Thursday, September 3, 2009

Memory isnt that good, Japanese Photo Shoot, Great New stuff

There were a bunch of things I wanted to write abut but I can't remember them....but as usually hapens, they will pop into my head, when I least suspect it and when I am not thinking about it(what ever it is) started this morning when I went for gas, and couldnt remember my pin number for my DEBIT card...Juan was with me and he used his...and I was really upset... I think I typed in my pin number for my cell phone,,,,the red cell phone, the grey one has another pin number....
Juan says ti happens to him to, and I shouldnt get upset. And he is only 26 years old.....Then I started thinking, about things we have to remember.. Our social security number is very important...and that is tattooed in my brain. Then there is my Federal Tax number for the business...they call that the 22 number...(becuase they all started with the number 22. I never bothered learning that one. Then some people remember their bank account and checking account numbers. But we have 4 or five of them There is personal, personal combined with business...just business, a tax account and a PAY PAL ACCOUNT.
Then we have an account number for the Credit Card Consolidation . An account number for every credit card. Some people like to remember their drivers licesnse. And even some people like to remember their car and truck registration numbers...and I have 4 of them. There is an account number for both adresses for Optimum on line, for the Verizon Phone company, and the cell phone companies.... There is an account number for a few insurance policies....and so on. Is it me, or is there just too much shit we are expected to remember.....

Juan and I went down to a Wholesale in Western Jersey....or Southern Jersey.....almost a three hour ride....My butt was sore from riding.....whiel we were getting gas for the truck, I treated myself to two breakfast sandwhichs and a coffee....while still on RT an EXXON Gas station....I chose to pay over 20cents a gallon more for gas there...then wait on line at one of the Gas stations on the NJ Turnpike and possibly wait half an hour to get gas,....and get ripped of for 7.00dollars for a breakfast asandwhich and a coffee. The sandwhiches and coffee here was only about 3.00 and the time element was great...So in the long run, I didnt really spend anymore money....and the sandwhiches at both places had a lot in common. They were small and made of plastic. I really do not think the thing they called a scrambled egg, ever came out of a chickens ass.. The cheese, reminded me of a section of oil cloth we used to have as a tablecloth when we were growing up. The ham (if it was even meat) had not taste. There was no catsup on it....(should have taken some) and there was either butter or mayonaise on it...which was disgusting....but the coffee was really good.....

The weather was absolutely perfect for a ride...the sky was painted a blue, from an artists pallette, with a few dabs of zinc oxide white, schmeared to made clouds. Luckily there wasnt any traffice and we made very good time... It took almost 4 hours to spend an allotted amount of money.....and I didnt jump at stuff...I was careful, analytical to the sale-abilit y of the items I chose...Juan got a kick out of searching and looking......and helping make choices. He was good, in checking for quality control..he finds chips, cracks, missing pieces...etc, that I miss...

At the wholesalers, we went to the top floor. Suddenly I smelled a very disgusting oder....But wasnt sure what it was....Finally I checked the bottom of my shoes...and thre was cat kaka in both of them. This place has about 14 cats and kittens that leave presents all over. The husband, started yelling at the wife about her fucking cats....but since I am a animal lover, it really didnt bother me..She took my shoes and cleaned them...and I told her, not to worry, the same thing happens at Grannys when BUDDY gets out and leaves Roadside bombs for customers to step in....Some of them get very mad when that happens....I try to defuse it. I quickly send out one of the boys to buy them a LOTTERY TICKET....I give it to the person who was doody-ized and tell them, they say its good luck to step in shit...and if its true, here is a ticket to win a million dollars... It usually makes them smile..... unless they are hardcore animal haters and miserable bastards.

We stopped at a peach farm..on the way back..None of them were ripe..and I was pissed, becuase last time they were delivious and over ripe. We went into the building this time and I witnessed something (in the flesh) we only hear about. This huge building had various conveyor belts..some with boxes that were empty, another system of belts with boxes filled, and another one on the ceiling of boxes being brought in, that had to be opened and made into the box... The building inside and out were filled with MIGRANT workers.. Mexicans, Guatamalans, and Cambodians. They didnt look unhappy or down trodden, but it nevertheless, was sad to see them......I wonder if they wonder what they will do when the peach season is over......where will they go, how will they survive.... I bought a small box of nectarines...beautiful looking, but hard and not sweet.

We stopped on the way back to get gas, for we used up more than half of the tankfull. On the way out the restaurant.. and on the way back to the truck, I saw a busload of Japanese tourists.... Of course, everyone one of them had cameras hanging from they necks....and half of them were busy of everything...and belive me, there was nothing in that parking lot,interesting to take photos of...NOTHING.. So I got an idea, that made me laugh out loud> I would go get Juan..and then ask one of take my camera...and take pictures of Juan and Me with all of them Talking ,group shouts, with our arms around them..gathering them up, as if we were part of their ASIAN Family....and I would ask them, to take photos of us posing with their friends..... Juan laughed...but wouldnt do it...and I was ready to do it alone and then said screw it..But it would have been be part of their group...and have photos to prove it.

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