Sunday, January 24, 2010

The begining of a mitzvah-good deed

Everyone now is donating money, the televiosn and radio and internet is blasting continuously the disaster in HAiti, as it should. But eventually, there will be other events that will replace the headlines of today. People will slowly forget the plight of the people, when they will need us the most.
The first wave of charity, will move people into safer conditions... They will feed them and offer medical care. MOvemens will be made into building and rebuilding schools and hositals...roads, airports and other public needs.
I am looking into the future. Millions are out of work and will remain out of work . They will have barely enough money for food. Clothing will be hard to get and hard to afford. SO, I have this idea, which I am putting into motion RIGHT NOW. I want everyone reading this block to start collecting all kinds of clothing (only summer clothing) shoes, belts, socks, sandles, underwear,....Please have them clean...I will store them in my wearhouse on shelves until I can get a 20 foot container collected... In the mean time whiel colelcting, I will be contacting containing and shipping companies to donate their dervices in delivering the container to a worthwile chairity. I will directly contact BILL CLINTON and GEORGE BUSH (OMG me and GEORGE BUSH, my favortie person to hate, since NIXON) They will point me in the right the people will get the clothing, and not fall intot he hands of criminals who would sell them. I do not know if the Red Cross is the right organization...
I also will ask all of you who will mark the size of the we can pack them according to size, and gender.
I will also ask you to ask everyone you know...for something..Doesnt have to be giant donations....anything nice and in good condition will be great.
We will be accpeting donations 7days 10-6. Please bring them in plastic bags. thanks ...MAUry

I will try to come up with a name for the MITZVAH....And print something up....then I will also ask all of you who read my even go to stores or anyother business that might have leftovers, overruns, out of date, irregular..that they might donate. One container 20ft can clothe a thousand people..... maybe more..I am not good with clothing logistics....although, a 20ft contair holds about 50 pieces of antique furniture.

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