Last night, the last customer was giving me a bit of a hard time....complaing about prices...and then, found a marble pedastal....but complained it was the wrong color..Now if it was a different color"I would buy it he said! Wait a minute,...I will be right back....I am going to get my magic wand and will change it" I went into my office, where I have my wondrful Halloween Pumpkin MAgic wand, that lights up and blinks on and off!! I cam back, and told me..."be careful now, this is very powerful" I click it on, it lit up...and I waved it a few times over the marble green pedastle.. "shit, I said" it usually works.." I tried again, looked him straight in the eye, as if I was serious...." On the third waving of the wand, I held it closer to my face, stared at it and look at him and said, I think the batteries must have worn down..." Well, my antics made him laugh....and he said he woul dbe back....I tried to post a photo of the wand, but for some reason I could get it on y blog....will try later...
One of my customers, who was an auciton customer, before she and her husband came to the store was here again....I asked her where her Husband was....her reply shocked me.. "He is in Afgansitan for 6 months" He isnt with the army, but with a private company....I didnt ask what he was doing....if she new or was able to tell me, I would have known. She is very talkative...SHe is a Chinese woman, who I think was born in Manhattan, knows some Yiddish and would always laugh at my jokes the loudest during an auction. We have a mutual admiration society....She told me her husband called from Afgansitan and told her to come down the GRANNYS...and shop because he is going to be making a lot of money in the next 6 months....But, although I will graciously take her business and money, I do not want to benefit because we are at war.....Crazy me....
i tried again and couldnt post a photo...I will try later on when all the typing is finsihed.......
I propose a holiday....or a week....and lately, the way thingsa are going, I might even propose a National Hostiity DAY, week or MONTH!!!! I am always angry....I do not like when people are putting various groups down.....There are those who want to send all the illegal Aliens home...(even though I think our economy might fall apart) There are those who are blaming all the NAtional economic woes on people who are on welfare....or they go on to say, that some of them are the fourth generation....on welfare.. I say unto you think they like living on bad areas, in dangerous area, with having less and more inferior things to eat and ware.....I really do not think so..and those people might not be educated enough to get them selves out of the ghetto.
This happened today......when I was talking about 6000 people beling laid off by a parmeceutical company..because their plant was moving to china......and they would be on welfare...soon.....I suggested that the government not allow companies to move to china to produce cheap shit things....and put our own people on welfare. I was very hostil to this guy.....not to his face, but within myself...I was angry...he was so republican conservation....assholy. He then went on to try and cut my prices in half....and was angry when he could not beat me up as bad as he wanted to.
I get angry when, I tell a customer that if they do not want to spend 3000 on a mint condit0on item....they can buy one "as is" for 500 and fix it themselves....this customer went on and on and on and on..knocking the condition of the cheaper buy this one you can save 2500 and fix it yourself.......he went on for 15 minutes picking out the flaws and I kept saying, that is why ist 2500 cheaper...."Dont you have anything cheaper?" I handed him a small mirror....But I dont think he got the message.... He went on for another five minutes pointing out the flaws......Finally, before bloodshed, I smiled and said, come back next week, I will glue it and fix it and polish it.....and then you can buy it perfect..for 3000.
then I get hostil when some people bring me things to show me..that they want to sell. Very often, they bring in boxes of pure NOTHING>. They painstakingly unwrapped the items...spread them out....and most of the time they are crap. "home much do you give me for these...or all this stuff..etc. I looked quicly and carefully and tell them I do not want them... Sometimes they freak...."well why not" I do not have customers.....well, they sometimes get bent out of shape...severly rejected....."Well then I wil take them to someone who knows what they are looking at" They probably are going to a recycle dump...or the santiation department." A few days ago, a lady brought me 4 boxes of nothing.....and was really angry....she said to me"YOU made me bring them down" I did not make chose to because I told you I wouldnt come to your house..." I try not to hurt their feelings..especiall if it came from a loving relatie that left it to them.....
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