Thursday, March 12, 2009


So Bernie is going to jail. They say he might get 150 years, which by my quick calculations, would make him about 225 years old when he is released. Our criminal justice system and government makes as much sense as a Murderer who has killed his parents, asking for leniency because he is an ORPHAN. Our government, up till now for the past many years, must have been run by Dr Seuss and his bandofmerry cartoons.
The wake of the Madoff Sunami, has resulted in several suicides worldwide, and the destruction of many lives, and life savings. I am wondering in the scheme of things, if death is result of his actions, would the present holy spirit, God, or what ever runs this insane universe judge him as a thief or murderer or both.
Somehow, I put on my judging hat to try to decide whether is is worse to cheat worth wihle charities and the HAddassah,Ellie Weisels Hollocaust Foundation and others. I personaly think that this man should endure torture.. Mental and physical pain both, becuase this is what he inflicted on so many others. My stance as a liberal ends here. Bring on Waterboarding, and speeches made by George W MORONBUSH, programs by Matha Stewart, fingernail removals, eye piercing, anal probes, and other creative torture that can be administered by the VILLAGE PEOPLE, who no longer cut records.
His sparce food whould be maggot infested

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