Monday, November 24, 2008

theCabinet Miss Hillary (well MRS CLINTON) will be the Secretary of STATE..and SNOW WHITE, replaces BLACK BITCH ( no ethnic slurs intended) and Bill Richardson, will be Secretary of COMMERCE.
Its amazing , and very smart, that OBAMA picked two people who were his opponents in the GREAT RACE... Coincidently, My first choice was Richardson...who, is intelligent, a member of a minority, very well versed in government, and had played a part in the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION....and is really a good American... even though he has a bad hair day, every day. When I met him a a private party in RIDGEWOOD, when he was on the primary ballot.... he was extremley likeable and down to earth. He doenst make speeches...but TALKS to you.....He knows his stuff. He doenst need notes..., and he woul dhave been my first choice for president, followed by Hillary, and then OBAMA.... but Obama, really blossomed and showed his stuff....His intelligence, his calm under fire, and his ability to organize and get things done.
Hillary and Bill(Richardson) know everyone and the door for them is open..everywhere...Everyone doesnt like her...BUT.....I think she is the best choice for the position. I am really excited in politics for the first tim ein a long time.....I want to see my beloved country, climb out of the economic and politic hole it is buried in.. I want our image returned to the world stage as a strong and benevolent people. The bush administratin has been a disgrace....People hate us.....and its because of them NOT US. We were fed lies....Even 9/11 was a lie. It was a smokecreen for the America to buy into a war that was only needed for the OIL COMPANIES, HALLEBURTON and the other big DADDY BUSES Carlisle GROUP....All groups which were directly linked to Bush and his cabinet..... THE VP CHENEY...the devil incarnate, was Vp of HAlleburton, Bush is connected directly to the SAUDIS....and even....Pelosi...the SPEAKER of the HOUSE...A married to a man, who made lots of money from this war..(sadly to report) And that is probably the reason, she didnt start impeachment procedures, for fear of some kind of expose.
So, this THANKSgiving...I raise my glass of wine to the new Adminstration.... and wish it L'chaim "A toast TO LIFE"

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