I never really liked my face, or any of its parts. My lips and nose are ok, but when i was young I hated my ears....they were like wings, extended so that if i fell out of an airplance, I could probably glide safely to the ground. As the years past, a bit after college, it seemed that my head got bigger or my ears got smaller and all the parts and pieces seemd to blend to gether, excep the hair.. The hair decided, it didnt really like sitting on top of my head and it slowly started to leave. The depression set in....of course, at 19 years old, the brushes and combs started collecting too much loose hair...and it didnt take long, for me to get a wig...but that story is another wild one.
They say that everyone has a double. Well I have doubles, triples, quadruples and fivetuplets(yes I know quintuplets) sextuplets....and more. The first time I found an exact duplicate of this PUNIM(face) I wan in CAPE COD. I was around 19 or 20 and went tiwht freinds for a weekend....I immediate passed a "used" store and in the window was my portraint... wearing the same damn sweater that I have had at home, the same hair style, it was the spitting image of me. I bought it for about 30 dollars...and no one belived that I didnt sit for a portrait.
The second time I remembered seeing a double was in the Uffutzi art Gallery in Florence ITALY. I was walking up the stairs and found my self looking in the! I soon realized it wasnt a mirror but an oil painting...of a guy in strange clothing....but the face was MINE.
The THIRD one was found byh an antique dealer named WERNER...who bought a paininting at an auction in AMSERDAM..It was filty...and he couldnt see what the painting was all about. When he cleaned it...it was ME!! He sid he freaked out...the spitting image of me.....Wellm I did some research and my family was in HOLLAND in the late 1500's and early 1600's. I didnt ask the age of this painting..but who knows.... There have been many more over the years...and I just found another one in NATIONAL GEOGRPAHIC>..a guy in a truck holding a baby camel....home the photo will come out...looks just like me when I was about 35-40
Yesterday I had a tickle in my throat...but it was a warning....I just knew it would tunr into bronchitis...but not as quickly as it did. By evening..I was coughing all thru the night....this morning I felt feverish and coldnt control the coughing....it finally turned into projectile vomiting from the coughing...yuk....I was feverish.....and laid down on amatrees in the office..for three hours....when I got up it was worse,,,BArbara Comerford told me to get my ass over to a DR right now...which i did. In one day it turned into full blown bronchitis and on the way to PNEUMONIA...hadnt I gone and got anti-biotics... Well the pill is the size of a small submarine..which I swallowed whole...Leva quil, or something like that...It is probably consensed Jewish CHicken soup....with BUBBA MYICIN in it......
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