Sunday, December 27, 2009

loosing one of my boys......I am sad

Georgie celebrated his 20th birthdya this week......George came from Mexico 4 years ago, a kid of 16, skinny, didnt speak much English....He blossomed into a fine young man, learned English perfectly, and developed great ethics,.....he only worked one or two days a week,....he was always cheerful, and wonderful.......
He missed his family, and his heart called out to him to return. I cannot blame him, he hasnt seen his family in 4 years. I wished him well, casually told him to be careful, and that I would miss him. He said "I will be back, but I dont know when"
He walked down the aisle towards the front door, Whenhe was almost 100 feet from me, and near the door, he turned around one last time...and looked at me. THe turned, and left. I wanted to cry...... but I didnt. I had a friend here from NYC, and didnt want to show my vulnerabilty

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