Saturday, November 22, 2008


I was too tired to go home after the group of ghost hunters left about 1:30....I was afraid they if a haunting was real....they might have stirred up the ghosties...and I might have had a noisey, or scary night...but it was quieter than ever.. Even the normal sqeaking and creaking of the upper floors, and what I consider to be normal kicking and baning and not spirited related noises...were not evident... Who knows, maybe the spirits liked company....or like in an exorcism, they were calmed, quieted and sent on their way....
But enough evidence was found, beyond that I told them They heard and recorded different soundm and recorded at least one photo...of an apparition.....and a dead area, where all their wquipmetn went dead, batters didnt work..... until they moved into another area....So there is SOMETHING or somethings here....and not our imagination.

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