Sunday, March 15, 2009


SO, THE GOVERNMNENT says they cant do anything abu aig giving bonuses to their people.165 million dollars, of American Taxpayers money...given to them to bail them out...exactly what oar who are they bailing out with the 15 million? I always thought a bonus or a tip was given to people for exceptional the AIG employees who lost billions of dollars for the company are getting money for letting the company go down the tubes.. What part of this makes sense...and you and I are paying for this and the goernment, who so generously gave them the money HAS NO RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING..GIVE ME A PHUCKING BREAK. ALL THOSE EMPLOYEES NEED TO BE JOINinG BERNIE MADOFF IN THE SAME SMELL....AND DONT LET ANY OF THEM USE DEODERANT,..AND WE DO KNOW... that these people really Stink. Make the cell small, without windows, and feed them what the cowboys used to eat out on the range. Beans. Let them asphixiate each other.
The banks and major corporations need to survive. We not only need cars, and insurance and banks, but too many jobs would be lost...and lost jobs would also cost the Government lost payroll in a way, they are not giving as much as it seems, becuase they will get it back in Federal Inocme tax form the employees jobs they save. But I cant help getting high blod pressure to know that large companies are getting all this money, their crooked management is stealing millions, and we small businessmen and homeowners can pay our bills. ThaT 165 MILLION IN BONUSES... could save a hell of a lot of forclosures and help small business pay their bills. I think the GOVErnmenT should publish a list of the names and adresses and PHONE NUMBERS of all the recipinets of the Bonus we could all give them a piece of our minds....not that we can afford to loose any cerebral matter at this time.

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