religous forces.....and how may American soldiers came home with incurable diseases, missing limbs, severe burns, and dreams of horror that will not go was...POST truamatic stress....The entire administration should be put in prison, nad suffer the same degredation as the prisoners in the Gauntanamo and other Prisons....

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