one can just try to get into his head....what is up there. Why didnt he steal the money, and then play ROBIN something good with some of it. Instead of stealing from Spielbergs Childrens Cancer nate to it. Give money to St Judes. Cure a few diseases. Have Bernie Madoff Memorial AIds Clinics. OPen Soup Kitchens. Homeless shelters. There could have been hundreds of charities that could have been helped. He certainly couldnt spend 90,000,000 dollars. Lets say it in words. Ninety THOUSAND, million dollars. Where is it? Well, the people did get their interest each year I think......its just the principal he stole.
I think he should be exposed to various diseases and used as a human guinea pig...his wife and children, should be tortured in front of him.....maybe a little guilt might show..And according to some....RUTH is the leader of the pack. They all knew......
I do not remember getting up early in the morning to wrote the above stated that I wrote it at around 6:30....and then I went back to sleep. Now, I heard of sleep walking, sleep eating, and even people going for walks outside the house and driving the car while sleeping, but sleep blogging...? Maybe I invented an entire new concept. Maybe there will be a Pulitzer prize for those who write the best blog while asleep>...
Well now, the day is over, and the next day has begun We are now 8 minutes into SUNDAY...I just finished playing around with Facebook, which led me to YOU TUBE and an adventure of very fun TV commericals and MAD TV excepts....which made me laugh out loud....and made me smile....which lately, doesnt happen as much as in the past.
Brad Boles, who is the Producer...or Host of REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC, a TV show, of the reality type.....with the premise of a bunch of vicious bitches...that have adventures and Brad puts them in their places........Brad came into the store a few days ago and became a customer..First in MAHWAH, where he and Glen became friendly, and then Glen sent him to HOHOKUS, where he went wild, like a kid in a candy store.....he is not only a TV personality, but deals in Antiques, and is an Interior Designer........t oday he returned with an entourage....browsed some more, ...The lady in the MINISKIRT(check out photos of all of us..if I can figure out how to get them oonto the blog) bought a fabulous photo...from an exhibit my PHOTOGRAPHER MARY Durante Wherhahn...We are building the exhibt of "ethnic" photos...oilpaintings and other works of art.....The other the photo, is a MORROACAN JEW who moved to ISrael, and now to the USA...and teaches Morroccon Cooking....and we will have cooking classes soon at GRANNYS.... With the Art exhibits, poetry readings , cooking classes...political meetings...I have been trying to turn GRANNYS into a cultural center as well as a business. We should have tables and chairs, musical recitals, serve free wine...and make GRANNYS like a hangout in Paris for all the artistic people...bohemians, and wild the turn of the Century.
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