Thursday, November 11, 2010

The DAy after the trip back in time

I complained about myself how my writing has been affecteed by my lack of sleep, my typing late in the nite.....and stress. SO right now, its almost 5 in the morning..and i am up...bleary eyed, cant sleep...and choose to try and write something to keep the blog going.
i didnt read the rationalization of what the government thought the missle was in california that no one accepts responsibility for......and paid no attention to anything else in the news, except some poor gay kid who commit suicide....he threw himself under a tracktor trailer...he culdnt stand being bullied anymore about his sexuality...This is beyond sad. The message is that he coulnd talk to his family, or school officials, or even a member of the clergy. He probably had no freinds that accepted him.. for who he really was. And now, another gay angel enters heaven, a sad angel, who never had a chance to live because of the cruelty of other human beings, who havent been taught to accept people....And all the good JEWS,m Christians and not follow the teachings of their elders...of not to judge others......and to be kind, compassionate and understanding. Our religions sayone thing, but in reality teach hate and prejudice. I am sure, some fast talking religious people can rip aapart my comments to shreds. quoting this one and that one,,,,and page number in the bible and all the happy horseshit that compromises the religous comic books that they all read,study, and if it was if it all happened.....they might as well read MAD MAGAZINE, for it contains more truth, than all the holy books combined. And I will take the chance, that even if there is a good GOD in heaven, he will agree with me, that he didnt write any of the contents of the bibles....nor did he instruct the elders of millenium past to write all that nonsense. And I am sure if thre is a heaven, i will be there..somewhere..probably cooking in the kitchen, or doing stand up comedy for some of the angels who see to much sadnes in the world.
However.. the old and new testaments do hold a few truths to be self evident. Most of the ten commandments work.....and Jesus said dont judge....and he was right.....and various people in the past told us to be good toeach other,, be thy brother and sisters keepers.. be charitable, kind, understanding, accpeting, helpful... Feed the poor and try to heal the sick, Give shelter to thehomeless. And treat your animals and the planet itself respectfully.
All the rest of the crap within the pages are no needed and nonsense. If you al would follow the past paragraph..of what the good conetents of the religous writings said...the planet woul d be paradise....but all the rules and regulations separates us and make life on earth hell.. and the POOR BOYS whose mangle body can testify to that.....I am sure he was told he was different, a sinner, and would burn in hell..and was bullied by his peers..and who knows who else?
This kid now joins the ranks of MAthew Sheppard, who was murdered.....and three other recent suicides that we know being very local form RIdgewood NJ. Tyler Clementi.....a young man, who had everything gong for him...but.....his stupid roomates exposed his life and sexuality onto the internet...and he died, basically of embarassment.
SEX education must be taught in the schools...and from an early age... It will not teach people to be gay or straight...but to accept people for who they are...But I am sure all the good religous people will object to this.....for fear..their chidlren might desicde to change teams.....which is impossible. A straight person can not become gay, as a black person cannot turn white.....But the majoirty are too brainwashed yet to understand this.. WE NEED THE RELGIOUS LEADERS TO START LEARNING THE PROPER THING TO DO....AND IF THEY REALLY BELIVE THAT GOD LOVES EVERYONE AND DOENST JUDGE.. THEY TOO MUST FOLLOW SUIT. AND NOW...I WISH YOOU ALL A GOOD NIGHT.

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