Sunday, February 22, 2009


Those who hvae read my blogs in the past few months might remember that I often talk about being brought to tears.....very easily....and often....What triggers my tears lately are tears of joy....rather than sadness. Its a liquid visual presentation of my happiness. I cried when Obama won the nomination, I cried when he won the election and I cried during the inauguration.
Obamas winning is a dual, that our country grew up and matured to elect a person of color, a was happiness that America is starting to realize that a persons color, religion, nationality...has nothing to do with their value as a qualitiy human being...and I was so proud also, to have Obmama as my president..ANd I was so happy that a Black person won..Happy also for the Black people....and I felt as if I were black...and it was one of my people who won.
Tonights OScars show similar signs of America growing up. Both the writer of the movie MILK, and Sean Penn, won Oscars for the movie.....which showed the life and death of HArvey Milk who was the first GAY person elevated to a high political SAN FRANSisco....and he and the mayor were assasinated. The assasain was a piece of shit cop, who got off with the TWINKIE DEFENSE...a joke...that he had eaten twinkies before he killed Havey Milk...and the sugar made him temporariy crazy. Both The write and Sean Penn made political speeches about acceptence of GAY MArriage....and put down those who voted against it...
If you go out side now at will hear...closets all over the world opening.........(GEORGE BUSH is that your closet door I hear?)
Other emotional moments of the evening occured when they brought out many movie stars.....who looked so very old.....The sadness, if you analyze realizing that if they got that did I....but I think the sadest moment is when JErry LEWIS came out.....they showed him as a very young kid...being silly. Then he came out, all bent over, twisted, had trouble walking, breathing and talking....and made very strange movents of his mouth and jaw...He looked good...if he didnt talk, or move....but he was shot!!!
The crying continued when I went into the kitchen to make soup. I cut up a few onions...and the tears really started flowing...Tonights soup, is SAUERKRAUT SOUP....kind of easy...took the pot with Buddys Chicken broth...left over from cooking his daily ration of fresh chicken.....I added two onions ,4 cloves garlic, tablespoon (or less) carroway seeds, black pepper, paprika, three small potatoes,a few carrots chopped up, some green pepper, celery seeds.....At the end of the cooking,, I will add vinegar and salt to taste......
If you later on add beets, beef chuck steak and some tomatoe the will be called BORSHT!!!!!
Everysunday now, I am serving my customers SOUP AND SALAD...part of a gimick that I advertiswe as SOUP AND SALAD we served Tomatoe CORN GUMBO......simple and delicious.... It was John Glen and any Vegffie peopel can enjoy it....
Here is the very simple recipe: two chopped onions, 4 cloves garlic, a few tablespoons fresh cilantro, 1/4 package frozen okra(you can use more) one chopped large red pepper, one can cream corn, one can drained creamed corn, teaspoon of celerey seeds,two tablespoon apple cider vinegar, few pinches of sugar or splenda,one inch sq of sliced fresh ginger,...cimmer for about an hour on very low heat....I used Creole spice....which had salt and cayeene pepper etc. YOu can serve with chopped fresh parsely or cilantro

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