Sunday, May 31, 2009

SUSAN BOYKE DIDNT WIN,but she is a winner, recipes, etc

Obama has been seemingly going day and night since he took over....meeting with people daily, making speech, attending graduations, and trying to do things to whip this country back intoshape.. The rich dont like him..the Republicans knock anything and every thing he does,JEWS are worried about ISrael that he will do things to harm them and benefit the Palestinians....(Which I really doubt) He seems to get no when the REPUBLICANS are scream foul, tht he took a small jet and his secret service to take in a show and a dinner...which he promised Michellebefore the election......I say unto those IDIOT Republican bastards...go straight to hell. Bush took a vacation every other week. He was off for a full month, after we got information that BIN LAEN was going to attack America Bush ignored it and left for a full month. He flew to IRAQ to fly a jet for a PHOTO OP. He was always flying to Texas or somewhere wasting tax payers money.....He vacation for 8 years, and ignored serious danger...and went on vacation. He is a true trader.
Obama worked so much since he took over, he took a well deserve night off... He is the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATE...and with that title should come some a night at the threater and dinner.

Susan BOyle..was transformed....she reminded me of KATE SMITH, darling of WW2, who was a singer, no more attractive than SUSAN, but that was the day of RADIO...and you could have looked like MISS PIGGY , and if you had a nice voice, you could have been a start. SUSAN, although no a winner of the entire contest..was runner up. But with over 100,million views on YOU TUBE, newspapers, magazine and so many TV programs, andNEWS Programs...she litterly changed the world. She taught us a lesson. One is to have faith in ourselves...she tought us that beauty come from within....her voice triumphed over facial beauty...and we CRIED...we felt emotion..that not only she as an underdog won, and was accepted...somehow it becamesomthing we related to..OUR INNER UNDERDOG was reached...and we now felt we were the ones getting the applause and acceptence.. It was about all of us, not just SUSAN. There is a SUSAN BOYLE deep down in all over us...The one that needs approval, the one not that attractive, the one not accepted, the one never been kissed or loved....and maybe the one that is not excessivly smart...When the applause rang out the first was like they were aplauding for ME....and I cried. It was a response like I was accepted, I was being loved.....hopefully, some of your can relate to this....for this is my opinion....but I happened 100 million times.
When ever I am down.....I replay her first appearance on BRitain has Talent....and I get a bit teary eyes each time...but they are tears of happyness.
One would think my elevator is haunted. WHY.. well they couldnt seem to fix it for 7 weeks now.....and it keeps going up and if there were people on the 2nd and third floor pushing the buttons....It is not supposed to do that.
The weekend had wonderful weather....well, wonderful if you were out of doors..But if you are a prisoner in a store....with few people coming in becuase they are in the Garden, or in the COUNTRY, or DOWN the SHore....but the masses werent in Grannys Attic....Our Event...never happened. Two people came for their free appraisal...and even though I cooked for hours...the food didnt get eaten by guests. I finised off most of the Shrimp NEWBERG....(GRANNY VERSEION) Boil fresh jumbo shrimp for 5 min in water with salt and a little lemon juice and rind. Remove shrimp,peel, and let shrimp cook. Drain the shrimp water, and add one half a can of it to one can of Cream of Shrimp (CAMPBELLS) Add a few tablespoons of whipping cream, a pinch or two of fresh nutmeg, 1/4 cup chopped pimento, 4 or five chopped water chestnuts, a few pinches of celery seeds, half teaspoon sweet paprika,4 chopped shallets previously sauteed in butter,two large scallions thrown in chopped fine and raw,a few tablespoons cooking sherry (to taste)fresh ground black pepper to taste.. Comebine everything...and heat..DO not boil.... sprinkle top with fresly chopped parsely.
You can add cooked scallops, cooked salmon, or any fish to make it Seafood NEWBERG and dont forget the crab and lobster. As an addition, you can add a few capers.

Tofu Veracruz: A veggetarian dish I whipped up .....saute shallots and scallions and a few pimentios...then add Sesame oil and sautee the tofu along with the other ingreidents. Add one sliced fresh tomatoe, a few pinches of chilli powder....a little ADOBO, two cloves of fresh garlic....when all veggies are soft....add some medium or mild MEXICAN SALSA. Cook very slowly untill some liquid is absorbed and flavors mixed. Serve with rice....(and some Jalepenos on the side or chopped p and added.....
Jesus was seen in a Jar of MARMITE, which I think is a boulion soup mix in paste form. You would think the relious people might give JC more credit than that...He would appear where more than a few people can see him...Not in a food jar. Wako people..I am sure this jar of stuff will beon ebay soon. I reallyh think Jesus has a lot more class than they give him credit for..

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