Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday..back to SOS(Same old shit) stress,business etc

Last night I went to the diner with my friend BArabara the gorgeous lawyer...who got me out of my depression> This morning, the idiots from INDIA...Avanta BAK started harassing me...again, they only called 4 times today...(that I know of) and I told a few of them to go F themselves, a flying anus, told me I was rude....before I slammed the phone down, I told question form "I am rude.? you dont think harassing me and calling efore 8 in the morning and calling all day....12 times in a day and half, after i told you assholes that i paid>????A few other calls when I heard their voice, I told them to go and feed their elephants.....ONe call, I was somewhat calm, and asked to speak to his superviser and he wouldnt..stop talking about other stuff.
The second pressure inducing calls were a series of call form a woman who put a deposit on a set of chairs 5 months ago.....we kept them for sale, in a holding room, even though the bill states that after 2 weeks, they loose their deposit, or a storage fee can be applied. We called her and her number was disconnected. John then wrote her a letter telling her to call if she still wanted the chairs.. IN a few more weeks she appeared here..telling us she wanted them, but the balance couldnt be "cashed" (a check"....for two more weeks....We told her we would hold the check, and when it was cleared..she could get them.
WHile I was on vacation she came to pic them of the rungs was loose and needed big deal....THEN SHE SAID SHE WANTED ALL HER MONEY BACK AFTER WE WERE NICE ENOUGH TO HOLD THEM FOR 5 MONTHS...AND NO STORAGE.... She called back,...the chair has been repaired like new.....she said she wants all the money back...."I didnt buy busted up stuff" I told her it is not busted up...which it isnt.....anyway.... she said I will hear from her attorney....I said fine....and I would then charge her for storage for 5 months....Then her brother called, and i told him she bought the chairs in this condition.....etcetc......then she called back again and is going to sue me and calling channel 7 NEWS....I said I love advertising.....I called channel 7 news myself....and left a message on their machine.....You know the phrase no good deed goes unpunished....well use it HERE!!!

I will hold up stories about my vacation when I get my photos back on a CD...since my camera somehow...lost all of them..but left it in EDDIES Mexico.

Today I want to comment on some of the big news...or what the FLYING ANUS COmmitte of AOL,considers big news. AN ISRAELI PLASTIC SURGEON fixed the penis of a Muslim Arab, that got mangled at his circumcism......their article gave far to much description of his dick, as to condition, size, scars, etcetc.. But now, its all fixed up, it wroks again, and is over 3" bigger. I am so happy for him..This is really not what I called important INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Jewish babies are hardly old enough to pee when they cut circumciszed....but ARABS get it done when they ar thirteen....OUCH...really, fucking ouch....and when their tradition started, they didnt not have any anesthesia or anticeptics....(nor do the Africans who are also about 13)....I cannot imagine the intense pain...and fear they must go thru in anticipation. Now Jewish kids should be so thankful, that on their theirteenth birthday, they dont get "cut" but get Bar Mitzvahed, with a giant celebration..catered...maybe taken on a cruise with their entire family and friends...or go to a hotel for the weekend...or even have a Memorial Bar Mitzvah Baseball game at the MEADOWLANDS......that cost almost as much as a Coronation in a small country. OY, culture is so frigging stupid....
So now, there is an ARAB that can thank his sex life on a JEW. I just hope that his newly deisgned penis, doenst create a child, that will become a suicide bomber.

Other very important news today from the FLYING ANUS news group from AOL.....they just discovered that after analyzing the skulls of some newly dig up are you ready for this???? The huge dinasaurs, although they had teeth, didnt chew their food, wich was mostly vegetation.....they swallowed their food whole..WOW! That is the news...the headlines...THEY SWALLOWED their food whole. Now I can relax...I was so worried that they had to chew their leaves.WHY IS THIS NEWS. WHAT HAPPENED TODAY IN AFGANISTAN, WHAT HAPPENED IN IRAQ, WHAT ABOUT THE VARIOUS HORRIBLE STUFF GOING ON IN AFRICA...THE STARVATION, THE Killing of GAY people in Liberia and Nigeria, The Stoning of women and other sinners in Arab, and African Muslim COuntries,.......there was no news of HAITI.....just other news about the Greeks rioting, French company with a high suicide rate, MOre shit about TOIGER woods and his magic putz//....all very unimportant nonses....This is all part of the DUMBING DOWN of America by All the MEDIA.....just now I heard on the channel 9 NEWS, that they have a guy in jail who threw is two month old baby off a bridge into the water.....IS THIS NEWS?


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