Friday, September 4, 2009

End of Summer Sadness, Recipes

I was walking around all day in a fog, and dizzy. Last night, I seemed to loose balance, as if I had vertigo, which I might have..I had been suffering form an ear infection now for two weeks. A few times I almsot feel. I check the blood pressure and its wasnt high enough to cause that....I still feel a little dizzy....

I have been cooking for the weekend festivties....Quick recipes.... Pasta Dish....with salmon.. Cook up two pounds of pasta.(set aside)... to one can of crushed tomatoes,add a few table spoons of dried dill(fresh would be better) chop up two medium onions...two cloved of garlic, ground black pepper, salt, tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Cook in micro wave for 4 or 5 min...Onions should be soft...and flavor should be mixed. Add sauce to psta, add half cup of grated parmigiana cheese...add a few tablespoons of small capers, and a half cup of jar pinmentos(red pepper) and add one pound of cooked salmon in little chucnks... toss and bake till hot...YUM

Will add more tomororw must get some sleep.

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