Thursday, May 7, 2009

Scams from 1931(expose coming) NEW merch, The news..

I am working on a little story, that I will be posting here very soon. Its about scams...Now so many of us think that the world is filled with brilliant scams today...From Madoff, those on Ebay and Craigs List..with Checks(that are fake) and Western union....Return of partial payments of overpaid a million silly things. But in the 1920,30 and 40's they ran rampant...and no one stopped them. There were no watch dogs..and there were so many, that every magazine was filled with them. Many of them were offerring....home instructions, or work at home, or selling things....that were paid for and never sent, to rediculous things like "make a FORTUNE IN YOUR HOME< RAISE GIANT BULLFROGS, or sea horses... A mail order ventriliqust course...and more. Watch for my story soon.
The last two days we bought out two apartments filled with wonderful furniture...not arare antiques, but very well built and classy Mahogany furniture..some lighting, glass and china..and a few treasures....Tomorrow we are expecting a third apt and SATURDAY still another.....About time we got some good deals, but business, is still krappy.
When it comes to the NEWs, I would like to see a format, that has continuations of stories...daily. Updates on the Afgani War, Iraqi War, and individual stories until in trials, bbattles, etc. I would like to know what Our forces do each day, how many killed or wounded...They should have daily updaes on the Taliban or AL queda.... I would like to have an update on that piecxe of crap that thew the baby out the window..and killed it......and cant wait to here that the General POPULATION in prision beat him half to death.....
Yes daily updates on all big stories....including the eocnomy...where it gets better wor worse....and they should show things that are priomising, not only negative issues.

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