Wednesday, February 10, 2010

NOthing happened today but snow!! I slept

I tried to sleep..but people, still called. An Insurance Salesman from AFFLACK (quak quack( claled and wanted to come over to discuss an insurance plan.....for employees...he asked if everyone was here...WHAT? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? no!!!! i TOLD HIM TO LOOK OUT THE WINDOW, AND IF HE DIDNT NOTICE IT IS SNOWING..NO ONE IS COMING OUT ANTIQUING.!!!!!!
THEN A VOICE, ASKING FOR ME..... with an INDIAN ACCENT>.....either they were selling something, or for some kind of late payment on a credit card(which I doubt..we are paid up I think)
Then Glen called, Elliot called, some woman called and wanted to know if I buy bathtubs.....(I dont) sure I said, in the middle of a snow storm, at 8 in the morning, I am coming out to look at a frigging bathrub. LET ME FUCKING SLEEP ONE DAY WILL YOU !!!!!!!!!!!tHERE WERE A FEW OTHER CALLS AS WELL. sHIT...EVEN IN A BLIZZARD, I COULDNT SLEEP LATE.!!!
I let buddy roam the store, all by him guard it..,well, no....I couldnt take him out to pee pee, in the morning we will be searching for presents.!!!!

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