aLL MOST A WEEK HAS GONE BY, the initial shock of joyfullness has diminished...but we now know that the BUSh administration is a nightmare of the past....unless THEY pull somekind of coup,by having another disaster like 9/11..and Bush declares Marshall law. I do not know if that would take precident over a new president....or block his taking over on JAN 1st until they decide the "THREAT" is gone. That scenario still scares me.
When JOHN MC CAIN gave his concession speech...I was speechless, which for those who know me, is something that rarely happens...but when OBAMA came out..and adressed the NAtion....My eyes welled up with tears of JOY that I didnt immediately wipe away. These were tears of history,..they were ears awaiting 50 years of my live...and although a part of me felt I would never see such a day, when a Black man would take over the helm of battleship America..there was a feeling deep down inside that told me it would happen in my life time.. My logic and feelings were at odds with each other...and reality had a date with destiny with my feelings. America is a contry based on the highest principles than man kind can come up with, but living by these principle and practicing them for the good of the entire nation has never been fulfilled. Washington, Jefferson and Franklin...and the rest of the BOYS....had the right ideas....laid them down on paper, but never realized how difficult it would be to have the NAtion follow them.
When they wrote "with Liberty and JUSTICE for all...ALL, didnt inlcude the black man, for slavery was in full force. It didnt include the NAtive American, for they were thought to be "SAVAGES"//and it didnt inlclude WOmen....who couldnt vote for more than a hundred and something years...and it really didnt include people of other minorities, including other sexualual orientations...which at that time didnt have a name , or those who would be included under the heading of Catholics, Jews, and people from Eastern Europe, or Medditerranean countries....So" ALL" with few exceptions, refered to Men who were from the Church of England or Protestants....All didnt included those who were accused of witchcraft....indentured servants...and other variations of man and women kind.. ALL...was very limited...Very!
As the camer panned the Park in Chicago, Times Square and the Streets of Harlem in seemed all the crowds in each city were crying just like me...I was exploding with joy..and Much of America,,both black and white..were exhibiting this joy..shamelessly.Whites and blacks were hugging each other..and they were strangers.The tears werent happiness becuase their man OBAMA was elected. But to the testimony that America finally grew up. They voted for the MAN, not the race. white people chose a black president.....yes, but they voted for the most qualified. The voted for the man who had the most charisma, intelligence, and foresight. He preaced HOPE not despair..He promised changed..but didnt promise it immediately... he was realistic. He wasnt afraid to say how bad the last administration was. ITWAS A DISASTER. and he would do his best to change it...And he as people to be patient..a very wise thing.
I love my country and always have. When America was wrong I stood up and yelled wrong we were... and asked for things to change. Viet NAM was wrong. Nixon was wrong...Both George BUSHes were wrong...And the people were lied to...and the will of the people was not carried out. I pray that we are now on the path regain our International respect, to regain a hold on our economy, and our own personal lives, so many whcih is in disarray.
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