Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ying and yang

Sunday....started with an immediate sale...Hooray....and then, a very large sale...I was so happy, after a very emotional and bad week....and then, I was told there was smoke smells on the second floor....I ran up to find out what was wrong..I smelled smoke....of some kind, first I thought it was the aroma of the chicken we were cooking in the kitchen for BUDDY.....the fumes might have been trapped on floor two. But it wasnt didnt smell like the ballasts in the flrescent lighting, or paper was strange. THe boys then opened up the aisels..that have little acess...the never used aisles..that are only used for storage.....after about 30 minutes of feverishly searching for its source, we found nothing. We felt the light fixtures for heat...sniffed each one, looked for smoke..but nothing was to be found. I was panicing. I didnt want to call the fire department.....because they would send all cutomers home...kill the day..and come in ready to do battle..with their axes, hoses,,, and testosteron level on high....
We called EDDIE..who came down and soon found the problem.... I had left the heater on in the office....and even though it has a gaurd...buddy, must have kicked the pillow from close to it, and it was smoldering.....luckily it was fireretardent fabric.... We still cannot figure why we couldnt smell it down on the first floor, right in the office. GLEN check the office...and nothingwas smelled. So my Ying and YANG.....was back in order...I was happy again, and my panic state disipated,,,

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