Sunday, May 17, 2009

I have been to tierd to write this week

It has been about 5 weeks since BOB was taken to the hospital....which added a few hours a day to my already difficult schedule...running to feed his dogs, water the plants and visit the hospital daily....added on another 3 hours or more....making it seem, I worked 20 hours a day. I finally crashed the other day....and had to lay down and pass out midafternoon on BUDDYS BED. The phone rang...I got up, only to find out that CHRIS had a relapse and went to a detox.....that got me very upset...I crashed again a few hours later...from, exhaustion...mental and physical.
But, I am very resilient...Within 24 hours I was back to abnormal.....Business this week, was the best in 6 months...and the mental rush of good times..perked me up. TODAY, BOB was back to being the old BOB again.....He seems he is almost totally back with us...His sense of humor return, his memory..and his kvetching....I was so afraid I would loose a good friend....of 43 years...and my joy is that he returned to us..

YOu know, in a very funny way, I miss George Bush...I have no one so famous to make fun of and complain about....I understand that he is going to be the new poster boy for Proctologists.... The poster will have his portrait and say...."Be kind to your ANus" schedule your colonoscopy today"

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