Monday, November 3, 2008

I just started this new blog, and really dont know how to use all the features....There is a number 1 to the left of this sentence. I dont know how to get rid of it...but then again, it isnt really bothering anyone....Eventually, I will get a tutorial, and I will be able to add photos and videos.
Well, now I know that when one starts a new paragraph, it numbers itself. I didnt put the number 2 in this blog, it was self here gopes, and I bet a number 3 will precede the next sentence.
I was born in December of 1942, while the war was raging in Europe, and the ovens in Aushwitz and other concentration camps were burning, while the world turned theri backs on an entire people. Much as what is happening now in Africa. Similar to those times, we are now engaged in a great wasteful and immoral war in Afganistan and Iraq, and the Moslems have been made a scapegoat, and although ovens arent burning, the death toll of Moslems since the first Iraqi war started in 1991, runs over a million... And the majority were innocent people, who were set up by The first President BUSh, The OIL Companies, and Saddam Husseim.
The number 4 co incidentially is the number of wars that we started since the end of WW2, all could have been avoid....but the industrial military complex didnt choose to avoid it...They welcomed it. War means means profit...And the ones in high places do not care at what human cost.....what human suffering. Big business looks upon the people as sheep, and as William S Lederer said in his book, "A NATION OF SHEEP"....the big companies use our people for their needs. The Korean War, Viet NAM,And the First and Second IRAQI WAR.
World War TWO was justified.. We were not only attacked (Roosevelt let it happened) so the American people would accept going to war...for revenge of what the JAPS did to Pearl Harbor..but Roosevelt Also knew, that Euroep needed us... Had we not entered the war to help the ALLIES, All of Europe,Asia,Russia and China would have fallen to the MADMAN Hitler and his equally insane, but ingenious advisors and generals.. German was very close to getting the atomic bomb as well... If we did not enter the war...The German flag would be flying over the Capitol Today, and swasticas would be embellished on everything, and I wouldnt be here writing this blog.
In the years since my birth, the world has changed radically....and it seems to be changing, expidentially faster. Television at first quite rare in homes, became a household form of entertainment....and soon it was followed by COLOR. Music became sterio, and Rock and Roll replaced calmer forms of danicng, the sexual revolution entered simultaneous...The BEATLES changed the face of music forever.... The jet plane became the modern mode of travel, and the small propeller place became obsolete, being replaced by the super jumbo jet that now fill the sky...A few months ago, a SUPER JUMBO SKYLINER that seats around 600 people entered international service
Man landed on the moon, and send images back so we could see them schlepping around the moon. rocket ships now go to a space station, a concept that was once only science fiction in the movies and comic books. What was a cominicator in STAR TREK..jumped from a fictional gadget to a workable reality...with the flip phone...which we all now use...and the BLUE TOOTH that blinks in your ear, goes behyond the fictional things on Startrek. Our space ships have gone and landed on MARS.....and traveld out into the universe and photographed Jupiter......and now with the giant Mount Polarmar Protoscope they can see URANUS.
We have conquered many diseases, and created new ones. Polio is almost unheard of, and the IRON LUNG is a thing of the past. AIDS became a new world scare, and now its somewhat undercontrol and not necessarily a death sentence. We have created fast food restaurants, that is responsible for so many over weight children with high blood pressure and chloresterol, not to say what it has done to adults....and the abolition of decent mom and pop restaurants...
We have seen Civil rights improve. We have seen LEGAL segregation become illegal, but total integration ...emotionally although much imporoved, has far to go. We have seen an age where 4 important political people were assasinated in a short period of time... JFK<>
10, We have seen GAY people, who were totally invisible.....emerge as a new minority, nop longer hiding in the prision of their own fear and the point, that they ran for public office and won.....They are out in the Senate and COngress....Television, who is the past never ever mention the subject, now have programs that have been rated as number one, LIKE WILL AND GRACE....and GAY MArriage is even legal in some states...something I thought I would never see....and Tomorrow, we are having an election. A black man is running for office. If he wins or not my point of discussion. For he already has won. He has been accepted to represent the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. He won this position, not because of his race, but because of his intelligence, his eloquence, his fast thinking, his charm,... Yes he has already won...The Black American should be very proud....and hopefully, if the REPUBLICANs, or the Miltray industril complex,,,,The CIA, Diebold(who makes the computer) and others.. dont screw around and rig this election.....OBAMA will be the 44th President of the UNITED STATES of America..despite all the gossip, the scandels they tried to create, the lies that he is a MUSLIm, or nt a citizen...and all the other crap they tried to throw at him...But they really didnt find anything concrete....They couldnt find him cheating on his wife, or taking bribes, or really doing anything....that would make him look bad. THEY SURE TRIED>
When I see him on mind doenst think race at all. Sure I see his skin is dark..But that isnt what I pay attention to. ITS the totality of the man....and he ROCKS>!


NYCStageProducer said...

Very nicely said!

geri said...

ahh good to see you back up n runnin, maury! lookin forward to some new recipes, political commentaries, mishagoss, poems, etc