Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My eye hurts, I feel like shit, We bought out a large mirror store,etc

My eye is closing, red, it hurts and I think there is a style under the eye lid..and i feel fluish..bluish and Jewish. We brought in MORE than a 18ft truck load of mirrors......more mirrors that we have had in 8 years...all in one day. SUCH A DEAL(say with a BRONX ACCENT)
No one commented my my silly GROUND HOG DAY as a HASSDIC Holiday....So I didnt offend any of my readers.....so who would be offended. I do not think I have many or any HAssidics reading this blog. I wonder if they are allowed to have a computer.. They dont go to the movies or shows, or anything in the real world...They eat,sleep,breathe, and pray...their relgion. They do not get involved in the outside world....and are naive.
The ground rumbled and grumbled
moaned as their
Fields of vision blurredlIn an instant
ten thousand souls
raised upwards towards the heavens
then looking downwards
for others to join them
all to soon

The dust rose
over a city leveled
after shocks
paralyzed the shaken
the words of Jesus
my God why hath thou forsaken us

The dead and dying
those injured and crying
for miracles that will not come
to save the crushed and buried

The world will come to
coax the Phoenix to rise from the flames
help that only originates
from great devastation
while keeping corruption
under a watchful eye


If I could write a poem
without words
or punctuation
and capture
emotion on paper
with out pencil or pen
or computer screen
the paper might burn
from warmth in my heart
Tears would dampen
the very fibers
Smiles would cover
every inch ,where words would have been

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