Sunday, November 21, 2010

MY AWFUL SPELLING!!!!!! Prince Charles is Already Queen

Poor Diana, it is now rumoured..and all over the internet and the ENQUIRER that Phillip, exhusband of Princess gay , and his lover is going to expose him.....they talk of one of his sons is getting engaged....and he will be the next KING>..but howcome, Charles isnt next in line for the throne.??? But then again, who the hell cares.. These people are useless. They do nothing much but play polo, where fancy hats, and claim to do charity work....
They spend the tax payers money on their ROyal Coaches, and parties,....and fancy balls..They Castles have to be kept up..and it isnt cheap to heat castles these days..and I am sure the QUeen doenst pay the heating bill, or the butler and maid bills, and repair bills......I wonder that in hell she does all day.....and what is her qualification to become a QUEEN. I wonder if suddenly the ENglish Govenment fell apart and she had to become the leader of the country.....could she handle it..Is their a brain in her head???? WHO knows...Maybe those fancy hats hide the hole in her head.?
But with due respect, she was a beautiful woman in her day...Eventually I will post a photo of her that was on LIFE MAG COver over 50 years ago..........

Enough of ROYALITY...Everyone around here had bronchitis.....coughing our brains out..but no fever......JOHN bought out a house today with really great stuff..come in and browse,,,,an entirue truck load, and FRIDAY half a truck the stuff is coming in...really wish the economy would get better........tired of working only to pay the bills....

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