Thursday, October 15, 2009


(i MET THIS PERSON ON AOL) Socialized health care... I do not know any other kind of, I have nothing but good things to say about it. An example of it: My Mum who is is 70 plus, fell on steps while getting a newspaper from downstairs. Father called a taxi as she seemed to be well enough to travel to the ER in a taxi, there was a small amount of blood in her hair and a scratch on her arm.
Arm was bandaged, no broken bone, a few stitches were put onto the small cut on her head. She was kept overnight.
The following day a hospital taxi took her home at no cost. Few days later a check of 12 euros arrived from the taxi company, that was the amount my father had paid to go to the ER.
Total cost euro 0.00.

Another example: I was practicing my water skiing in Finland few years ago, I fell and felt a slight pain on my ankle,
on a way back I went to the ER for x-rays, nothing was broken, an ACE bandage was put on.
Total cost: euro 6.00, my father was ever so angry, he said they made me pay because I was living in the UK at that time. Them Brits and the EU....
Maybe the USA , where every year 30.000 persons die because they have no access of any healthcare, should take a note of my little stories. The other huge number is patients, reported of being over 100.000, dying in hospitals due to inadequate care, early discharges, med errors, treatments discontinued due to their health insurance running out, or no treatments were started if there was no enough money to cover the hospital stay.

These are few of my thoughts on the issue.

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