Friday, November 28, 2008


I am not religious, but very spiritual. How one defines spiritual...might be a difficult process. To me, being spiritual means that the phrase "doing the right thing" is the basic principle that I live by. It would incorporate most if not all of the ten commandments, possible with a new slant on them for the 21st Century...
Going beyond those rules, helping others, which inlcludes Society itself, the less fortunate than myself, and this would include animals, and respect for the planet itself. Being spiritual to me is opening ones mind to all this is good and accepting it; it is absorbing, appreciating and promoting art forms. Being spiritual is keeping an open mind for all that passes ones way....It doent mean that one accepts everything, but it indicates that a spiritual person would give things a chance be for accepting or rejecting anything..and it keeps the possibility open for new theories, what ever they might be.
I am JEWISH. I do not deny my heritage of over 5000 years. But as plant and animal life has evolved, so has religion. The needs of a desert society...a tribal society who had to fight for survival....for land, food and water....whose laws of religion and society were one. Inorder to keep the tribe together, healthy, well fed, and strong, their laws had to be kept. Their superstition, and belief in the one all powerful GOD who lived on top of MT SINAI..kept them in awe of the all the begiing, it is belived that they might even have had human sacrifice, which later, was replaced by circumcisim (which is a cut above death) sorry for the pun. As years went on, the religon evolved. The book of the TALMUD was written to interpret the Torah, which was in many ways vague...The Torah and Talmud became not only the relgion, but the LAW of the people. It ruled society. Itwas a code of ethics. The washing of hands before prayers and not only a religous ceremony, but an act of health and cleanliness.
Fast forward the world, I now reject all the hocus pocus of the religion.....but accept my heritage and the basic tenets of what a good person should be..and how they should act. I do not belive there is a God in heaven..(he moved up there from MT SINAI after they found out that he just wasnt living there)..and this so called GOD, doenst care if I keep Kosher, or work on SAturday or any other holiday.....My interpretation is that IF THERE IS A GOD....I would be judged how I treated my fellow man, society and the planet itself.
Why this discussion today? The terror attacks in MUMBAI, or the old BOMBAY....and the killing of the Lubabacher rabbi and his wife....makes me really wonder about this GOD in Heaven...and his JEWISH children....that he didnt protect. Going back in history, the halocaust, and the pgroms earlier in the century....and further back all the killings in ENgland, the Spanish Inquisition...when our people were slaughtered...where was GOD to take care of his children. Yet, I do belive, that if there would be a GOD, al lthe people on the planet would be his children..not just the JEWS...but every one of them that breathes the same air we all do.
But as a JEW, when I saw the terror....and later on the photos of the Lubabachers in Brooklyn praying and crying....I really relgion separates mankind. And pray ing now is topo FUCKING LATE...they are dead..what in hell are you praying for....instead of praying ex post factom, work for peace so you dont have to pray for the dead. Behave in a manner that all mankind can abide by the same rules..but then again, the MOSLEMS, would have to also.....put aside their nonsense..and act in a manner befitting a society where all people can live in harmony. And this can only happen, when we cast aside all the rediculous religous beliefs that separate us...and keep only those rules and regulations that can join us.....
Never the less, watching the news of the Rabbi and his wife that were slaughtered for no reason, I couldnt help feel the loss, as a JEW. Even though, my belife system is far removed from theirs, the common thread of JUDASIM is still there...strong enough to bring tears to my eyes and pain to my heart.

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