Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sadness,Religion, RUSH,Pat RObinson,other ramblings

I am sitting up late...two nights in a row. The televison reports non stop of the unreal horror in Haiti. The death toll of the Sunami was greater than the death toll will be in Haiti....the difference though, is the speed of death! As I write, and from the time of the first shock waves, people.....human beings.....were buried alive. The ones who died instantly, were the lucky ones. I say lucky because there are tens of thousands who are buried, crushed, bleeding, suffering from broken bodies, hunger adn thirst, whose life forces and hope are slowly draining....death for many will come slowly, unbearly painfully, and in the dark.
An enitre city was leveled. These is no food,water and electricty. There are few roads open. Only one runway is open at the airport, which can not handle the air traffic coming in with emergency supplies...

Knowing all of this, Pat RObertson had the nerve, the unmitigated say that the HAITIAN PEOPLE deserved this...because they made a pact with the devil 150 years ago. First of all there is no DEVIL, and if there was people like Pat RObertson would be his apprentice, as would George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and such other hypcrites like Glen Beck et al. Yes, Pat Robertson basically said these poor people of Haiti, deserved this.....
and that fat piece of shit RUSH, said that OBAMA should have rushed(pardon the pun) to give aid to the country....someone should tellthat fat drug addict,Viagra munching BAstard..that help needs to be IMMMEDIATE..which never is fast enough...people buried under tons of rubble, cannot last long....RUSH, should apologize and evaporate....No one should ever listen to him, and boycott his sponsers.....If anyone knows his sponsers email me at so I can post his sponsers and know what to boycott.. I would turn on my he might get credit for ratings...........eff him.

So I sit her, like a big sissy, listening to the news, watching the devastation,seeing the human suffering...listening to the screams and crying....and I feel If I was a GOD, who lost his powers...helpless, that I cannot reverse the horror, levitate the rubble and release the helpless prisonors....heal the injured, feed the hungry, quench the thirst.....wave my hand and rebuild the buildings and roads....But the tears that fall down my cheeks,are mixed with the delusions....that my fantasies would be to be more than human....but then, when I come to my senses, and realize I am only human.....and helpless.

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