Today, started out nice and bright and sunny.....but upon reaching the store,...the entiure street was torn up...Police let some traffic pass, then let the other said pass....while they dug, put in pipes, and had paving machines all over...PSEG,The pHONE COMPANY.....were both there....what they were doing..who knows.
Two trucks block my driveway and no one could leave or enter thru the main street, but for those who knew, you can get in thru a back street,into our parking lot.
SO, I knew we were doomed for the business would transpire...but to make a long store short here, we still did about 600 bucks..which is better than a stick in the eye(OUCH)
I was taking photos for the blog (and other reasons) when a yellow hard had guy, with an accent...asked me what I was doing....and what was I taking photos BUTTON WAS PUSH. I told him it was none of his business... He kept yelling and following me....I was rady to aim for his groin, if he touched me...or tried to pull my camera away. Then he got a policeman...who asked what was wrong..I explained this anus was questioning me....and I told him its none of his business. Has the PARANOIA of terrorism gotten this far, that you cant take photos of a broken up road... was this endangering NAtional Secuirty??? I was fit to be tied. Much ado about nothing..
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